As I got older, why did my brothers start drinking liquor? 80-year-old dad: There are three main reasons. I don’t know if you have discovered it. As you get older, you all like to drink a little liquor. When I was a child, I often helped my grandfather run errands and drink. Late

As he got older, why did Brother Liquor start drinking liquor? 80-year-old dad: 3 main reasons

I don’t know if you have noticed that when you get older, you all like to drink a little liquor.

When I was a child, I often helped my grandfather run errands and make drinks. Later, when I grew up, I would drink some liquor with my elders during every New Year and festival. But at that time, I didn’t think the taste of liquor was that good. Compared to that, I still prefer the feeling of drinking beer with my young brothers.

Gradually, as I got older, I began to experience the ups and downs of liquor when I drank liquor. Later, I discovered that this was not only the case for me, but also for my friends around me.

So, why do all the former drinking brothers start drinking liquor as they get older?

Regarding this issue, an 80-year-old father who drinks liquor all year round explained the following three reasons. Let’s take a look at whether it conforms to the current situation.

Drinking beer is prone to "beer belly"

As we get older, the body's metabolism decreases and we lack exercise. If you drink a bottle of 500ml beer, it is equivalent to eating a bowl of rice. After a drinking game, ordinary people can basically drink it. 3 or 4 bottles, and some even more powerful ones can drink 6 or 7 bottles. When you are young, drinking like this will probably make you run to the toilet a few more times. But when you get older, if you continue to drink like this, your body will inevitably be a little overwhelmed.

But drinking liquor is different. Ordinary people drink liquor, usually 2-3 taels, which is within the acceptable range. This is why it is called "beer belly" instead of "baijiu belly".

The spirit of drinking is different.

Young people mostly like to be competitive and have a heart that refuses to admit defeat. When they open a beer at a party, there is no one to drink one by one. They almost always blow one bottle at a time, as if they only have a big mouth. Only by pouring vigorously can you show your boldness, and it can also add to the atmosphere on the table.

As I get older, I have experienced more situations, and I am used to seeing the warmth and coldness of the world. I have basically become indifferent to fame and wealth, and my mentality is more peaceful. I don’t like to compete with others. I drink as much as I can, and white wine is just suitable for slow tasting and slow drinking. The appetite of middle-aged and elderly people is greater, which is why liquor is more popular among middle-aged and elderly people.

The things people pursue are different.

After people enter middle age, they are basically successful in their careers and have a certain amount of spare money. At this time, the things people pursue are also different.

For older people, if they can put a bottle of Maotai on the wine table, they will undoubtedly be very proud. Even if it is not Maotai, just putting a bottle of boxed liquor on the table will look more classy than beer. .

Of course, in addition to the superficial appearance, middle-aged people pursue reality more. In other words, they are more responsible for their own bodies. Therefore, when choosing liquor, quality will be ranked before fame.

Nowadays, many new generation liquors are rising stars in the liquor industry. Although they are not as famous as national first-tier liquor brands such as Mao Wulu, they do not lose much in terms of liquor quality.

Take this Guangliang Wine as an example. Its predecessor was the raw wine supplier for many first-tier wine companies, so it has great advantages in winemaking. The final finished wine smells of obvious lipid aroma, and the entrance is sweet and fragrant. Full and very palatable, in the minds of most drinkers, this wine is a potential “dark horse”.

There is also this Jun Zhongyuan private wine , produced in Renhuai, Guizhou. The winery is located on the bank of Chishui River, only more than 300 meters away from Maotai distillery . It is known as the " sauce wine" in the liquor market in the past two years. "Upstart", its brewer is Zeng Chuanzheng (a disciple of the master of soy sauce Li Xingfa ).

In order to better improve the quality of the wine, it has extremely strict requirements from the beginning of grain selection. It uses local red tassel glutinous sorghum in Guizhou, with small grains and thick skin. The content of amylopectin is as high as 88%. The technology It uses 12987 Daqu Kunsha, which goes through 165 processes and takes 1 year to brew.

After another 6 years of cellaring, the wine has become softer and more mature. When you taste the wine, you will find it is fragrant and mellow. The pure sauce aroma is constantly churning on the tip of the tongue. It is extremely sweet and moist. After swallowing, the fragrance lingers on the lips and teeth, giving people a pleasant feeling. Very comfortable, worthy of the superior Daqu Kunsha sauce wine.

Conclusion: Although big-name wines are more well-known, niche wines also have "highlights" that cannot be ignored. For wine lovers, the one that suits their taste is the best!