People are like this, they instinctively avoid fundamental problems until they have to face them. You might as well take a look at some tips from psychology to help you better control yourself and say no to lying down and procrastinating: 1. Predict your habitual procrastination

People are like this, they will instinctively avoid the fundamental problem until they have to face it.

- Seicho Matsumoto's "Focus of Zero"

Picture source|Small Edition Butler

I was obviously very ambitious at the beginning of the year and set numerous flags, but I often fell flat during the work process and made no progress; I was obviously very ambitious on Monday. , but have to regret the bad habit of procrastinating in the week on Sunday; knowing clearly that things are urgent, but still can't help picking up the phone; always regretting that the task is not completed in time, but always falling into the vicious cycle of procrastination-regret-procrastination again .

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

You might as well take a look at some tips in psychology to help you better control yourself and say no to lying down and procrastinating:

1. Predict your habitual procrastination and control it.

Odysseus tied himself to the mast of the sailboat in order to resist the temptation of Siren . In fact, when our internal control is insufficient, we must resort to external constraints.

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

For example, if you know that your procrastination comes from unlimited scrolling on your mobile phone: wait until you finish watching this video to study, and wait until the hour to study. Then you might as well create all the ways to stay away from your mobile phone: for example, ask a friend to keep it for you, turn off the notification sound, keep the mobile phone away from the study room, etc.

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

2. The "quadrant method" has a miraculous effect on procrastination patients.

We make plans before a week of work and study.

is divided into four quadrants on a large paper. The first quadrant of is: important and urgent (such as recent meetings, large-scale exams, etc., replying to work emails), and the second quadrant of is: not important but Urgent (such as home appliance repair, mailing items, etc.), third quadrant is: unimportant and not urgent (such as playing online games, traveling, etc.), fourth quadrant is: important but not urgent (such as exam preparation certificates, reading Activities that can only be rewarded if they last long).

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

Arrange time reasonably according to the plan of the four quadrants: complete the matters in the first quadrant first, followed by the matters in the second quadrant, and the matters in the third quadrant can be delayed or even not done.

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

3. Strengthen self-motivation and increase internal drive.

Incentive theory was first derived from management. In short, it is to affirm or deny behavior, thereby affecting the next behavior, and converting external motivation into internal motivation.

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

For example, join a fitness, vocabulary, etc. check-in group to make check-in a source of sense of ritual in life. Strictly set DDL (deadline) for your tasks, and prepare a small reward after completing the task, such as a cup of milk tea, a new piece of clothing, etc.

picture source | Small version housekeeper

4. is mostly involved in group activities, gradually changing the habit of procrastination.

The author has observed that people with procrastination tend to turn "group work" into "group work".

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

But for people who procrastinate, it is a situation of being placed under group supervision, which amplifies the incentive to complete the task and amplifies the regret of not completing the task. In order not to expand the "loss" of others, you will have to take action.

Picture source | Small version housekeeper

Procrastination cannot relieve any anxiety and uneasiness. Only action can relieve all uneasiness. You might as well give it a try.


picture source | Small version housekeeper