Please click "Follow" before reading, share knowledge about gynecological tumors and cancer regularly every day, embrace every tumor patient, so that you are not alone on the road to fighting cancer~

Please click "Follow" before reading, share knowledge about gynecological tumors and cancer regularly every day, embrace every tumor patient, so that you are not alone on the road to fighting cancer~

What do you understand by "emotional management"?

Don’t be angry? do not be sad? Or don't be anxious?

Maybe you are using this coercive method to "help" yourself escape negative emotions. But in fact, emotion management does not prohibit us from expressing certain emotions, but helps us express emotions in appropriate ways.

Especially for cancer patients, when the body and mind are affected by cancer at the same time, managing your emotions well can avoid the negative impact of emotions, avoid the occurrence of some physical and mental diseases , and also make recovery possible. The process is smoother.

If you want to know how to properly manage your emotions, come and take a look with Huzhujun.

1. Learn to identify your negative emotions

Negative emotions that often occur in cancer patients are anxiety, fear and depression. Sometimes, when you are depressed, you don’t know what’s wrong, but some reactions in your body are telling you that you are very uncomfortable...

Picture source: Photo Network

When you can’t tell immediately When you experience these emotions, you can observe the behavior behind them. Learning to recognize emotions is the first step to managing them.

Manifestations of anxiety

1. Generalized anxiety : will make you feel continuous nervousness. You may have dizziness, chest tightness, heart palpitations , difficulty breathing, sweating, dry mouth , insomnia, dreaminess , irritability, frequent urination , urgency of urination, body trembling and other symptoms.

2. Panic disorder : You will suddenly have chest tightness, a sense of suffocation and chest pressure, fear and tension of being unable to breathe on your own, repeated heart palpitations, sweating, tremors and other symptoms.

Many cancer patients will feel anxious when they are diagnosed in the early stages. The reasons may be that they do not understand the disease, are worried that they will drag down their families, and do not want others to know that they have cancer.

Manifestations of fear

Long-term and/or excessive fear will make you unwilling to continue to obey the doctor’s treatment arrangements. This may subsequently affect your quality of life, prevent you from returning to society well, and may also cause an increase in medical expenses. .

Picture source: Photo Network

The things you often fear may be: Worry about recurrence, being nervous before an examination, fear of pain caused by cancer, fear that the disease will be passed on to children, worry that drugs will harm the body, etc.

Symptoms of depression

You are in a state of long-term low mood, slow thinking, reduced and slow language movements, loss of fun, loss of interest in doing things, easy insomnia, inability to eat, despair of life, etc.

The above emotions may appear individually or simultaneously. When you identify the above negative emotions, what you have to do is to face these emotions, don't pretend that it doesn't exist, or try to force yourself to get rid of it, you can reasonably channel it.

Below, Huzhujun has prepared 6 ways to deal with negative emotions. Let’s learn them together!

2. Learn to channel your emotions correctly

Method 1: Find the source of the emotion

When you have bad emotions, stay calm first. You can first make a basic judgment on your emotions through some of your own performance. As mentioned earlier, when you experience physical reactions such as dizziness and chest tightness, you may be in a state of anxiety.

Picture source: Photo Network

At this time, you can ask yourself a few questions, such as what is the tumor in my heart? How do I feel about it now? What's wrong with my body? How do I resolve my discomfort? How do I face cancer correctly?

Through such rhetorical questions and observations, you can more accurately understand your true inner thoughts, find the source of negative emotions, and eliminate them.

Method 2: Take a deep breath

When you feel that you are particularly emotional, you might as well take a deep breath. deep breathing can stimulate our parasympathetic nerves, help the body to effectively relax, and at the same time keep you away from the anxiety and impatience caused by rapid breathing.

Correct approach: First, inhale slowly, evenly and slowly, inhale as deeply as possible, and feel that the air fills the entire chest; second, exhale forcefully, and keep it clean; you can use "inhale-stop" (count 10 silently in your mind) )-Exhale" method. After 10 deep breaths, you will feel your emotions calm down.

Picture source: Photo Network

Method 3: Learn to express actively

Experts in psychology believe that expression is a healing process. When you are in a bad mood, you can find some positive and optimistic partners to talk to. You can chat while listening to soothing music.

If you are inconvenient to talk to others or can't find the right person to talk to, you can write down your feelings and thoughts, record your feelings through words, and sort out your emotions.

When you remove some of the premises and assumptions you have set for yourself, remove the barriers that hinder communication between yourself and your relatives and friends. Only then can love and light shine into your heart and dissolve the negative emotions that torment you.

Method 4: Do things you are interested in

You can do something you like to divert your attention and prevent yourself from being stuck in negative emotions. Some patients find many interesting things to do during their recovery, such as singing, dancing, growing flowers, and writing poems. Their daily life is richly arranged, and they have no time to think about their illness.

Picture source: Photo Network

You can also try to learn some new things you want to learn, and find the fun and sense of accomplishment in life. Being sick does not mean that life has stopped. As long as you are willing, there are still many beautiful things in life waiting for you to discover.

Method 5: Participate in some sports

Exercise can not only strengthen our bodies, but also produce substances that make us feel happy - dopamine , which can make you feel good in a short time. You can choose the exercise that suits you according to your own condition, and each exercise should last for no less than 30 minutes.

When you are sad, you can choose jogging, swimming, and exercise. When you are stressed, you can practice simple yoga. It should be noted that if your emotional state is very poor, do not choose strenuous exercise or overexert yourself.

Method 6: Find the power of the group

Most people feel very lonely after being diagnosed with cancer. At this time, you can find some exchange groups with patients with the same disease. Through communication in the group, you can learn some knowledge about the disease. shares his anti-cancer experience and finds the resonance of life.

Picture source: Photo Network

You can find the corresponding patient communication group through the introduction of your attending physician or the Jianjian platform. When you are willing to share and communicate with everyone, you will find that on the road to fighting cancer, , maybe I can go further.

Finally, I would like to give you a little mantra to deal with bad emotions. I hope you will always remember that it is not scary to have emotions, but it is important to be able to manage them~

Emotional management mantra:

I don’t panic when emotions come, identify them first and then take action. .

Explore the inner truth and no longer be hurt by those emotions.

Learn to take a deep breath and relax, tell your relatives and friends about it.

breaks down fears and obstacles and still enjoys life.

Find interest and beauty, and all worries and worries are gone.

Exercise strengthens the body and makes you feel comfortable and in good condition.

goes all the way to find friends who are suffering from cancer, and achieve success on the road to fighting cancer!

Editor in charge: Gynecological Oncology Mutual Aid Circle

Picture source: Toutiao Free Genuine Pictures