Does gem have radiation? Is it harmful to people? Reveal those things about gem radiation

When it comes to "radiation", everyone is terrified, and now some people are even talking about "radiation".

So does the gem have radiation? Is it harmful to human body? Don't worry, the editor will tell you in detail~

What is radiation?

In layman's terms, radiation is a way to transmit energy , and all objects in nature, will transmit energy in the form of waves or particles.

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radiation usually includes heat radiation , light radiation , radioactive radiation and so on. And we usually come into contact with the most heat radiation and radioactive radiation . The radiation that everyone "fears" is generally radioactive radiation .

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Gem has radiation?

If gems are radioactive, there are two situations: one is natural radioactivity and the other is artificial radioactivity.

Rough stone containing radioactivity (picture source network)

Natural radioactivity In general, it is the radioactivity automatically generated by natural radioactive elements. Uranium element and thorium element are two common natural radioactive elements in gem mineral . If the gem mineral contains uranium or thorium element, the gem mineral contains radioactivity. If it does not contain uranium or thorium element, it is generally Not radioactive.

uranium element (left), thorium element (right) A small amount of uranium or thorium may be mixed in the stone " in the form of "impurities", but after is made into jewelry , the radioactivity generated is far lower than the national radioactive safety standards due to its small content. , so it has no effect on the human body, you can safely wear and use .


Next, let's talk about artificial radioactivity. Originally non-radioactive gemstones are radioactive after being irradiated by reactor to change color, and this radioactivity is called artificial radioactivity.

Comparison of colorless pearls after irradiation (a: unirradiated, b: irradiated) Such as diamonds, topaz , tourmaline , pearls, etc. are all common gem varieties in the market that have been "color-changed by radioactive irradiation".

The reactor irradiated topaz turns blue (left) Radiation deepens the inner color (right)

Generally speaking, gemstones whose color has been changed by reactor irradiation are radioactive, so merchants will place these gemstones for a period of time before selling them. sell. And the gems that have been irradiated by and placed in the safe range are generally harmless to people.

Some phenomena of radiation

Most of the common gems minerals have no radiation, but there are still some minerals that have radiation. The editor lists two well-known ones here.

Cu-uranium mica

Cu-uranium mica is a uranium-containing mineral, often found in granite , the color is bright emerald green, very beautiful. But copper uranium mica can cause harm to people, not only has strong radioactivity but also can release toxic radon !

Copper-uranium mica

Natural low-type zircon

Because the composition of zircon contains radioactive elements: uranium, thorium. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that zircon is radioactive. There are two types of zircon, one is high type zircon and the other is low type zircon. Low type zircon is the most likely to contain radioactive , the color is green, gray-yellow, brown zircon is mostly low type zircon, but in regular jewelry production, low type zircon will not be used of.

Brown zircon

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