"Look at Wenwen. He has good grades, is obedient, and sensible. Why don't you make people worry?" Every time Qiangzi made his mother angry, he was always punished by dimensionality reduction. "I went downstairs to smoke again. Why don't I remember it and my lungs don't want it an

"Look at Wenwen, he has good grades, is obedient, and sensible. Why don't you make people worry?" Every time Hadron made his mother angry, he was always punished by dimensionality reduction.

"I went downstairs to smoke again. Why don't I remember it and my lungs don't want it anymore?" This is a different kind of concern for the father of the strong son.

Qiangzi’s mother’s unusual concern eventually landed her in the hospital. The doctor said that being angry often leads to high blood pressure and . If you are not careful, may be affected by . Does anger really affect your health? What diseases are related to anger?

1. Understanding Anger

In daily life, whether it is the impact of the epidemic, unsatisfactory work, life pressure or lack of acceptance by others, you will become hurt and frustrated, and even turn to anger and rage. Anger is a natural, instinctive response to a threat. Some anger is necessary to survive.

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that is neither good nor bad. Like other emotions, it conveys a message: telling you that a situation is disturbing, unjust, or threatening. However, if your knee-jerk reaction to anger is to explode, then the message is being conveyed in the wrong way.

Because feeling angry when you have been wronged or unfaired is a perfectly normal emotion to express, but anger becomes a problem when you express it in a way that hurts yourself or others.

Common causes of anger include stress, which can make you feel anxious and irritable. You get frustrated when things are out of your control, or when you don't achieve your goals. Resentment occurs when you feel hurt, offended, or rejected.

Excessive and uncontrollable anger can cause problems in your relationships with friends and family, problems at work, legal and financial difficulties, and physical and mental health problems. Anger can affect your thoughts and feelings, and not handling your anger well can also lead to mental health problems.

You may think that appropriate anger can help you release stress, but long-term anger can harm your health, and the people around you are a little too sensitive to your anger. But the truth is, anger is more likely to cause you to make irrational judgments and hinder your success.

2. The impact of anger on the body

The reasons for anger vary from person to person and from situation to situation. According to the British " Daily Mail " report, frequent anger can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, weaken your immune system, and make you more sensitive to pain.

. Increased blood pressure

Anger will speed up your heart rate , increase your blood pressure, reduce blood flow to your muscles, and start flowing to your head. Glucose levels and adrenaline increase, muscles tighten, fists may be clenched, jaws and abdomen tighten, and breathing may become rapid. You may also experience tension headaches and nausea.

2. Coronary heart disease

Research evidence shows a positive correlation between anger and diseases such as atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. Anger causes excessive release of corticosteroids and catecholamines, including changes in blood flow and metabolism, vascular problems, and cardiac arrhythmias .

. Overeating

Anger is considered to be one of the important triggers of overeating behavior. Impulsivity mediates the relationship between changes in anger and the likelihood of binge eating. Impulsive people are more likely to overeat, and they are also significantly more likely to vomit after overeating.

4. diabetes

anger is associated with type 2 diabetes via the inflammatory response mechanism. Anger and bad lifestyle habits can lead to obesity and activation of the sympathetic nervous system because excess catecholamines can lead to changes in insulin sensitivity and stimulate a chronic inflammatory response triggered by interleukin-6.

. Easy to forget

Anger will cause the release of a large number of hormones in the brain, including cortisol . Elevated cortisol kills memory-creating neurons in the hippocampus , impairs the production of new memories and inhibits hippocampal activity, thereby weakening short-term memory. It also prevents the brain from forming new memories.

6. Causes depression

Too much cortisol in the brain reduces serotonin . A decrease in serotonin can make you more likely to feel angry and distressed, can increase aggressive behavior and lead to depression. Over time, when this pattern is reinforced by the same reaction every time, you may feel angry even without any reason.

Medical research has proven that anger, hostility and aggressive behavior can affect physical health. When people get angry, actual physical and psychological changes occur in the body. Treating or preventing these diseases should not only start from a medical perspective, but also pay attention to mental health.

Summary: Good emotions help health

Occasional anger is healthy. It reminds you of problems in your life and inspires change. Unhealthy anger can manifest in behaviors such as yelling, hitting, hurting, and isolating. You can suppress your anger, but this is unhealthy.

If you have negative emotions that you need to deal with, talk to a therapist. He/she can help you sort through the sources of your emotions and how to better manage your emotions so that you can stay healthy and handle stress and emotions in a more rational way.