Hugo once said: "Progress means that the goal is constantly moving forward, the stage is constantly updated, and its vision is always changing." From the day when human civilization appeared, human beings have never given up on the exploration of science and technology. The progr

2024/05/2222:14:33 science 1599

Hugo once said: "Progress means that the goal is constantly moving forward, the stages are constantly updated, and its vision is always changing." From the day when human civilization appeared, human beings have never given up on science and technology exploration. The progress of science and technology leads the development of the times. And every era has its unique products of the era.

Hugo once said:

Take the three major items that need to be prepared for a wedding. In the 1950s, the wedding preparations were suona, sugar, and a sedan. At that time, the bride took a sedan and the groom rode a horse; in the 1960s, it was a bed, a table, and a chair; in the 1970s, The more advanced ones include watches, bicycles, and sewing machines. Some richer people may also prepare radios.

Nowadays, the three major items of marriage usually refer to cash, house and car. Requirements vary from region to region. No matter how the three major items of marriage change, they essentially reflect the most basic basic necessities of life in marriage.

Hugo once said:

Nowadays, bicycles are extremely popular in modern society, almost every household has one, and cars have become the most common means of transportation. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, bicycles were rare items . The most famous bicycles were: , Feige, , Forever, and Phoenix.

Among them, Phoenix brand bicycle is the favorite brand of the older generation.

So how much is a Phoenix bicycle from the 1980s worth in modern times?

The Rise of the Phoenix

In those days, the "Erba Dagong" was originally called "foreign car", which was a foreign object introduced to our country from the West. At that time, China was still in a stage where democratic ideas and feudal ideas blended and collided with each other. Therefore, many people were resistant to the emergence of bicycles and considered them immoral. Therefore, it was not until after the founding of the People's Republic of my country that bicycles gradually developed in our country.

Hugo once said:

In 1950, "Fei Ge", the first independently developed bicycle brand after the founding of China, was born in Tianjin Bicycle Factory. In 1958, the No. 3 Bicycle Factory, the predecessor of Phoenix bicycles, was established. At that time, Factory No. 3 wanted to establish a new purely domestic bicycle brand, so Phoenix bicycles came into being.

And why is it named "Phoenix Brand"?

Because the trademark at that time could not reflect the lightness and convenience of bicycles, the company was eager to establish a new name and trademark, so it solicited trademark advertisements in authoritative newspapers.

Hugo once said:

Among them, a young man named Zhou Bairen used his own understanding ability to realize the connotation of "Phoenix". He said "Phoenix, flying briskly, is a folk mascot and is loved by the people" . Hence the name Phoenix bicycle.

Phoenix bicycles were not only a simple means of transportation in the hearts of the working people in the 1980s, but also a spiritual sustenance. They symbolized a better future life and witnessed the hard work of the people of that era in pursuit of a better life . It is said that at that time, it was very easy to find a wife if you had a Phoenix bicycle at home.

is worth a lot of money

html In the 1980s, under the reform of the system and economy, a rare item like a bicycle was required to be purchased with a ticket. Ordinary families simply could not afford a bicycle, or even dared to think about it. So how much does the hard-to-find Phoenix brand car cost?

Hugo once said:

Phoenix brand bicycles were sold for 150 yuan each at that time. If you look at it now, 150 yuan is really nothing.

However, under the social background at that time, the average monthly income of ordinary people was only 30 yuan. It took ordinary people 5-6 months to afford a Phoenix brand bicycle without eating or drinking.

Measured by the price level in the 1970s and 1980s, food and other daily necessities were mostly measured by the "ticket system", including food stamps, meal stamps, etc. But the social productivity at that time was low, and every household had a purchase limit. Even if there were a lot of food stamps, they had to wait until next month to buy rice, salt, vegetables, etc. that people needed for their daily diet, but they only cost a few cents. The price of slightly more expensive products such as white sugar and brown sugar only fluctuates around one yuan per catty. A simple bowl of Yangchun noodles only costs eight cents, and the cheapest cigarettes only cost a few cents a pack. From this point of view, the price of "Phoenix Brand" bicycles is indeed a bit higher than .

Then let’s calculate it based on the price of meat in the 1980s. At that time, the price of pork basically remained at 70 cents to 90 cents per catty. Let's calculate it as 80 cents per catty. 150 yuan can buy 187 catties of pork. Nowadays, a pound of pork is about 15 to 30 yuan, which is 20 yuan per pound. 187 pounds of pork costs 3,740 yuan.

Hugo once said:

In addition, in the 1980s, workers' daily wages were less than one yuan, and it would take more than half a year to buy a Phoenix bicycle. Nowadays, workers can get about 150 yuan a day. Based on this calculation, the price of a bicycle from the 1980s to modern times is even more expensive.

Time changes

After the reform and opening up, with the support of national policies, the urban economy developed rapidly, and people's quality of life gradually improved . What follows is a saturated bicycle industry with fierce competition. But Phoenix still has an unshakable position in the fiercely competitive market.

The economic system at that time was a planned economy system. All things produced were produced according to a certain quantity and quality. On average, only every 50 people could own one bicycle.

Hugo once said:

It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that the company cooperated with other factories to solve the problem of low output. After decades of popularization of , bicycles have become the most common means of transportation for Chinese people. According to official data, the cumulative sales of Phoenix brand bicycles worldwide have exceeded 200 million units.

Today's Phoenix bicycles are still being produced continuously. The company leaders did not choose to rest on their laurels, but actively followed the trend of the times and actively responded to policy calls. A variety of different types of bicycles are produced for different audiences. Some time ago, the company also took advantage of network platforms such as , Alibaba and so on.

Hugo once said:

Phoenix brand bicycles not only won 7 consecutive domestic championships, but also won an export certificate of honor. The spring breeze of reform swept the land. Later, the market economic system was established, and Phoenix brand bicycles went abroad. accounted for almost one-third of the bicycles exported in the early 1990s.


There is a sentence in Huaidehai's book "Process and Reality": " Everything is changing ". This means that everything in this world is always changing. Of course, our social economy is constantly developing, and science and technology are also constantly advancing.

From the 1980s, "households worth 10,000 yuan" were very rare in my country, and a bicycle was enough to make people envious for a long time. In the 21st century, "households worth 10,000 yuan" are no longer a luxury, and bicycles have become a fitness tool needed for exercise... shows that the times are constantly changing, and it can really be said that "this time is the same as that time."

Hugo once said:

From bicycles, electric vehicles and motorcycles, to today's cars. Upgrades like have allowed many people to realize the development of the technological economy and the prosperity of the country.

Although the Phoenix brand bicycle has gradually disappeared from the public's vision, it has witnessed the development of Chinese history , and also entrusted the Chinese people's vision for a better life in the future. It also reminds us to cherish the present moment. happy life.

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