Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair "farewell party" when you comb your hair in front of the mirror? Hair loss makes hundreds of millions of people anxious. Among them, androgenic alopecia is the most c

2024/06/0216:23:34 science 1463

Do you see the pillow covered with fallen hair every morning when you open your eyes


Do you look in the mirror when combing your hair?

Another large-scale hair "farewell party"

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

Hair loss makes hundreds of millions of people anxious

among them , Androgenic alopecia is the most common

It has become a chronic progressive disease

So far, there is no effective treatment

But now

A new study may bring hope to people with hair loss!

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have determined the precise mechanism by which dermal papilla cells promote hair regeneration. found that a signaling molecule called SCUBE3 can effectively stimulate hair growth, which is expected to provide new treatments for the common form of hair loss - androgenic alopecia. The research was recently published in the online version of the journal Developmental Cells. Screenshot of

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

paper. Source: "Development Cells"

Dermal papilla cells are a group of dermis-derived cells located at the base of hair follicles. They play a leading role in the growth and development of hair follicles, cycle regulation and maintenance of hair growth. Although scientists have previously known that cells in the dermal papilla play a key role in controlling hair growth, less was known about the activating molecules.

latest research corresponding author Maxim Prikus said: "At different stages of the hair follicle's life cycle, the same dermal papilla cells can send different signals: to make the hair follicle dormant or to trigger new hair growth. We found that, The SCUBE3 signaling molecule naturally produced by dermal papilla cells is used to 'tell' neighboring hair stem cells to start dividing, which signals the beginning of new hair growth."

Researchers said: "We developed a dermal papilla cell. By studying this model of hyperactivation and hypertrichosis, was able to identify SCUBE3 as a previously unknown signaling molecule that drives hair growth."

Further testing also confirmed that SCUBE3 can activate SCUBE3 in human hair follicles. Hair growth. The researchers injected trace amounts of SCUBE3 into the skin of mice transplanted with human scalp hair follicles and found that it could induce dormant human hair follicles and surrounding mouse hair follicles to grow new hair.

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

Source: Research paper

The researchers said: "These experiments provide data that SCUBE3 or its derived molecules may be a promising drug for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Dermal papilla cell dysfunction in patients with androgenetic alopecia , greatly reducing the number of activated molecules."

Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves finasteride and minoxidil for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Finasteride is only approved for use in men. But these two drugs are not universally effective, and patients need to take them every day to maintain their effects.

Netizens in the comment area shouted "Hurry up" and "Please experiment with me"...

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

Five common treatment options for hair loss

At present, androgenic alopecia can be treated with topical drugs minoxidil, etc. , Oral drugs can be finasteride, spironolactone, Diane-35, Yasmin, etc. There are differences in drug treatment plans for men and women. In addition, also has hair transplantation, autologous platelet-rich plasma injection, scalp botulinum toxin injection, low-energy laser treatment, etc.

Do you see fallen hair on your pillow every morning when you open your eyes? Do you experience a large-scale hair

Source: Vision China

Hair transplantation is divided into two categories, namely autologous hair transplantation and artificial fiber hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is effective for hair loss caused by many reasons, but if there are potential causes of hair loss in the body, the hair quality of the donor area is too poor, you have serious heart, liver, kidney and other diseases that are not suitable for surgery, and you have severe baldness, Patients with unrealistic expectations for recovery should not undergo hair transplant surgery . Hair transplantation is generally not recommended for patients under the age of 25 because it is difficult to predict the progression of androgenic alopecia in this age group.

Autologous platelet-rich plasma injection is to extract platelet concentrate from autologous blood and inject it into the dermis of your own scalp. platelet-rich plasma is rich in a variety of growth factors , which can increase the number of hairs, improve hair density and thickness, and increase terminal hair density. And because autologous platelet-rich plasma comes from the patient himself, the risk of immune rejection and infectious diseases is low, and the treatment Safe and can be used for non-scarring alopecia and scarring alopecia .

Scalp botulinum toxin injection can loosen local muscles, improve the scalp microenvironment, and increase local oxygen concentration and nutrition in the scalp; it can inhibit sebaceous gland secretion, improve seborrheic conditions and hair follicle obstruction.

Low-energy laser treatment can produce a local thermal effect, which in turn causes a series of skin biochemical reactions and stimulates the skin to repair itself. It can directly stimulate keratinocyte dermal papilla cells, induce cells to produce growth factors, reduce inflammatory response , thereby activating telogen hair follicles to re-enter the growth phase, prolonging the growth phase, and accelerating hair growth.

How to take good daily care of your hair?

Patients with androgenetic alopecia need to wash their hair properly and clean it moderately, 2-3 times a week is appropriate. The frequency of hair washing should be based on whether the hair is not dry or oily. For pharmaceutical anti-dandruff shampoo products containing selenium disulfide or ketoconazole , it is recommended not to use them for a long time because they may produce drug resistance .

In addition, patients should also eat a reasonable diet, maintain balanced nutrition, exercise appropriately, and avoid excessive weight loss; try to minimize the stimulation and damage to hair caused by perming and hair dyeing; maintain adequate sleep, avoid staying up late, maintain a good attitude, and reduce anxiety and mental stress. .

Source: China Popular Science Network Comprehensive reports from Popular Science Times, Science and Technology Daily, China Biotechnology Network, etc.

Editor: Wu Tong

Review: Wang Fei

Final review: Chen Lei

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