Society is progressing in the development era. People's diet and living conditions have become better. People use various means of transportation when going out. Naturally, there is less exercise. The combination of various factors has led to an increase in the incidence of cardi

Society is progressing in the development era. People's diet and living conditions have become better. People use various means of transportation to go out. Naturally, there is less sports. The combination of various factors has led to an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease. If you want to stay away from it, If you have cardiovascular disease, you should start by developing good habits.

Unhealthy eating habits, often eating fried, high-sugar or pickled foods, will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. High fat content will reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, lead to a decrease in insulin levels in the body, cause metabolic disorders, etc., thereby inducing cardiovascular disease; and excessive sodium intake will lead to water and sodium retention, edema, and even high blood pressure , these will increase the load on the heart.

Illustration: Unhealthy eating habits

People who lack exercise will reduce the contractility of the myocardium, leading to a decrease in the pumping function of the heart. Even slight activities will cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and other symptoms. These are cardiovascular An unhealthy lifestyle is a precursor to disease and will make it easier for the disease to come to your doorstep.

Illustration: Strengthen physical exercise

Those who like smoking and drinking should pay more attention. Long-term alcohol stimulation and nicotine adhesion to the blood vessel walls will cause atherosclerosis in the blood vessels and make the blood thick and clogged. blood vessels etc.

Illustration: Stay away from tobacco and alcohol

The incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing year by year, and preventing its occurrence has become a top priority. First of all, we must actively treat the original disease, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, Arteriosclerosis , heart disease, etc., if found, must be treated in time to avoid causing other serious complications . The second step is to intervene in life and diet, and avoid eating heavy-flavored foods and carbonated drinks, especially Pickled and fried foods, and eat more foods high in dietary fiber, low in cholesterol, and low in fat, such as fish, beans, etc., can prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce fat at the same time. Also, quit bad living habits, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, being impatient, and being stressed, etc., which will speed up the blood circulation of the heart and cause cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become younger. No matter what age you are, if you want to stay away from diseases, you must start with your daily routine. It is very important to pay attention to diet and lifestyle.