Brother Hai, although I visit major foot massage shops every day, I mainly focus on Auntie’s foot massage shops. Mainly because I think Auntie’s foot massage shops are affordable on the one hand, and they are indeed of a certain standard on the other. Look at those luxuriously de

Brother Hai, although I visit major foot massage shops every day, I mainly focus on Auntie’s foot massage shops. Mainly because I think Auntie’s foot massage shops are affordable on the one hand, and they are indeed of a certain standard on the other. Look at those luxuriously decorated foot massage shops that look like high-end ones. I rarely go there because they are expensive and amateurish. In addition to going to singing sessions, I usually go to Auntie's Foot Massage Shop the rest of the time. Of course, if Lao Wang invites me over, then I can only risk my life to accompany you, right?

At about two o'clock that day, Lao Wang actually called me. Lao Wang, this guy usually calls me in the afternoon and talks about dinner in the evening. Unexpectedly, he changed his direction this time and said he would go to Chengbei Foot Foot Shop in the evening. , you pick me up downstairs at my house at nine o'clock. This guy now speaks with a commanding tone. I'm definitely not happy. Why are you ordering me? You didn’t even ask me if I was going? Just tell him to pick him up at his place at nine o'clock in the evening! Although I know that he usually drinks a lot at night, I don't like your commanding tone: "I'm not free tonight, Lao Wang." I deliberately angered him. After all, who would be in a good mood with your commanding tone? Although we are so familiar. "I don't have time. The construction unit invited me to dinner today. They will definitely ask me to sing in the evening. I don't want to go after that. You pick me up and give me a reason. Then I will ask you to wash your feet." Old Wang Yi Finished speaking.

turned out to be asking me to come to the rescue, so I felt more at ease. As brothers, we still have to help with this matter. But it was also because of my brother that he spoke to me in such a direct and commanding tone. "Okay, okay, brother is in trouble, Brother Hai, when didn't I show up?" I almost slapped my chest in front of him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I successfully picked up Lao Wang downstairs. Because his place to eat was not far away, he walked over. Go straight to the foot massage shop in the north of the city. The foot massage shop in the north of the city has always been relatively expensive, with an hour's foot massage costing 259 yuan, but Lao Wang probably has money tonight and plans to treat me. If it were me, I would never come here. Now that I am so poor, I can only enjoy the 108 yuan foot massage service in Auntie's foot massage shop, and those who pay 108 yuan still think that they can be discounted. It’s 98 yuan.

arrived at the foot massage shop, because Lao Wang was almost drunk. So this time I arranged for them to wash their feet in the same room with him. I said to the technician over there, just pinch me to death. Does he, a dead pig, know this? If you pinch him awake, he will probably give you a reward. The technician laughed after hearing this.

The person who came back to wash my feet was a little girl born in 1995. I looked at her and praised her directly, "She is so young. Are you 20 years old?" It seems that I am an aunt recently. I'm used to it. When I see younger people, I think they are not 20 years old. In fact, the question of whether they are 20 years old or not is definitely unconscionable. He must be in his 20s, right?

The technician smiled and said: "Boss, you are really good at joking. I am 95 years old and I am 27 this year. I am almost 30 all of a sudden. I am old." I didn't expect my reaction when she said she was 95 years old. , because I am almost a full decade older than I was in 1995. Even people who were born in 1995 said I am old, so what the hell are we, those born in the 1980s, doing! "Now the world belongs to those born after 2000, boss," Miss Muzu continued to add. This addition was more like a sharp sword thrust into my chest. I'm thinking maybe I'm really old.

"Young lady, you are really joking. You are in your prime now. We are called old. We are all in our 40s and 50s." I struggled to tell the young lady. I wished she would immediately admit that she was not old, and then I There is a chance to follow Immortality, right?

"Ha" the young lady just smiled and didn't answer. I couldn't tell what she meant from her laughter. She probably just wanted to say that you old men have long been old, but because of the relationship with this kind of customer, you are embarrassed to express it. Just come out.