Having good living habits, ensuring adequate rest and sleep, and ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients are the most effective ways to prevent gastric cancer.

2024/05/1816:56:33 regimen 1199

Having good living habits, ensuring adequate rest and sleep, and ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients are the most effective ways to prevent gastric cancer . Paying attention to a reasonable diet, prevention and early detection are extremely important links in defeating gastric cancer. To achieve early detection, the following five points should be done:

1, clear gastric ulcer , atrophic gastritis , gastric polyps patients should have regular follow-up examinations and receive treatment;

2. Those who have recently had a history of gastric disease for more than one month, and have symptoms such as epigastric discomfort, belching, etc. should undergo further examination to confirm the diagnosis;

3. Those who have had abdominal pain in the past six months If there is a history of gastrointestinal bleeding or melena, and there is a confirmed gastric cancer patient in the immediate family, a gastroscopy should be performed to confirm the diagnosis; Patients need gastrointestinal X-ray examination and fiber endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis;

5. In areas with a high incidence of gastric cancer, patients over 30 years old and with a history of gastric cancer should participate in regular gastric cancer screening.

Having good living habits, ensuring adequate rest and sleep, and ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients are the most effective ways to prevent gastric cancer. - DayDayNews

What fruits are good for gastric cancer patients?

It is good for gastric cancer patients to eat the following fruits:

1. Grapes: Grapes contain resveratrol , which can prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous and inhibit the spread of cancerous cells. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that grapes are good for qi. It has the functions of nourishing blood, relieving irritability, strengthening the stomach and diuresis. Sweet and sour grapes are more suitable for cancer patients who have undergone radiotherapy and surgery and can be eaten regularly;

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2, Strawberry : Strawberries contain ellagic acid , which can protect the body from carcinogens and has a certain anti-cancer effect. Strawberries can produce fluids and quench thirst, soothe the throat and moisturize the lungs. It is helpful to alleviate the radiotherapy reaction of gastric cancer patients;

3. Banana: According to research, banana extract has a significant inhibitory effect on three carcinogens including aflatoxin. Animal experiments have found that if magnesium is deficient, the body's ability to remove cancer cells is greatly reduced. Bananas contain magnesium and potassium, which have certain anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects;

4, Figs: Figs contain anti-cancer ingredients that can inhibit cancer cells. The synthesis of protein has a certain effect on gastric cancer, intestinal cancer , liver cancer , lung cancer, etc., and can be used as a good dietary therapy for cancer patients;

5, Kiwi fruit : Each 100g fruit contains 150mg of vitamin C, and its trace element selenium content is in the The first fruit, it can protect the interstitial barrier of cells and eliminate ingested carcinogens. It has a certain effect on prolonging the survival period of cancer patients. It also has the functions of clearing away heat, promoting body fluids, promoting blood circulation and promoting water circulation.

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