Many friends always feel backache and leg weakness when they are young. Especially after a little exertion, they will feel backache and leg weakness. Even after a heavy workload for several days in a row, they will feel exhausted and unable to do their best, with backache and leg

Kidney deficiency makes the legs weak, so the kidney tonifying effect is not good? Many friends always feel backache and leg weakness when they are young. Especially after a little exertion, they will feel backache and leg weakness. Even after a heavy workload for several days in a row, they will feel exhausted and unable to do their best, with backache and leg weakness, shortness of breath and fatigue, and sometimes rest. Rest is better, sometimes taking some tonics can make things better, sometimes resting, supplements are still sore back and legs, kidney deficiency is obvious. Not only does it affect work, but in the long run it will leave you in a sub-healthy state and your body will get worse and worse.

Why do I always feel sore in the waist and weak in the legs? Why is kidney replenishing not effective?

In fact, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the constant feeling of soreness in the waist and weak legs is related to the deficiency of our kidney essence. Kidney essence can replenish the innate nature. With sufficient kidney essence and sufficient liver and kidney, only then can the waist and legs be strong and the spirit be good. Insufficient kidney essence and malnutrition of the liver and kidneys result in not only soreness and weakness in the waist and legs, and a general feeling of lack of strength, but also poor endurance, fatigue easily, and slow recovery of physical strength during rest. Some friends not only have the above problems, but they are also forgetful and dizzy, their kidney tonic effect is not good, and their recovery from rest is very slow. So what is going on?

In fact, traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang each have their own masters. Yang transforms qi and yin takes shape. If the essence is abundant, the waist and legs will be strong, you can walk with strength, and move freely. Yang deficiency will be cold. If you replenish yin at this time, it will be worse. Yin deficiency will be hot. If you replenish yang at this time, it will be hot. Therefore, those who are good at nourishing the kidneys must differentiate between yin and yang, or nourish yin and yang simultaneously. In addition, people with kidney deficiency may also suffer from dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, frequent nocturia, and insomnia and dreaminess. How does

solve the problems of soreness in the waist and weak legs, and ineffective tonic for kidney deficiency?

Today I will share with you a recipe composed of two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes kidney yin, nourishes kidney yang, and nourishes both yin and yang. They are tortoise shell and deer antlers . Let’s take a look at it.

Let’s first look at tortoise shell

Tortoise shell is sweet, salty, and cold in nature. It enters the liver, kidneys, and heart meridian . It has the functions of nourishing yin and replenishing yang, replenishing kidneys and strengthening bones. Turtle shell is a nourishing traditional Chinese medicine for flesh and blood, especially good at nourishing the liver and kidneys. Yin, it has a good effect on liver and kidney yin deficiency caused by kidney deficiency and soft bones, sore waist and weak legs, weak muscles and bones, etc.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "The armor is used to nourish the heart, kidneys, and blood, all of which are used to nourish yin."

Secondly, look at velvet antler

Deer antler is sweet, salty, warm in nature, enters the liver and kidney meridian, has the function of strengthening kidney yang and replenishing essence. With the function of strengthening blood and strengthening bones and muscles, velvet antler is also a rare product that can replenish kidney yang. It is often used to treat problems such as waist and knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, cold limbs, and fatigue caused by insufficient kidney yang, , and deficiency of essence and blood. In addition, deer antler also has a good effect on improving muscle and bone weakness, weak legs, and slow movement due to insufficient liver, kidney, and blood.

"Ben Jing Fengyuan": "Deer antler is mainly used for injuries caused by fatigue, low back pain and thinness. It can produce essence and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, and can be used for dizziness and dark eyes."

In summary, tortoise shell with velvet antler can nourish the kidneys and essence, warm yang and strengthen bones. In particular, yin and yang can be supplemented at the same time to improve kidney essence deficiency, waist soreness and leg weakness caused by yang deficiency, and the supplementation effect is not obvious. It can strengthen waist and leg strength, and can be used for frequent nocturia, dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, forgetfulness, insomnia and dreaminess, as well as Women's irregular menstruation also has a good improvement effect.