Mr. Zhao is 48 years old. Three years ago, he went to the local hospital for a diagnosis of degenerative changes in the cervical spine due to reasons such as stiffness in his back and pain in his neck and shoulders. I underwent ablation and acupuncture treatments at the local hos

Mr. Zhao is 48 years old. Three years ago, he went to the local hospital for a diagnosis of degenerative changes in the cervical spine due to a stiff back, neck shoulder pain, and other reasons.

underwent ablation at the local hospital, as well as acupuncture and treatments, but each time they only relieved the symptoms. After a while, the neck and shoulder pain began again.

This has been going on for three years. Not only has the soreness not improved, but it has become more and more serious. It has even become difficult to walk and the limbs are stiff.

There was really no other way. After discussing with his family, he prepared to come to a large hospital for a check-up. When he got here, he got the check-up report and Mr. Zhao was dumbfounded. The inspection report was confirmed several times.

I clearly have cervical spondylosis , why was I diagnosed with Parkinson’s ? I am only 48 years old and still very "young", so why do I get such a geriatric disease?

In fact, not all Parkinson's patients will have hand tremors, but may appear stiff and slow, and walk unsteadily. These conditions may be misdiagnosed as cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, Holzheimer's disease, etc.

So it is not surprising that people like Mr. Zhao were initially misdiagnosed as cervical spondylosis. In fact, Parkinson's disease is not "exclusive" for the elderly. Some people in their thirties and forties will also suffer from this disease. I sincerely hope that every Parkinson’s patient can avoid detours, receive early diagnosis and treatment, and return to normal life as soon as possible.