But a friend of mine was still wearing long jeans. After asking more questions out of curiosity, I found out that he had a large area of ​​eczema on his legs and was too embarrassed to show it.

In the hot summer, girls have put on beautiful skirts. But a friend of mine was still wearing long jeans. After asking more questions out of curiosity, I found out that he had a large area of ​​ eczema on his legs that he was embarrassed to show.

Teacher Feifan once shared with me some of her experiences in using Ermiao Pills : Summer is hot and humid, and dampness is easy to accumulate and cause burns, which often leads to some men's and gynecology problems: such as Dampness and Heat Betting , The and frequent urination caused by the loss of bladder gasification have been greatly improved after taking Ermiao Pills. Moreover, due to moisture viscosity, many diseases caused by dampness have the characteristics of lingering and recurring attacks, such as athlete's foot . In summer, as soon as you cover your socks and sweat too much, they will come back again. You can also use Ermiao I took the pills for more than ten days and got effective control.

Faced with a large area of ​​eczema on my friend's legs, I simply judged her tongue and pulse : the tongue was fat and large, with yellow and greasy coating, and the pulse was slippery and rapid, all pointing to damp and hot . It was okay to eat, so I recommended Ermiao. Pills (mostly in the form of powder in ancient times, grind 15 grams each of Atractylodes rhubarb and Cortex Phellodendron into powder. After mixing, take 5 grams of the powder each time. Because there are ready-made water honey pills online, she bought them directly). Now after taking it for less than a week, the eczema that used to be itchy has "quieted" and I no longer need to scratch through my pants. But her eczema area was too big, and it would probably take a while for it to fully recover, so she continued to eat.

The weather in summer is mainly hot and humid - the sun is scorching, often accompanied by heavy rain, and sometimes even the air has a turbid and muggy feeling. Coupled with my excessive diet, fat, sweet and greasy things pile up in the middle. If it cannot be transported and transformed, the body under double attack will inevitably be entangled with dampness and heat, causing various problems, such as athlete's foot, eczema, abnormal leucorrhea, anal itching, etc. The two herbs of Atractylodes and Phellodendron, one removes dampness and the other clears away heat, which can remove the heat poison and dampness and turbidity that bind the body. Moreover, Atractylodes also has the function of strengthening the spleen, helping the spleen and stomach to transport water. Being wet makes us feel refreshed, so we don’t have to suffer from these problems anymore.

There are Ermiao Pills, are there also Sanmiao Pills and Simiao Pills?

really does exist. Ermiao Wan plus Achyranthes is called Sanmiao Wan; adding a layer of coix seed is called Simiao Wan.

And this Simiao Pill is also very effective when used. Achyranthes bidentata, as its name suggests, is good at nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and is very effective in treating joint diseases. Coix seed is an important medicine for strengthening the spleen and diluting dampness, and strengthens the transportation and transformation of damp-heat evil. I was once hospitalized I have used it several times for patients with damp-heat knee joint pain (10 grams each of Atractylodes, Cortex Phellodendri, Achyranthes bidentata, and Coix Seed. If kidney deficiency is severe, increase the amount of Achyranthes bidentata as appropriate), and the feedback has been very good.