Just on July 1st, the famous actor Liu Boxun, who everyone loved very much, died suddenly of acute myocardial infarction, which shocked and unacceptable to many people. Three days ago, on the morning of June 28, a bus fell into the river in Pudong, Shanghai. Before the crash, the

Just on July 1st, the famous actor Liu Boxun who was loved very much passed away suddenly acute myocardial infarction , which shocked many people and made them unable to accept it.

3 days ago, on the morning of June 28, Shanghai Pudong a bus fell into the river. Before falling into the river, the driver told the passengers that he was not feeling well and asked the passengers to get off the bus. After the passengers got off the bus, someone found that the driver was unconscious and then the vehicle slid. Entering the river was also due to a sudden acute myocardial infarction.

There are more and more cases of sudden myocardial infarction and sudden death, and they are getting younger and younger. Today I will tell you the common causes of acute myocardial infarction. What are the warning signs when acute myocardial infarction occurs? How to check correctly after an early warning occurs? How to save yourself in case of danger?

First of all, let me tell you, what is acute myocardial infarction?

Acute myocardial infarction is a type of coronary heart disease and is the most serious form of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease refers to inflammation of the blood vessels that nourish the heart itself coronary arteries and the blood vessels are narrowed. When the stenosis exceeds 50%, Symptoms will appear:

Symptoms include dull pain and discomfort in the precordial area during regular activities or when tired, most of which are mainly dullness. Angina pectoris may not be painful, but there will be a feeling of pressure from a stone. In severe cases, it is impossible to breathe. There is even a feeling of dying. It usually lasts a few minutes, rarely more than half an hour. Once it exceeds half an hour, it is highly suspected that the blood vessel is completely blocked and acute myocardial infarction has occurred.

Secondly, what are the common causes of acute myocardial infarction?

Most coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction have causes. You can look at the people around you who have had acute myocardial infarction. Most of them have cardiovascular "risk factors". The more these risk factors, the more likely it is to have myocardial infarction. Irregular lifestyle, often staying up late, smoking, high mental stress, frequent high-fat diet, and lack of exercise will all promote the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Usually there are hypertension , diabetes , high blood lipids, especially elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which will cause the blood vessels to age, form plaques, become inflamed, and eventually block the blood vessels.

Before blood vessels are about to become clogged, there will be some common warning signs. As long as you pay attention to them and seek medical treatment in time, most of them can avoid further deterioration. Common warning signs include:

1. Chest discomfort and pressure that occur more and more frequently may occur once a week, or even once or several times a day. This is a signal that angina pectoris is getting worse, indicating that myocardial infarction will soon occur.

2. Chest tightness and chest pain in a quiet state or when resting at night indicates that the plaque in the blood vessels is unstable, inflammation is recurring, and may break out, forming thrombus blocking the blood vessels, which is a more dangerous signal.

3. The attacks last longer and longer. There may have been attacks in the past, and each time passed in a few minutes. Now the time is getting longer and longer, and it is difficult to relieve it in half an hour. You need to pay attention to it. Myocardial infarction may be just around the corner.

Once these signals appear, no matter how busy you are, you should pay attention and go to the hospital to see a specialist for examination as soon as possible. Some people say that I just had a comprehensive physical examination recently and no problems were found. Yes, it is difficult to detect coronary artery lesions through general examinations, and special examinations are needed to clarify:

You can choose coronary artery CT, referred to as "CTA", which simulates blood vessel images through three-dimensional imaging of blood vessels, and has certain errors. .

Coronary angiography is a commonly used "gold standard" examination method. It directly inserts the catheter into the coronary opening of the heart through the peripheral artery, and injects contrast agent to visualize the blood vessels. It has high accuracy and small error. It can also perform intravascular ultrasound and other examinations simultaneously to further improve the accuracy.

There are signs of acute myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and emergency self-rescue is required. First of all, stop what you are doing immediately, rest on the spot, and relax. For people who often suffer from angina pectoris, be sure to carry Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, etc., which can be taken under the tongue at any time, and call 120 for emergency treatment at the same time. I have been a cardiovascular doctor for a long time, and I always have X-glycerin tablets in my bag when I go out, which can save patients' lives at any time.In short, first aid needs to be carried out against time, and a good opportunity to rescue must not be missed to cause a catastrophe.