How much does a fitness personal trainer generally cost per month? Fitness personal trainer salary = basic salary + sales commission + class commission + other awards.

How much does a fitness personal trainer cost per month?

Fitness personal trainer Salary = basic salary + sales commission + class commission + other awards. Class commission is the largest part, that is, the more classes you take, the higher your income will be;

Generally, the average monthly salary in first-tier cities is more than 15,000, and in second-tier cities, the average monthly salary is around 8,000-15,000. In third-tier cities, due to the great differences in fitness awareness among different places, Income ranges from a few thousand yuan to 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

The salary level of fitness coaches is relatively stable and high, and it continues to rise, but it also requires corresponding abilities, so we need to go to a professional fitness coach training base to learn professional fitness knowledge and skills. Here the editor will give you Recommended Shanghai fitness coach training base.

Shanghai Physical Fitness and Fitness Coach Training Base is a contracted cooperative unit for fitness coach vocational skills training. You can obtain a fitness coach certificate at the base, and now it has also launched a new media marketing course, allowing you to learn live streaming and community marketing , online membership guidance, online monetization, etc., income can be transformed from the traditional offline economy into simultaneous offline and online income, achieving income diversification.