I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is

2024/06/0217:32:33 housepet 1980

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer ~

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Nine Husky

Average life span : 9-12 years old

Feeding issues:

Husky is a dog breed with a short life span. The biggest disadvantage of this kind of dog is its poor gastrointestinal condition. When raising it, it is recommended to feed some dog food with high absorption rate, and Feed it some gastrointestinal probiotics regularly to effectively regulate the gastrointestinal tract!

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews


Average life span: 9-12 years

Feeding issues:

Golden Retriever is particularly susceptible to food and has no resistance. It often leads to obesity due to gluttony, so it is recommended that the shit shoveling officer should pay attention to it For diet, choose some low-fat dog food and consciously control its weight.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Seven-sided Collie

Average lifespan: 12-13 years

Feeding issues:

Border Collie has the largest amount of exercise among dogs. The dog owner should ensure that it gets sufficient exercise every day, so it is recommended that the dog owner get enough exercise in the early morning. In the evening, take the border sheep out for a walk for 1-2 hours.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Six Bichon

Average lifespan: 12-14 years

Feeding issues:

Bichon Frize is a small dog with a relatively long lifespan, but it is prone to tear stains. Dog owners should pay attention to care and choose a dog that is light and easy to get angry. Food feeding can help with tear stain management.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Golden Retriever

Average life span: 12-15 years

Breeding problems:

Golden Retriever is enthusiastic and prone to attack people. Its biggest problem is severe hair loss. It is recommended that the dog owner should help it comb its hair every day and choose a dog with sufficient and balanced nutrition. Food feeding can prevent Golden Retriever hair loss from becoming more severe due to lack of nutrition.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews


Average lifespan: 12-15 years old

Feeding issues:

Due to the innate body structure, the Corgi has a long body and short legs, so its lumbar vertebrae are more likely to be damaged. It is recommended that poop owners pay attention to its lumbar vertebra problems. Don’t let your dog be afraid of climbing stairs or getting on and off the couch.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Three Pomeranians

Average lifespan: 14-16 years old

Feeding issues:

Pomeranian's shortcoming is that it likes to bark. There are many reasons why it barks. If it is due to lack of security, the poop manager can take it to a quiet place to comfort it. If it is energetic, you can divert its attention with snacks or toys, and you can also take it out frequently to burn off energy.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Second VIP

Average lifespan: 16-17 years

Feeding issues:

VIP has a relatively long lifespan, but its hair is prone to fading, It is recommended that scavengers choose products with low salt content and hair-beautifying ingredients Feeding dog food can help fix the color of your poodle’s hair.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Chinese Garden Dog

Average age: 13-20 years old

Breeding issues:

Chinese Garden Dog has the longest lifespan and is also the best dog breed to raise. Its physical fitness is very good and its resistance is strong. All it needs is normal feeding.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

How can you make dogs live longer?

Regular checkups, deworming and vaccinations

If you want your dog to live longer and healthier, it is very necessary to take your dog to the pet hospital for regular physical examinations, as well as vaccines and deworming. There must be no less.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Weight Management

Only if the dog's weight is within the standard weight of the dog breed, the life span is likely to be longer. Therefore, dog owners should strictly control the dog's weight. If it already shows signs of obesity or is even over-obese, timely intervention is needed. You can choose low-fat and easy-to-digest dog food to restore the dog's weight to the standard and make it healthier. .

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Moderate exercise

Dog owners should often take their dogs out for walks and exercises. Proper exercise can promote blood circulation in the body, enhance immunity and reduce the chance of illness, which is one of the important ways to keep dogs healthy.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Proper care

The scavenger should clean and care for the dog. In addition to external dirt and dust, he should also pay more attention to the dog's oral problems. He should brush the dog's teeth as much as possible, preferably once a day. You can buy some snacks for your dog to grind his teeth, which will help clean his teeth.

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Dear shit collectors, what breeds are your dogs? How long have they been with you?

I believe that every dog ​​owner hopes that his dog can stay with him for a longer time, so let’s take a look at the dog life span ranking to see which dog can stay with his owner longer~ The average life span of the Nine Husky: 9- Questions about raising a 12-year-old: Husky is  - DayDayNews

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