Hello everyone, I am Liao Shaobin, a patient with depression. I will go back if I insist on it for another month. I am very tired every day here. I want to live a simple life, but others don’t let me. I sweat profusely every day. Sometimes I really can’t. I know who I have offend

Hello everyone, I am Liao Shaobin, a depression patient . I will go back after one more month. I am very tired here every day. I want to live a simple life, but others won’t let me. I sweat profusely every day. Sometimes I I really don’t know who I offended. I’m being targeted wherever I go.

I don’t want to persist anymore. Everything becomes meaningless. I work with all my heart, but in the end I can’t get a nice word. I think I’m not lazy. I'm not doing anything. I'm doing normal things. I don't know where I went wrong. I really don't know.

No matter how much I say, people think I'm complaining. To be honest with you, I'm not in much mood to go to work, so I just want to be simple. I work and earn a living, but they won’t let me! It's like this every day. I've really had enough, and I don't want to endure it anymore. If I insist on it for another month, I plan to go back.

I really can't find a job. I can't stay any longer, so I'm going home. Originally, I didn't want to say so much. Yes, but there is nothing I can do. If I don’t say it, I feel uncomfortable. There is no point in saying it, and it will only increase my worries! What do you think?