Everyone must have heard of the name "Fushou snail". Although the name is quite nice, it is actually a kind of life-breaking snail that can kill you if you eat it. After discovering its shortcomings, our country put it on the blacklist, prohibiting fasting and breeding.

2024/07/0311:28:32 science 1916

" Fushou snail " is a name that everyone must have heard of. Although the name is quite nice, it is actually a kind of longevity snail that can kill you if you eat it. After discovering its shortcomings, our country put it on the blacklist, prohibiting fasting and breeding. Although almost twenty years have passed, apple snails can still be seen in abundance in the southern region. The Chinese people now avoid apple snails.

But in India, apple snails are very popular! Often used for cooking. Why, Indians have iron stomachs? Are they not afraid of parasites?

Everyone must have heard of the name

How terrible are the parasites inside the apple snail.

In the 1980s, the apple snail was introduced into my country as a new species. Because many people took a fancy to its meaty and large size, they began to gradually promote breeding, and then it was served on the dinner table and became a must-order dish at night markets. However, in order to pursue the taste, many businesses did not cook the snails during the cooking process. As a result, a mass poisoning incident occurred in a restaurant in Beijing in 2006 due to eating apple snails.

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You must know that there are only a dozen kinds of parasites in ordinary sashimi , but the apple snail is simply the largest host of parasites. The number of parasites in a snail can reach 6,000. Lucky snails will eat anything they see, duckweed, , moss, rice, lotus leaves and even rotten fish carcasses, including their own eggs... If there is a Lucky snail in the bathtub, within a few days, everything will be in the bathtub. None left. It is so edible that it is not surprising that there are many parasites in the body.

Among them, Angiostrongylus cantonensis can even penetrate into the human brain. If this parasite is eaten into the body, the parasites will swim everywhere in the blood. Their favorite is the central nervous system , including the small and large brains, brain Do . Such a high insect content also makes many people talk about the discoloration of the snails.

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So please be sure to fry the snails when you buy them! The main cooking methods used by Guangxi people to eat snails are stir-frying and slow cooking. If it is a stir-fry, as a merchant, you also prepare the semi-finished products in advance and start cooking after ordering. Slow cooking is like Liuzhou Snail Duck Feet Stew and Snail Noodles . Simmering for a long time, or even cooking while eating like hot pot, is the root cause of eliminating parasites in the snails. The apple snail incidents that appear in social news every year are basically related to improper personal cooking methods. So how does India eat?

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Indians do not have an iron stomach

Indians love to eat apple snails not because of the meat quality but because of the ingredients. Indians are very particular about the use of spices. Whether it is street milk tea or daily snacks, spices are always added. There are dozens of spices in a cup of Masala milk tea. Making snails requires more spices. Onions, tomatoes, peppers, limes and the Indian red and yellow powder are all ready.

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Indians also know that there are parasites in them, so they cook snails for more than an hour. But the apple snails are very unpalatable after they are fully cooked. The meat of the apple snails that have been cooked for such a long time is actually very hard and a bit bitter, and it tastes more like an eraser than an eraser. Because the meat is thick, it is not easy to absorb the flavor, and because it is not easy to absorb the flavor, the spices in the thick meat cannot be simmered, and it is easy to leave a strong fishy smell.

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After adding a lot of spices, the taste is not very delicious, but it is not unpleasant either. They can use it as an ordinary dish. It is not suitable for human consumption, but as a protein supplement for raising teal , it is quite good, but the cost of breeding it specifically for feed is not cost-effective.

not to mention Many people in India are already starved of food. Who cares whether the snails taste good or not, and whether they have bugs or not. The taste of cooking here is much more elegant than that in India. The snails cooked at high temperature are really unpalatable. If you want to taste delicious, you have to incompletely cook them and be accompanied by parasites. This is very contradictory. .

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Why doesn’t my country export apple snails to India?

Since Indians love eating snails so much, shouldn’t we just sell the abundant snails to them? The idea of ​​

is very bold and naive. First of all, the Chinese apple snails cannot get out at all.Under the epidemic, it is very difficult to export overseas. You have to transport these worthless snails. If they rot on the way, you will have to pay logistics fees. In short, is not worth it in terms of the human and financial resources consumed.

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Secondly, people have no shortage of apple snails in India. The egg snail's ovulation rate is truly astonishing. If you search the entire aquatic world, there is nothing more fertile than it. They can release 30,000 to 50,000 eggs at a time, and they can ovulate 20 to 40 times a year. You must know that ordinary field snails only reproduce a few hundred in a year, while white snails can reproduce hundreds of thousands in a year. India is even more self-sufficient in snails. If people want to eat them, they can just go down to the river to catch them. Those who spend money are definitely not as good as those who pay for them.

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Doesn’t our country have natural enemies of apple snails?

There are indeed birds that like to eat apple snails. This kind of bird is called pincer-billed stork . Because the chin is sunken downwards, when the big mouth is closed, there will be an obvious gap in the middle, like a large pliers, so it is called pincers. billed stork . This kind of animal is a tropical animal. It is easy to see them in paddy fields and beaches. They mainly like to eat mollusks in the water. The climate and environment in India and South Asia are relatively good, and Asian snap-billed storks are also mainly distributed in India. . Most of the climatic conditions in my country are not suitable for their survival, so the apple snail has not been controlled by the stork.

But in 2006, traces of the stork were first discovered in Yunnan Province. Subsequently, the number of storks in Yunnan Province soared sharply. In 2016, about 1,100 storks were found in a wetland park in Yunnan.. People initially regarded it as a migratory bird. After long-term observation, researchers found that these storks seemed to be "immigrating and settling". Because during the migration period, they did not leave and return to India.

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Why do snap-billed storks immigrate?

Chinese researchers have found that storks are more comfortable living in China. In places such as South Asia, storks spend 35% of their day foraging and 33% of their time resting. In China, their foraging time is shortened to 18.6% and their resting time doubles to 61.2%. %.

This is mainly because there are too many birds that compete with them for food in India, the competition is fierce , and the overall environment is called "volatile". The ecological environment in Yunnan is very well protected, and the climate is suitable for their life. The most important thing is that they can eat at the buffet here, with plenty of food and endless snails.

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In short, you can’t sell apple snails, and you won’t dare to eat them. What's more, there are few ways to solve the flooding problem like crayfish by eating them. The key is to trace back to the source and control the apple snails from the source. If the stork can survive and reproduce in our country for a long time, the ecology will adjust itself, and the number of apple snails will be reduced soon.

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