Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China

2021/06/1123:01:02 science 1846

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

But because the US failed in the process of launching the supply module, if you want to launch another supply module, even if the propeller in it is built under the condition of compressing the construction period , it will take more than 60 days, so it will be trapped on Mars. The protagonist has long been cold.

However, this American drama also has a special role in China Aerospace, because it shows that China also had plans to launch the probe to Mars at that time, and the propeller it has is called the Helios booster. The original plan was for the Chinese probe to bring back some Martian samples after reaching Mars.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

This drama has a very accurate grasp of the Chinese people's psychology, because when the Chinese astronauts knew that the US side failed to launch the supply module, there was no spare thruster, so the thruster became the key. Therefore, the Chinese astronauts decided to abandon the original plan, believing that rescuing an astronaut from Mars is more meaningful than bringing back samples from Mars, so they decided to cooperate with the United States so that the protagonist can return to Earth safely.

But a movie is a movie after all, but in reality, the US may not be so good to China's aerospace industry, and it is basically impossible to cooperate, and it may try to limit China's participation in various major projects. , what is this for?

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

Why did the United States reject China's participation in the International Space Station?

As early as 1998, NASA already wanted to build a space station in space, but due to such a huge aerospace project, the cost of capital is huge. If the US side undertakes it independently, even such a super Large countries will also feel more difficult.

So the United States has united 15 countries to work together, 11 of which are members of the European Space Agency, and the remaining four countries are Russia, Japan, Canada and Brazil, which originally required an estimated investment of 500 A large part of the funding for the $100 million International Space Station can be borne by other participating countries.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

Although China's economy and strength was not as strong as it is now, China is more active in participating in international projects. If the US-led International Space Station invites China to participate, China will definitely participate actively. However, the United States refused to invite China to participate on the grounds that China did not have the corresponding technology and capabilities and could not make significant contributions to the entire project.

Although China had its own shortcomings in various aspects at that time, the Chinese people's unwillingness to admit defeat also came up, and they have been constantly practicing their skills. In the following years, they also expressed their desire to participate in the construction of the International Space Station. . But every time the United States rejects China's good intentions for various reasons such as technology leaks.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

But in 2011, the United States passed a clause that legally prohibited NASA from conducting any scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation with China, which undoubtedly blocked China's participation in the construction of the International Space Station. However, this also has an advantage, that is, it allows the Chinese to see the face of the United States clearly. Since the Americans do not want to play with us, then we will play by ourselves.

When the Chinese people are blocked by other people's technology, they often show strong technology innovation capabilities. They also independently developed a space station belonging to the Chinese, and the name is also domineering, no longer sticking to the international space station. Fame, the name is called Chinese space station , the meaning is more obvious, it is our Chinese space station.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

As time goes by, China's space station is also under construction step by step, and it is expected that the construction of the space station will be finally completed in 2022. However, the lifespan of the International Space Station is expected to end in 2024. If the lifespan is not extended, then there will be only China's "Sky Palace" space station in space.

Why can't the United States participate in the project of my country's space station?

As the end of life of the International Space Station draws nearer, more and more countries have begun to seek cooperation with China. Around June of this year, China will launch the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft , which is also four and a half years after the last launch of the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft . man spaceship.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

The launch mission of the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft will carry three astronauts into the sky. They will be the first astronauts to enter the Chinese space station and will stay in it for three months to participate in the space station. construction work.

my country's space station project is also in full swing, and applications are in progress, and 17 countries have finally been approved to join. Those who know these details will also find that there are also American teams involved in the application project, but the list of 17 countries does not include the United States, which means that we have rejected the application of the United States.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

There is a saying, "In the past, you ignored me, but now I tell you that you can't stand high." I believe that if the Chinese people know about this situation, they will applaud. This also reports that the United States rejected China's application for the construction of the International Space Station. hatred, but if you think this way, you think too small of the pattern of our country.

Although my country's space station is named after "China Space Station", which is also unique to my country, our country adheres to the concept of , a community with a shared future for mankind, and is willing to open it to all member states of the United Nations, including the vast number of developing countries. , of course, including the United States, which did everything possible to prevent my country from participating in the construction of the International Space Station.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

my country's space station has always adhered to an attitude of cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and does not engage in closed circles. It not only allows member states of the United Nations to participate in it, but also allows university and private enterprise applications. Therefore, the structure of our country itself is much larger, and it is not for the sake of personal revenge that a team from a certain country will be banned from participating.

So why would I refuse the participation of the US team again? According to Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China's manned spaceflight project, the project declared by the American team did not meet the standards we required. This statement does not necessarily mean that the technology in the United States is relatively poor, but reflects the improvement of China's discourse power .

In the past, and western countries often used technical standard to restrict the development of other countries. Now China can already lead large projects and large-scale projects such as space stations. Of course, it should adopt Chinese technical standards. The technical standards of Western countries are equivalent to making wedding clothes for Western countries, and we do not do things that take advantage of others. If we do not follow our technical standards, we can also clearly say no to the other party, which is the embodiment of our right to speak.

Shenzhou 12 did not participate in the project of the United States, is it to report the revenge of rejection? I underestimate China - DayDayNews

To sum up, in the past, the United States often refused or prevented China from participating in some high-tech and world-leading projects for various reasons. For example, the International Space Station is one of them. The right to speak can only be left to them; now that China is getting stronger and stronger, and has its own right to speak on some major projects, if the Americans still want to talk to us with their old face, we can also Firmly say no. #AlmightyCreator#

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