Grilling is sometimes promoted as a healthier cooking style. Compared to a cooking method that has long been considered highly unhealthy, grilling may seem less fattening. In addition to reducing fat intake, grilling can limit exposure to dangerous compounds produced when cooking

Barbecue is sometimes promoted as a healthier cooking style. Compared to a cooking method that has long been considered highly unhealthy, grilling may seem less fattening. In addition to reducing fat intake, grilling can limit exposure to dangerous compounds produced when cooking oil is heated. Typically, grilling takes place outdoors, which means it usually doesn't affect indoor air quality. Even with these benefits, people still have some serious concerns about cooking food, especially meat, over an open fire. The main concern is cancer .

How grilling increases cancer risk

When meat is heated over an open flame, there is the potential for two groups of cancer-causing compounds to form. Creatine is an organic acid found in meats prized by bodybuilders that may have various health benefits and one major drawback. The disadvantage is that it turns into carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HCAs) when heated. Another carcinogenic compound appears when the fat from cooking meat drips onto hot coals. The burned fat rises in the smoke in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and sticks to the meat.

At this point, it is important to note that none of the above chemicals have been proven to cause cancer in humans. They cause cancer in experimental animals at higher doses than humans might consume. There is also a link between grilled meat intake and precursors to colon cancer called colorectal adenomas.

How to Reduce the Cancer Risk of Barbecuing

Some experts recommend that the first step is to avoid using charcoal as a cooking fuel because of the risk of producing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Given that there is no evidence that charcoal causes cancer more than any other cooking fuel, grill cooks may want to try one of two other suggested methods to reduce cancer risk.

1, Marinating

Marinating meat is not only good for tenderness and flavor. Marinating appears to reduce the cancer risk of grilled meats. Researchers found that marinating meat for at least 20 minutes before grilling reduced the concentration of cancer-causing compounds by 72 percent, according to one study. One contributing factor to the health benefits of marinades may be the presence of herbs containing powerful antioxidants.

2, Microwave

By heating the meat in the microwave before grilling it, you can release some of the fat. Fat is what causes grilling flare-ups and the production of PAHs. Microwave heating also reduces the time meat spends over the flame. Less time means less exposure to carcinogens.

3, Leaner cuts

The cancer risk of eating grilled meat may be reduced by eating leaner meat. There isn't as much fat in lean meat, so there will be less fat that melts and drips onto the coals and creates PAHs.

4. Cleaning the Grill

Burnt dirt buildup on the grill may cause some compounds to transfer into the food. The danger can be limited by thoroughly cleaning the grate during every cooking session.

5, Arranged grills

Protect meat from carcinogens in burning fat, making it safer. Cooks can reduce the amount of fat that gets into the coals by lining the grill with aluminum foil. To ensure that the meat does get some flavor benefits from the smoke, and for better ventilation, the cook can poke some holes in the foil.

Regardless of whether cooking over an open flame increases the risk of cancer, it's important to be aware of the dangers and take precautions just in case. The simple steps above may help keep your exposure low.