My daughter will be a junior in college when she starts school in the fall. School ended early for the summer vacation and she is already back. After another year of college life, I feel that there has been a little change and progress in all aspects than before. Seeing the 1.7 m

My daughter will be a junior in college when school starts in the fall. School ended early for the summer vacation and she is already back. After another year of college life, I feel that there has been a little change and progress in all aspects than before. Seeing the 1.7 meter tall girl next to me look so graceful and graceful, the mother couldn't help feeling happy in her heart. However, the child has always felt that he is mentally abnormal. He also claims that he has severe depression , and he also calls himself bipolar disorder . He says that he has low self-esteem and cannot feel happiness and happiness. See She always looked gloomy, and I felt vaguely worried and distressed, but it didn't feel that serious, right? I just feel that her way of thinking is different from others, and it is easy for her to get into trouble.

I checked online for information about depression and found out that there are quite a lot of people suffering from depression nowadays, especially adolescent students. As soon as I came back from vacation, my child repeatedly urged me to take her to a regular hospital for a check-up. Yesterday morning we both got up early and drove to a well-known mental rehabilitation hospital 50km away from our home. We signed up for the most expensive expert number. After some routine communication, the expert asked us to pay for the treatment. MMPI commonly used personality tests, including the Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory and professional tests such as Zong's Depression Self-Assessment and Zong's Anxiety Self-Assessment. Based on the test results, the expert communicated with her daughter and finally concluded: The child's problem is not depression. Her current problem is only caused by personality. This cannot be solved by taking medicine. She should change her way of thinking and start from Look at problems from different angles, don’t be too self-absorbed, and have the courage to integrate into society. The more you suffer, the more experience you have, and the way you deal with problems will not be so extreme. Experts have given children simple psychological counseling and feel the effect Not bad, children are often more receptive to opinions from teachers other than their parents. Finally, some Chinese patent medicines were prescribed for the child's poor sleep. The whole medical treatment cost about 1,000 yuan, but I felt it was well worth it, because the stone pressing on our chests was finally put down, and we left the hospital easily. . After I came back, I found that my child's mental state was completely different. The smile that I hadn't seen for a long time returned to his youthful face. Today I started planning my summer vacation. I even heard the child's voice reading English, although it didn't last long. , she also discussed with me about the postgraduate entrance examination. Today at noon I enjoyed the delicious food she cooked. I got her a fitness card and she actively participated in exercise.

In fact, sometimes psychological suggestion can play a big role. She always hinted that she had depression in the past, and she followed the information prompts on the Internet, so she always had a heavy psychological burden. I remembered that in the second half of last year, she suddenly called me at school and said that she had hyperthyroidism. I was very worried. Worry immediately gave her 2,000 yuan and asked her to go to Provincial Hospital for a good examination and treatment. After an examination, the doctor told her: everything is normal, go back. I linked these two things together and laughed at her and said: There is nothing wrong in the world, and it is only for people to disturb themselves. She smiled sheepishly after hearing this, and the dark cloud hanging over our home finally dissipated.

Thank you! I, as a mother, have something to do with my child's problems. It seems that I have to think carefully about how to treat my child. I can no longer only care about her studies and ignore the child's psychology. Growing up is what I want most.