Entering July, there is abundant rain, sufficient sunshine, the temperature is getting higher, and the hot summer is approaching. This is an important transition period for everything in the world from "birth" to "growth". In summer, people's health care should comply with the ph

Entering July, there is abundant rain, sufficient sunshine, the temperature is getting higher, and the hot summer is approaching. This is an important transition period for all things in the world from "birth" to "growth".

In the summer, people's health care should comply with the phenological changes in nature, so as to "adhere to the four seasons and adapt to the cold and heat" and "accommodate the weather and connect to the gods".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that unstable emotions, frequent anger, overuse of the brain, overthinking, irregular life, staying up late for a long time, etc., can easily deplete the body's Qi and blood.

If a person wants to be energetic and have sufficient Qi and blood, he must first have good spleen and stomach functions. The spleen and stomach are the source of Qi and blood biochemistry. Once there is a problem, it will be difficult to convert dietary food into subtle substances and transport them throughout the body. On scorching hot days, in addition to air conditioning and cold drinks, a bowl of clear mung bean soup is also essential.

Clear heat, quench thirst, diuresis, stabilize blood pressure... Mung bean has always been a leader in the field of summer dietary therapy.

Mung bean soup cannot be cooked casually

Cooking mung bean soup is not difficult, but it is not that simple to cook mung bean soup well. There is also a lot of knowledge involved. As far as the color of mung bean soup is concerned, there are two common types: green soup and red soup. Under normal circumstances, the mung bean soup we make should be green, while the red soup is often the result of oxidation and discoloration of the polyphenols and substances in the mung beans. Although the difference in nutritional value between the two is not too big, green soup has stronger antioxidant capacity and better heat-relieving effect. Therefore, when using mung bean soup to relieve the heat, we still prefer green soup.

So, how to cook green mung bean soup? Remember three tips -

01 Do not use iron pots

Iron pots will precipitate a small amount of iron ions during use. After reacting with some ingredients in mung beans, the mung bean soup will turn red faster. It is recommended to use a glass pot, casserole or rice cooker to cook the mung bean soup, which will make the mung bean soup clearer and more delicious.

02 Cover the pot with a lid

Covering the pot with a lid can reduce the contact between the mung beans and oxygen and avoid the oxidation reaction from turning red. After cooking, if you are not in a hurry to drink, you can also find a lid to cover it first.

03 Add a little white vinegar

Adding a little lemon juice or white vinegar to the soup can delay the oxidation process and help maintain the original green color of the mung bean soup.

Three types of people should drink less mung bean soup

Mung bean soup is a commonly used drink to relieve summer heat. However, mung bean soup is cold in nature and is not suitable for everyone. For example, people who are weak, have a weak spleen and stomach , often have diarrhea, or have epigastric pain should not drink mung bean soup, otherwise the symptoms will be aggravated. People suffering from long-term chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, should not drink mung bean soup for a long time, because mung bean soup will detoxify and affect the efficacy of the medicine. Women who are in menstruation and have cold dysmenorrhea are best not to drink it. However, since each person's physique is different, if you don't feel any discomfort after drinking it, you can drink it in moderation.

Mung bean soup should not be drunk every day. When the heat is high, you can drink more. Generally, it is better to drink it once every other day. Try not to drink mung bean soup on an empty stomach, as it may cause bloating.

Do not boil mung beans until they bloom.

When drinking mung bean soup, the key point is the word "soup". If you want to drink soup to relieve the heat, the most important thing is not to boil the mung beans. Because the polyphenols in mung beans are basically concentrated on the bean skin, once they are boiled and bloomed, the nutritional loss will be greater and their efficacy will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that mung bean clothing has a relatively good heat-clearing, detoxifying and relieving effect, and its effect is stronger than the mung bean meat inside. Therefore, mung bean soup that has not been cooked and has intact beans is slightly better than boiled mung bean soup in terms of antioxidant effect and heat-relieving effect.

When cooking mung bean soup, the ratio of mung beans to water is recommended to be 1:10. The preparation steps are to boil the mung beans directly with hot water, stir clockwise, and boil for 3 to 5 minutes. The cooked mung bean soup is clear and green, so it is best to drink it before it is oxidized. So, should undercooked mung beans be thrown away? Not really!

After cooking the mung bean soup, we can drink the soup, and the remaining mung beans can be reserved for cooking porridge or steamed rice later.

Add one thing to mung bean, double the effect

mung bean + Lily - nourish the heart and relieve troubles

mung bean + adzuki bean - double the removal of dampness

mung bean + barley - control sugar and remove dampness

mung bean + winter melon - — Clear away heat and protect the heart

Mung beans + lotus seeds — Relax and help sleep

Mung beans + Black plums Nourish yin and promote fluid production

Mung beans + tangerine peel — Strengthen the spleen

Source: Appointment with a famous doctor