For example, if you ask him to give you a certain card on the table, he will act like he didn't hear you and do his own thing, or if he stares at the card on the table, he just won't do it. What's even more annoying is that you You clearly know that he recognizes the card you ask

I have to admit that most of our autistic children "don't listen to greetings". There are certain behaviors that drive us crazy to death. For example, if you ask him to give you a certain card on the table, he will act like he didn't hear you and do his own thing, or if he stares at the card on the table, he just won't do it. What's even more annoying is that you You clearly know that he recognizes the card you asked him to take, but he just won't take it for you! Crash! Let's be angry, we still need to understand our children.

There is no way, the obedience of most autistic children is so poor. I often hear rehabilitation teachers and parents being annoyed, saying that our children are unwilling to do things and cannot teach new things if they want to. He always does the opposite. Indeed, this is quite nerve-wracking.

So, we absolutely need and expect our children to cooperate and obey us. If the children cooperate and are willing to obey us, our work will be much easier, and each other's mood will definitely be beautiful and beautiful.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the cooperation and obedience of children. No matter what stage the child is at, even if he is already super advanced, we should still pay attention to it. How to train cooperation and obedience in

? Will it be more difficult than some advanced courses? No, not at all. On the contrary, training with obedience is the most basic and easier. Let your children put things in the places you designate, take things you designate, etc. These are all in conjunction with obedience training.

I like to use the color column toy to train children's cooperation. Children of all abilities can use it. For children with poor abilities, I only ask them to take one color column at a time, no matter what color it is, and then put it in the bowl next to it.

If the child is of good quality but has poor eyesight, I will ask him to take the specific color column I pointed out and put it into the bowl. You can also go the other way and ask him to insert the color column in the bowl into the position designated by me.

If the child has good abilities and can recognize colors and have certain number concepts, I will use language to give him the task of "get the red and white ones" or "get 3 green ones"... In short, design according to the child's ability. There is no problem with the corresponding topics.

If the child still resists and complains during the joint obedience project, when will we wait until we can provide corresponding help? Remember, don’t be stingy with enhancements!