Beckham leads the most handsome team with both strength and appearance in football (retired)

I have played for more than 20 years. Recently, while watching the European Cup , five major leagues , the Champions League and other games, I suddenly noticed that there are fewer and fewer handsome guys on the football field. I don’t know when, not only the hard-to-find handsome guys in the traditional black and hard positions such as central defenders and midfielders, but also the positions of full-backs, midfielders, forwards and even goalkeepers that were once prone to handsome guys. The less come.

There are fewer handsome guys. This phenomenon is not only reflected in the clubs, but also in the European national teams such as France, Germany, Portugal and Spain. There are fewer and fewer handsome guys. Even Italy, known as the "male model team" Now the player's face value is also showing a significant decline. I couldn't help but miss the era of more than ten or twenty years ago when not only the stars' playing styles were diversified, but the players were also very handsome. So, I tried to line up a lineup of handsome football guys in my mind. The conditions for selection: good appearance, a certain status and influence in football, and retired. The following is the All-Star lineup:

Goalkeeper: Casillas. Spaniard , 182 cm tall, has long served as the captain and main goalkeeper of the Spanish national team and Real Madrid. He has saved Real Madrid on the goal line countless times. He is nicknamed "San Cassie" and retired in August 2020.

defender: Mardini, Nesta , Cannavaro . All handsome Italian guys were also the main defensive line of the Italian national team from 2000 to 2010, and a representative figure of the Italian male model team.

Maldini: Italian football representative, 187 cm tall, only played for AC Milan club in his life, the main position is left back/center back,The captain of the Italian national team and AC Milan club was in the golden age of AC Milan. His deep eyes were like those of a lover, and he was fascinated when he was young. Maldini retired in 2009 and currently serves as the general manager of the AC Milan club.

Nesta: One of the best central defenders in Italy, 187 cm tall, made his debut from Lazio and later moved to AC Milan, where he achieved the highest level of his football career, Nesta in 2015 After retiring in the year, he successively taught in some low-level league clubs.

Cannavaro: Nesta’s golden partner, played for Parma, Inter Milan, Juventus and Real Madrid and other world top clubs. He reached the peak of his career from 2006 to 2007. He has won the World Cup champion, the European Golden Globe Award and FIFA World Footballer . He announced his retirement in 2011 and is currently the head coach of the Guangzhou Football Team of the Super League.

Midfielder: Redondo , Kaka, Ginola, Beckham .

Redondo: Argentine midfielder, 186 cm tall. Redondo has played for Real Madrid and AC Milan. Although he played in the midfielder position, his style of play is elegant, and his long flowing hair makes his charm greatly increased. After the 1994 World Cup, the Argentine national team issued a "haircutting order". Redondo, who was unwilling to cut a long hair, announced his withdrawal from the national team and retired in November 2004.

Kaka: Brazilian front midfielder,He is 186 centimeters tall and comes from an upper-class Brazilian family. He is not only superb, but also has a handsome appearance. He joined AC Milan in 2003 and Real Madrid in 2009. In December 2018, Kaka announced his retirement.

Ginola: French midfielder, 180 cm tall, once known as the most handsome man in France, with the appearance of a movie star, superb skills, elegant style, and once France The representative of football has played for Paris, Newcastle and Tottenham . In 2002, Genola announced his retirement at Tottenham.

Beckham : England midfielder, 183 cm tall, the most handsome football player in my mind, there is no one. The famous member of Manchester United 92 , after Manchester United reached the peak of their career, moved to Real Madrid, and Ronaldo, Figo, Zidane, Raul, Carlos, Carlos Celias co-created the most glorious period of Real Madrid's " galaxy battleship". Beckham retired in 2013. Beckham is currently one of the bosses of American League Los Angeles Galaxy. By the way, Beckham’s wife is the famous British pop star Victoria .

Forwards: Santa Cruz, Klose, Baggio.

Santa Cruz: Paraguay forward,With a height of 191 centimeters, a slender figure, a handsome face, and a melancholy temperament, he once replaced Beckham as the most handsome football player. Santa Cruz became famous in Bayern Munich, then moved to the Premier League Blackburn and Manchester City, and retired in 2016.

Klose: German striker, 184 cm tall, nicknamed K god . The perseverance and elegance of the Germans are vividly shown in him, playing for , Kaiserslautern, Bremen and Bayern, but his greatest achievement is in the World Cup, scoring 16 goals in 4 World Cups. Became the World Cup scoring record holder and retired in 2016.

Baggio: Italian striker, height 174 cm, representative of Italian football, always looking melancholy eyes and ponytail are the representative image of Baggio. In 1994 World Cup final Baggio missed a penalty kick, Italy lost the championship, and Baggio's lonely figure broke the hearts of many fans. In 2004, Baggio announced his retirement.
