As time goes by, we find that more and more people around us are wearing glasses, whether it is ourselves, friends, colleagues, family members or passers-by on the road. Myopia glasses, which were a symbol of intellectuals many years ago, have now become a symbol of many people.

As time goes by, we find that more and more people around us are wearing glasses, whether it is ourselves, friends, colleagues, family members or passers-by on the road. Myopia glasses, which were a symbol of intellectuals many years ago, have now become the It is a "standard configuration" for people, and how much do we really know about myopia, a familiar yet unfamiliar problem?

There are still some parents who simply believe that myopia is nothing more than seeing things clearly. If their children wear a pair of glasses or undergo myopia surgery, the problem of myopia will be solved. In fact, the impact of myopia goes far beyond seeing clearly and wearing glasses.

Below, we will tell you five facts about myopia, hoping to inspire parents to pay attention to their children's vision health and take proactive actions to prevent myopia.

1. Myopia is a disease

Myopia is listed as one of the three major diseases in the world, but because it is neither painful nor itchy, we think it is not a big deal and often do not associate it with the disease.

According to relevant research, children with myopia are more likely to suffer from eye diseases in later life than normal children, especially children with high myopia.

Research shows that once myopia exceeds 600 degrees, it is easy to cause cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal detachment and other complications. These eye diseases are likely to cause blindness. High myopia is the cause of eye blindness. One of the important reasons.

At the same time, the country has repeatedly stated that myopia cannot be cured! Therefore, parents should not take chances or believe in false propaganda that myopia can be cured.

2. The growth of myopia is also the fastest when the body is growing

Myopia usually occurs in childhood, develops in school age, and stabilizes in the teens.

The eyes grow synchronously with the body. When the body stops growing, the eyes will naturally stop stretching , so we will find that the degree of myopia generally does not increase significantly in adulthood.

This also means that during the growth of a child, once myopia occurs, the degree of myopia will increase rapidly. Therefore, the prime time to prevent myopia is in childhood, and html children aged 14-12 years old have rapid refractive development, which is myopia. The golden period of prevention and control.

3. Myopia will affect children’s professional application and career choices

When it comes to opportunities to change children’s future destiny, the college entrance examination is the most important one. 12 years of hard study is often to get into a good university and apply for a good major.

Many parents will think that myopia does not have a great impact on students. In fact, this is not the case. Some university majors have strict requirements for students' vision. If the vision is not up to standard, no matter how good the grades are, it will be in vain.

, Flight Technology Major

Flight Technology Major has relatively high requirements for students’ vision. The visual acuity of both eyes must be above 5.0 , Because this major requires exposure to aerial operations, if the naked eye vision does not meet the standard, even if the score is No matter how good it is, it will never happen.

. Navigation technology major

This major also has particularly high requirements for vision. binocular vision requirements must not be less than 4.8. Common specific majors in this major include: Marine ship driving, navigation technology, Marine engineering, etc.

. Fire protection engineering major

This major does not refer to firefighters, but majors in fire protection such as architectural design and safety management. In terms of the country's current urbanization construction, the employment prospects are very good. Apply for the fire protection engineering major. Visual acuity cannot be lower than 5.0.

, Criminal Investigation Major

Common criminal investigation majors include: Investigation Major, Criminal Science and Technology Major, Public Security Criminal Investigation Major, etc. In terms of vision, the naked eye vision of both eyes is required to be above 4.8.

5, National defense and military categories

The naked-eye visual acuity of both eyes is less than 4.5, the corrected visual acuity is less than 4.9, and the diopter is above ±6.00D, which is unqualified , such as command, submarines , surface submarines, tanks, surveying and mapping, radar You cannot apply for other majors.

In addition, majors such as aircraft manufacturing engineering, biomedical engineering , marine science , measurement and control technology and instruments , nuclear engineering, nuclear technology , electronic information, agriculture and water conservancy, sports , etc. All have certain requirements for vision. If the candidate's vision does not meet the requirements, or will not be able to apply.

