[Source: Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital Subscription Account] # Cherish life and stay away from poisonous mushrooms. Recently, as the temperature and humidity have risen, various fungi have entered a period of vigorous growth. It is also a period of high incidence of

[Source: Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital Subscription Number]


Cherish life and stay away from poisonous mushrooms

Recently, with the warming of temperature and humidity,

various fungi have entered a period of vigorous growth

At the same time, it is also possible to accidentally eat poisonous wild mushrooms

During the high incidence period of food poisoning accidents

the market supervision department reminds:

To prevent the occurrence of poisoning accidents caused by wild poisonous mushrooms

the general public is requested

not to pick or eat wild mushrooms and other fungi

fully understand the dangers of poisonous mushrooms

some wild poisonous mushrooms Mushrooms are similar in appearance to edible mushrooms, and identification requires professional knowledge and the use of certain instruments and equipment. It is difficult to distinguish the appearance characteristics of mushrooms by just observing them with the naked eye, and it is very easy to accidentally eat them and cause poisoning.

In the wild, non-toxic mushrooms often grow together with poisonous mushrooms, and non-toxic mushrooms are easily contaminated by the mycelium of poisonous mushrooms. Even some nontoxic mushroom species that grow on poisonous plants can become toxic. Therefore, even if you eat non-toxic mushrooms, there is still a risk of poisoning.

The toxins contained in poisonous mushrooms are complex and may vary depending on the region, season, variety and growing conditions. The incubation period of poisonous mushroom poisoning ranges from 2 hours to 24 hours, and some are only about 10 minutes. Liver damage is the most dangerous type of poisoning caused by accidentally eating poisonous mushrooms, which manifests as symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and pain in the liver area. Some patients may be accompanied by psychiatric symptoms. At present, there is no specific treatment for poisonous mushroom poisoning, and the poisoning symptoms are severe, the onset is acute, and the mortality rate is high.

What are the common types of wild poisonous mushrooms? What does

look like?

Let's take a look

Warm TIPS:

Misunderstandings in the identification of poisonous mushrooms

Based on traditional individual simple methods and specific experience, complex and diverse poisonous mushrooms in different places and edible mushrooms are one of the causes of accidental ingestion poisoning. Don't try to identify poisonous mushrooms with the so-called "folk remedies" you hear, because many methods are rumored and have no scientific basis. Even experts may need to use professional instruments to distinguish between similar-looking varieties.

There are "three no's" to wild mushrooms

Do not pick them.

During your spring outing, do not pick wild mushrooms or mushrooms of unknown origin out of curiosity or to satisfy your appetite. For wild mushrooms in the grass on the roadside, since it is not easy to identify poisonous mushrooms, do not pick unfamiliar mushrooms easily.

does not buy.

Do not buy mushrooms from roadside vendors. Even if you buy wild mushrooms in the regular market, you must not relax your vigilance, especially if you have never eaten or don’t recognize wild mushrooms. Don’t buy and eat them easily.

does not eat.

To avoid similar poisoning incidents, families should be careful when eating wild mushrooms. Do not process and eat wild mushrooms during group dinners, catering services, folk tourism, etc. to ensure the safety of food consumption.

What should I do if I accidentally eat poisonous mushrooms?

Currently, there is no specific treatment for poisonous mushroom poisoning. Once symptoms of suspected poisoning occur after eating wild mushrooms by mistake, methods such as inducing vomiting should be used as soon as possible to quickly eliminate the toxins. At the same time, you should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible after inducing vomiting, and report to the local health administration department in a timely manner. It is best to bring the remaining mushroom samples with you to the doctor for further diagnosis.

At the same time, we must be wary of the "false recovery period" of poisoning. After treatment, some patients' symptoms of acute gastroenteritis gradually ease or even disappear, giving people a feeling of recovery. In fact, at this time, toxins are entering the liver and other internal organs through the blood, invading the parenchymal organs, and the disease will occur 1-2 days later. It deteriorates rapidly, affecting the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and other organs, with liver damage being the most serious. Therefore, when the initial symptoms of poisoning are relieved, you should still stay in the hospital to receive active treatment and observe for a period of time to ensure that the condition is stable and improved before being discharged.

Source: Changsha Market Supervision Administration

Typesetting: Hospital Office

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