Strain BA.5 attacked Xi'an. According to a report issued by "Jimu News", this BA.5 mutant strain has now replaced the BA.2 strain and has become one of the major strains in the world.


strain BA.5 attacked Xi'an. According to a report issued by Jimu News, this BA.5 mutant strain has now replaced the BA.2 strain and has become one of the major strains in the world. This Omicron BA.5 is also the first subtype branch reported in China, and community transmission has already occurred. Multiple studies have shown that this Omicron BA.5 mutant strain has the characteristics of fast transmission, strong infectivity, and the ability to escape immunity. And the R0 value of this new strain is as high as 18.6. Surpassing the most transmissible strain ever recorded, it is now considered the most transmissible strain.

From the points described above, we can see that the new mutant strain is more transmissible and more invisible than before. So what should China do if it aims to clear the country? Xi'an immediately responded with Xingxing. Starting from 0:00 on July 6, Xi'an will implement static management measures for seven days. At the same time, it will also arrange for nucleic acid screening for all personnel in the city as soon as possible. During the nucleic acid screening period for all employees, public entertainment and leisure venues and public places in Xi'an City will suspend operations for a week. At the same time, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in various regions will take epidemic prevention and control measures such as early holidays.

html The latest news on the epidemic in Xi'an on July 7th. There were 3 new local confirmed cases in Shaanxi and 51 asymptomatic infections. The above cases were all discovered in Xi'an. As of 24:00 on July 6, 14 confirmed cases of the epidemic in Xi'an were being treated in isolation in the hospital, and 19 asymptomatic infections were under medical observation in isolation. I really didn’t expect that Xi’an had just stopped normalizing nucleic acid testing for a few days, and it started to come back again. I vaguely remember that the epidemic in Xi’an was discovered on July 2, and so far there have been more than 30 new cases. Look at it this way There is another tough battle to fight in Xi'an. I hope Xi'an can win this blocking battle as soon as possible.

Xi'an is also at a critical moment now. At this time, everyone must grit their teeth, work together, and help each other. Judging from the current epidemic situation in Xi'an, it is estimated that there may be sporadic cases in the future, so everyone must pay attention to personal protection at this time, and personal protection is still the top priority. Because this Omicron mutant strain still has the characteristics of strong concealment and strong transmissibility, no one can relax or underestimate it for a moment.

Okay, I’ll share it here today. During the epidemic, I hope everyone will pay more attention to personal protection, wash hands frequently, wash clothes frequently, disinfect frequently, and gather less. Hold on, open your mouth, steady your legs, actively cooperate with the relevant policies issued by the country, and be calm Take every step carefully, don't rush, don't stop, wait for the next dawn, come on Xi'an