"Love Kaiyuan and work together for great achievements" Kaiyuan invites you to participate in the collection of information on outstanding talents abroad! The vast number of outstanding talents living abroad: the sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

"Love Kaiyuan Let's work together for great achievements"

Kaiyuan is soliciting information for outstanding overseas talents

invites you to participate!

The vast number of outstanding talents who are overseas:

The sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. With the pursuit of ideals in life, you bid farewell to your homeland and went to other places. With your outstanding wisdom, hard-working hands and perseverance, you created a world of your own and wrote a wonderful life! Wanderers often think about their hometown, and the green leaves always reflect the local feelings. Just as you are making outstanding achievements outside, various undertakings in your hometown are also flourishing and developing vigorously. In 2021, the city's regional GDP will increase to 30.34 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 9.2%, and it has been continuously ranked among the "Top 10 County Economies" in Yunnan Province. fixed asset investment average annual growth of 12%, completed investment of 61.52 billion yuan. The total industrial output value increased from 12.51 billion yuan to 23.31 billion yuan, and the conversion of old and new driving forces was accelerated. A light industry industrial park and a food processing industrial park were built, with the total output value of the park reaching 7.95 billion yuan. The country's first national modern agricultural industrial park with flowers as its leading industry was successfully created, and was approved as a "National Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park". The city's flower output value exceeded 1.3 billion yuan. The urban air quality rate increased from 89.6% to 97.8%, winning the title of “China Natural Oxygen Bar”. Kaiyuan has changed from "small" to "big", breaking the shackles of the "single economy" that has been stuck for many years. It has jumped out of the "small circle" with a eloquent "big Kaiyuan" and created a new growth pole. This city was once marked as The "stinky, hot and noisy" polluted city has transformed into an ecological, livable and beautiful new city. Phoenix flowers and jacarandas are blooming, the reflection of the new city on the Phoenix Lake is swaying in the wind, and the changes in the long history have enriched the bell tower. Memory living room. And Kaiyuan's sweet rice noodles, small roll noodles , chickpea peaches, mixed fruit wine, beef skewers... all of them tell me that they miss you, and all of them are looking forward to your return~

In recent years Recently, the Kaiyuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to talent work and vigorously promoted the return of outstanding talents from overseas. In order to smooth the communication channels between the city and overseas talents, we are now launching an information collection activity for outstanding talents from overseas and establishing a Excellent talent information database, specific matters are as follows:

Scope of collection

The ancestral residence, household registration, birthplace or place of growth are in Kaiyuan City , or have worked in Kaiyuan (one of the above is sufficient), and are currently outside the jurisdiction of Kaiyuan The following personnel who work, live and study (including outside the city, outside the state, outside the province, and abroad):

(1) Leading cadres: Kaiyuan is currently a deputy director in a foreign party, government, military, mass organization or public institution Leading cadres with positions at or above the (regiment) level, and cadres working in party and government agencies at or above the provincial level (the term "above" includes the same level, the same below).

(2) Business people: Kaiyuan industry elites who hold senior management positions in large and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad, entrepreneurs or successful people who have a certain scale of innovation and entrepreneurship abroad, and who hold positions of vice president or above of a chamber of commerce.

(3) Famous persons:

1. People who have opened a foreign country and enjoy special government subsidies at the provincial level or above, outstanding young and middle-aged experts, have senior professional titles or top-notch professional and technical talents, academicians and experts who have made outstanding contributions in relevant professional fields;

2 .Kaiyuanji celebrities who have obtained important academic and scientific research achievements and major awards recognized by departments at or above the provincial level in various fields such as science and technology, education, culture, art, medicine, sports, etc. (technical, cultural, educational, deputy senior and above technical titles , health academics and other people from all walks of life);

3. People from all walks of life who are well-known and have high social reputation abroad.

(4) Others:

1. Famous people working or living in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions, as well as overseas Chinese who work and develop abroad;

2. Undergraduate students studying in "double first-class" universities and key universities at home and abroad. Master's degree or above (including current students);

3. Other young and middle-aged groups who intend to return to Kaiyuan to start a business and other outstanding talents with special talents.

Collection method

This information collection work is all completed online. Applicants who have talents abroad or have information on recommended talents studying abroad can fill in the information by scanning the QR code attached at the end of the article.

Collection time

This collection activity is subject to long-term openness and dynamic management. Talents who are overseas can fill in and update their personal information at any time.

Collection content

This collection activity mainly collects basic information such as the basic situation, work unit, industry, contact information and other information of overseas talents.

people are relatives from their hometown, and their love for their hometown is strong. You have been living and working outside for many years, with broad vision, smooth information, and friends all over the world. The people of your hometown urge you to give full play to your advantages, turn your homesickness into helping your hometown, and add luster to the development of your hometown. Here, I hope you will take time out of your busy schedule to fill it out and provide suggestions, matchmaking, and link resources for the construction and development of Fuyu. We will do our best to make the platform for talent development broader, the soil for talent cultivation more fertile, and the talent retention service warmer. We hope that when the spring flowers bloom, you can take a trip back to your hometown during your busy schedule to see the phoenix flowers, drink a sip of fruit wine, eat a meal of beef hot pot , and talk about your hometown! Here, I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to you all! At the same time, we solemnly promise to strictly keep talent information confidential.

Organization Department of Kaiyuan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

July 1, 2022