4. Myopia can be prevented and controlled

The formation of myopia is related to two major factors, congenital and acquired.

Congenital factors are mainly related to genetics. If one or both parents have myopia, the probability of their children developing myopia is often higher.

The acquired factors are mainly related to long-term use of eyes at close range, poor lighting environment, and too little time for outdoor activities.

Although congenital factors have a greater impact on children's vision, and acquired factors have a greater impact on children's vision, we can still start from the three dimensions of "create, change, and supplement" to effectively prevent children's vision and reduce myopia. risk of occurrence.

Create: Create a healthy lighting learning environment

When children study, it is necessary to ensure an adequate lighting environment. Room lights and eye protection desk lamps should be used at the same time to ensure sufficient lighting. Children must be prevented from studying in dim light.

In addition, the eyes of children of different ages have different perceptions of light, and different usage scenarios (such as reading, surfing the Internet, handicrafts, etc.) have different light needs, so professional eye protection lamps designed for different ages and different scenarios are very popular. The essential.

Changes: Change children’s learning behavior

Avoid children studying at close range for a long time, and allow more time for outdoor activities and proper rest.

Outdoor activities are the most economical and effective way to prevent and control myopia. Outdoor sunlight can prompt the human body to secrete more dopamine and vitamin D, which can inhibit the growth of the eyeball and the elongation of the eye axis. At the same time, sunlight contains a large number of harmful effects on the human body. Beneficial NIR red light has a good preventive effect on the occurrence and development of myopia.

Research shows that outdoor activities of 2 hours a day and more than 14 hours a week can reduce the incidence of myopia in teenagers by more than 10%.

After studying for a period of time, take a proper rest. allows children to rest for 10 minutes every 45 minutes of studying. Firstly, it avoids eye fatigue caused by long-term use of eyes. Secondly, it can maintain an efficient learning state and allow children to concentrate on completing their studies quickly. , allow more time for outdoor activities.

Supplement: Supplement low-power NIR red light

In 2020, the research results of University College London Eye Institute in the United Kingdom on "Looking at Red Light Can Reduce Vision Decline" showed that: through 3 minutes of LLLT low-light wave energy care every day, receive specific infrared waves NIR light wave irradiation can effectively inhibit and repair the damage and aging of retinal mitochondria, and has a good blocking effect on the occurrence and progression of myopia, especially the damage caused by blue light ! The test showed that the vision of participants improved by 20%! [1]

For some children who study indoors for a long time, you can supplement low-power NIR red light to promote the metabolism and regeneration of retinal cells, care for the eyes, and block the occurrence and development of myopia.

There are many ways to supplement low-power NIR red light, such as the professional eye protection lamp brand and Dr. Edward's Baldur's Light, which is that combines beneficial NIR red light with eye moisturizing. uses NIR red light of a specific wavelength. acts on the retina, replenishes energy for the mitochondria of retinal cells, making them full of activity, and has a nursing effect on the retina and eye cells. The "Light Tomato Mode" configured at the same time as

will send out "physiological cues" through specific light color temperature changes every 45 minutes, reminding users to rest for 10 minutes. During this period, it will also provide light waves that are beneficial for energy recovery to help users quickly enter rest. state, allowing children to achieve a "balance between work and rest", allowing their eyes to rest while restoring their learning state.

In order to prevent their children from "losing at the starting line" , many parents of students have imposed more and more learning tasks on their children. Coupled with the popularity of digital products and online courses, the rate of myopia in children has also "rising all boats" "In the end, I found that the child's academic performance improved, and the degree of myopia also increased, but the child's favorite major was regretted for life because of vision problems.

Myopia is not formed in one day, nor is it unpreventable. It can be exploited for a long time during the growth of children. We should seize this opportunity to establish the concepts of "vision care" and "prevention is better than cure" , do a good job in myopia prevention, so that children can have a pair of healthy and bright eyes.

  1. UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, UK, published in Journals of Gerontology "Declining eyesight improved by looking at deep red light" on June 29, 2020