Some people say that the difference between weight loss and other things is that you can see results as long as you work hard, while other things may not. Is that so? If so, why can’t I lose weight even though I work hard and think there’s nothing wrong with my methods? Or maybe

Some people say that the difference between weight loss and other things is that you can see results as long as you work hard, while other things may not. Is that so? If so, why can’t I lose weight even though I work hard and think there’s nothing wrong with my methods? Or maybe I finally lost weight, but before I had time to feel happy, the weight came back very quickly?

Before answering this question, ask yourself, what does it mean to lose weight? Is losing weight a process or an end result? What's your answer? Don’t say negative answers, just say yes, as follows:

  1. The real weight loss is not the decrease of weight, but the decrease of body fat rate , and in the process of the decrease of body fat rate, the figure will become better. ;
  2. The real way to lose weight is to maintain it after losing weight, not just to go through a process.

The so-called goal determines the direction of efforts. When you set the goal of losing weight to the above two points, we will work hard for it. For example, how to achieve true fat loss in and , the core is to lose weight. Lose fat while retaining as much muscle as possible; if you maintain it after losing weight, the answer is that you still have to work hard after losing weight.

So, how can we really lose weight and keep it off after losing weight?

No. 1: Effectively reduce fat and lay a good foundation

In fact, if you want to reduce the risk of rebound after losing weight, you should pay attention to it from the fat loss stage. Therefore, when choosing a method, you cannot pursue speed and lose weight first. Think about it later, but let yourself lose weight bit by bit, and try to avoid muscle loss as much as possible during the process of losing weight. Why do you say this?

Because in the process of fat loss, muscles play a very important role. The amount of muscle mass will affect the changes in basal metabolism . In the process of fat loss, it is inevitable that basal metabolism will decrease, and we must do The purpose is to slow down the decline of basal metabolism as much as possible, so that we can better maintain weight after losing fat. So, how can we achieve true fat loss?

1. Only by losing weight slowly can you really lose weight.

From a method point of view, losing weight quickly means taking extreme measures. Of course, in this process, we will also lose weight quickly, but the most important thing is to lose weight and lose fat. The factor is persistence. For extreme methods, we can persist for a while but not for a lifetime. So in this sense, the inability to persist is the biggest disadvantage of rapid fat loss.

That’s not all. Rapid fat loss means that the caloric gap is too large. In this process, due to insufficient daily energy intake, it will lead to the decomposition of muscles. That is to say, as the weight decreases, the muscles will also be lost. When we are unable to persist and resume our behavior, the weight will rebound quickly. At this time, the weight gained is almost all fat except water. Therefore, even if the weight returns to its original appearance, we will look different due to changes in body composition. Fatter.

Therefore, for most friends who want to lose weight, give up the idea of ​​losing weight quickly and let yourself lose weight slowly at a healthy and reasonable speed. Only in this way can you reduce the risk of muscle loss. The choice of method is to control your diet well and cooperate with exercise. , a two-pronged approach, from the perspective of calorie deficit, is to reduce the intake of about 150-250 kcal through diet and increase the consumption by 150-250 kcal through exercise. This is not only beneficial to health, but also conducive to persistence, and will also reduce Risk of muscle loss.

2. Pay attention to strength training to create conditions for muscle growth

For fat loss, strength training is actually more recommended for the choice of exercise method. On the one hand, strength training can effectively stimulate muscles, thereby providing muscle growth. Growth creates conditions. On the other hand, strength training also produces considerable consumption and assists diet to achieve fat loss. When choosing strength training movements, it is best to use compound movements involving multiple joints. These movements can help We stimulate more muscles, thereby increasing overall training efficiency.

Of course, if you feel that the fat loss efficiency of strength training is relatively low, then combine strength training with aerobic exercise. The combination method can be about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise after strength training, or it can be separated between the two. It goes on day by day, and of course there is no way to arrange it. In the end, what matters is persistence.

3. Reduce the risk of muscle loss through dietary arrangements

In the process of fat loss, dietary control is very necessary, otherwise a caloric deficit may not appear. If a caloric deficit does not appear, fat loss will be impossible, but in the control During the diet, what we need to do is to reduce the risk of muscle loss as much as possible, because when the caloric intake is insufficient, the risk of muscle loss will increase.

In order to reduce the risk of muscle loss at this time, in addition to not having too large a caloric deficit, we must also pay special attention to the intake of carbohydrates and proteins. For carbohydrates, in addition to providing energy for the body, it also helps us save protein; for protein In other words, in addition to providing raw materials for muscle repair and synthesis, it also needs to provide energy for the body when calories are insufficient. Therefore, in the process of controlling diet, it is necessary to find a balance between carbohydrates and protein, so as to reduce as little as possible Risk of muscle loss.

So, under normal circumstances, how much carbohydrate and protein should we consume? Under normal circumstances, for people who want to lose fat, the protein intake should be 1.2-2 grams per kilogram of body weight, and the carbohydrate intake should be about 45-55% of the total daily calories. If the amount of exercise is relatively high, it will still be necessary. It should be improved according to the situation. After arranging the intake of protein and carbohydrates, you must also consider the intake of fat, vegetables and fruits. For fat, the intake should not be less than 15% of the total caloric intake. For vegetables and fruits, The recommended intake of vegetables is around 300-500 grams, and the intake of fruits is around 200-350 grams.

4. In addition to diet and exercise, other factors

In addition to diet and exercise, there are also some factors that affect the effect of fat loss, the most important of which are mood and sleep. A good mood helps stabilize the cortisol . This helps to reduce fat. High-quality sleep can help us better control our diet and ensure the stability of exercise, which is beneficial to fat loss.

So, in general, if we want to effectively lose fat, all we need to do seems to be eating well, exercising well, sleeping well, and maintaining a good mood.

Second: How to maintain the results of fat loss and avoid rebound?

When your body fat rate is reduced to your ideal range, it means that you no longer need to lose fat. At this time, you just need to maintain it. However, from the perspective of caloric balance, maintaining the results no longer requires calories. The gap has appeared, so from a method point of view, compared with the period of fat loss, we can relax appropriately, but this does not mean that we can return to the original state, because the caloric balance at this time is different from the caloric balance before fat loss. Balance is not the same.

In other words, in order to maintain the results of fat loss, we still need to put in a certain amount of effort, otherwise the weight will rebound. The reason is that as the weight decreases, the basal metabolism decreases, which means that the overall consumption becomes less. If the diet returns to the original state, it means that the daily caloric intake is too much; if you stop exercising, it means that the activity metabolism is reduced, which will also cause the caloric intake to reach a state where it is greater than the consumption, resulting in weight rebound. .

Therefore, for fat loss, what we need to do is actually a change in lifestyle. The goal to be achieved is to maintain a new balance of calories.

In fact, it is not that difficult to maintain the results of fat loss. From a method point of view, as long as we maintain an average of about 30 minutes of exercise per day, it can very well help us maintain the results of fat loss.


Fat loss is not just about losing weight. Compared with how to lose weight, how to maintain it may be more difficult, because it takes longer to maintain weight. Therefore, what we need to do is to avoid losing weight during the process of weight loss. Prescribe the method of rapid fat loss, let yourself lose weight little by little, and develop good living habits, especially exercise habits, because the development of exercise habits is more conducive to weight maintenance.

Author: October Zhixing