In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys?

2024/05/1700:44:32 regimen 1509

As long as there is backache and discomfort, low back pain, poor mental status, increased frequency of urination and general fatigue, people all belong to kidney deficiency and believe that as long as more kidney nourishment can improve the above symptoms. In our country, more than half of the men prefer to replenish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys, leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to replenish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to replenish the kidneys?

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews

Why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys?

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews. Cultural diseases

A professor pointed out that what people call kidney deficiency is a cultural disease, that is, it exists in a specific cultural environment. It is men's worry about semen loss, which causes anxiety, and anxiety can cause autonomic nervous system disorders, which can turn into physical symptoms.

. Misunderstanding about kidney deficiency

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney governs reproduction and growth, and stores essence, which is the foundation of innateness. It is completely different from the kidney in modern medicine. When the mental state is poor and the body is weak, kidney tonifying appears in people's brain.

Let’s first talk about kidney deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine. This is caused by excessive sexual indulgence, overwork and physical weakness. Its main manifestations are impotence, premature ejaculation and soreness and weakness of the waist and knees. It is usually caused by lumbar muscle strain deficiency. Blood or hypoxia, or autonomic nervous system disorder caused by prostatitis ; however, the kidney in Western medicine is a solid organ that can produce urine and excrete toxins.

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews

Common kidney diseases include kidney stones , nephritis and renal failure. The main manifestations are waist pain, hematuria , general fatigue, fever, abnormal urination, and edema. When abnormal kidney function is found after examination, you should not replenish your kidneys without authorization, and you should choose a regular hospital for treatment.

How to take care of the kidneys?

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews. Limit protein intake

Strictly control animal protein intake, especially animal offal, which contains too much cholesterol . Uncontrolled eating can increase the burden on the kidneys and lead to deterioration of kidney function. You might as well get high-quality protein from eggs, milk, lean meat, and fish. Each kilogram of body weight should provide 0.8 grams of high-quality protein every day.

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews

. Strictly limit potassium intake.

If the daily urine output is less than 1000 ml, hyperkalemia , renal insufficiency patients, try not to eat high potassium foods, such as bananas, citrus fruits, mushrooms and tomatoes. wait.

3. Adopting a low-salt diet

A high-salt diet can cause water and sodium retention and edema, induce hypertension , and promote excess sodium in the body to be excreted by the kidneys, increasing the burden on the kidneys. The amount of salt consumed per person per day should not exceed 6 grams. When cooking food, use less salt, chicken essence, MSG, and soy sauce. You may wish to replace some of the seasonings with onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, mushrooms, lemon juice, and vinegar.

4. Proper calcium supplement

Kidney damage can affect calcium absorption, leading to osteoporosis. Therefore, calcium-containing foods should be eaten appropriately, such as dark green vegetables, milk and dairy products, and black sesame seeds. If necessary, It is necessary to supplement calcium tablets under the guidance of a doctor. In addition, proper exposure to the sun can increase the activity of vitamin D and promote calcium absorption.

In our country, more than half of the men prefer to nourish the kidneys, such as eating a lot of pork kidneys and leeks, etc., and buying Chinese herbal medicines to nourish the kidneys. So why do Chinese people prefer to nourish the kidneys? - DayDayNews

Warm reminder

Men should not be fooled by kidney-tonifying and impotence-enhancing drugs. Kidney-tonifying does not mean aphrodisiac. In fact, it is not very difficult to nourish the kidneys, and there is no need to buy a large amount of Chinese medicinal materials or health products. You only need to intervene in your life, develop the habit of actively drinking water, and ensure that the amount of water you drink in a day can reach more than 2000 ml, which can help excretion. Remove waste and toxins from the body and effectively prevent kidney disease. At the same time, you should also maintain moderate exercise, such as cycling, swimming or jogging, which can improve your resistance.

Online special article for family doctors, no reproduction is allowed without authorization

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