#飞哥2022久久久书#The 165th book, read every day, one book a day. It summarizes its main points, allowing you to get an overview in more than ten minutes and effectively grasp the main ideas of the book. Book title: "Memory Master: Memory Training from Photographic Memory to Blushing"

#Feige2022 Recommended Books# The 165th book, read every day, one book a day.

summarizes its main points, allowing you to get an overview in more than ten minutes and effectively grasp the main ideas of the book.

Title of the book: "Memory Master: Memory Training from Photographic Memory to Blushing"

Author: Japanese/Ikeda Yoshihiro (The author has participated in memory competitions since he was about 45 years old and won the national championship 4 times in a row. Later, in mind map (Mind Map) founder Donnie Buzan won the title of " World Memory Master " in the World Memory Competition founded by

, president of the Memory Ability Development Association: Recitation is from input to output. process. Remembering is not the purpose. Only when the memorized information can be output can it be called real "remembering".

Memory can be improved exponentially with the "Recitation Challenge".

Recitation means to read the sentence through and understand it, then repeat it out loud without looking at the original text.

In the process of reciting, we must make full use of the brain memory links such as "content understanding", "visualization", "review" and "output". In other words, in the process of memorizing sentences and repeating them again, we can effectively exercise memory and promote memory improvement. In more professional terms, in psychology, only by going through the three processes of "remembering (writing down the content) - retaining (remembering and not forgetting) - recalling (recalling the content)" can one truly understand the subject. Memorize things. Recitation includes these three elements.

After reading a book, you cannot remember it at all. Therefore, you need to excerpt and take notes. After reading a book, the result is a few or dozens of summaries. After reading the book, it is the so-called process of reading the book, which is the process of focusing on the key points. After reading the summary results, you can repeatedly memorize and practice them.

So, I read a book, looking for speed, and finish it quickly. Look at it quickly and look at it slowly, but in fact the final harvest is almost the same. Reading a book means grabbing the key points in the book according to your own needs. Memory is inherently unreliable. Just because you read slowly does not mean you remember much. You will still forget half of it the next day. What's more, memorization does not belong to the step of reading.

This reading method of quickly extracting key points is what I call the "gold digging reading method".

reads every day, one book a day.

excerpts the essence of books, allowing you to master all kinds of information in less time.

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