It is now July/August, the hot summer, and small electric sweepers are working hard on the streets for cleaning. They work hard, but they also need maintenance. Today I want to talk about the maintenance tips for small electric sweepers in summer. Help users use electric sweepers

It is now July/August. In the hot summer, electric small sweepers are working hard on the streets to clean the streets. They are diligent in their work and need maintenance. Today I want to talk about the maintenance tips of electric small sweepers in summer. To help users use electric sweeper correctly in summer.

1, diligent in inspection: During the day's work yesterday, the electric sweeper may have passed through rough roads, puddles, or minor collisions. We inspect each component of the sweeper before operation every day. Check and discover possible faults and safety risks to ensure normal operations throughout the day.

2, waterproof and moisture-proof: The filter of an electric sweeper is usually not waterproof. When working on a rainy day, the fan should be turned off, because if the fan is turned on, the water mist will follow the wind flow and reach the filter, causing the filter to get wet and affecting the filtration effect. Shorten the service life of the filter. When the ground passes through puddles, the fan must also be turned off. When the rain is heavy, work needs to be stopped. Because the entire vehicle is based on electrical circuits, if water seeps, it may cause damage to parts.

3, sun protection cooling: sanitation workers need to cool down and take a break and take a high temperature holiday. Electric sweepers are affected by battery temperature and are safe to use below 40 degrees. Therefore, if it is too hot or exposed to the sun, there is an electric sweeper. Keep in a cool place to avoid unnecessary risks.

Like spring and autumn weather is windy and dusty, so when using it, you should pay more attention to dust removal and vibration. During the cleaning process, press the dust vibration button more. After each cleaning, you should also pay more attention to using a hair dryer or other tools. Use something to blow the dust off the filter to avoid affecting the cleaning effect. You should also pay more attention to cleaning the exterior of the car to avoid thick dust. Every time the machine is used, the dust itself will be large and the cleaning effect will be poor.

In winter, the weather is cold. We know that the battery's power storage is small. Unlike in summer, the working hours are long. We need to pay more attention to the charging and use methods. When cleaning, we must drive at a constant speed and do not move faster and slower. , like some lighting lamps, can be turned off during the day to reduce power consumption.

There are so many and sweeper brands on the market. It’s hard to choose. So which sweeper brand is the best? I recommend you choose a sweeper for the following reasons: It complies with national environmental protection requirements and uses pure batteries. Power, thinking that this new power source electric sweeper will become more and more popular.

sweepers are cost-effective, with quick return on investment, full functions and models. From small electric push sweepers, to small electric driving sweepers, to luxury driving fully enclosed sweepers, they can meet your various occasions. Different needs, so the design is based on simplicity, comfort and humanization. The sweeper panels are made more simplified. Operators do not need professional training, and even older people can easily learn to use it.

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