丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Tea Shi. It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi. Author: Village Girl Chen "1" Many people will face a problem when making tea: How to add water? After all, in simple terms, making tea is the process of s

丨This article was originally created by Xiao Chen Cha Shi

丨First published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi

丨Author: Village Girl Chen


Many people will face a problem when making tea:

How to add water?

After all, in simple terms, making tea is the process of soaking the tea leaves with water and pouring them out at the right time.

Therefore, the method of water injection is very critical.

Friends who don’t know how to do it often look for tutorials on the Internet and watch tea masters’ videos of making tea.

Videos with titles such as "Watch the tea brewing process of professional tea masters and learn it instantly", "Learn Kung Fu tea brewing techniques in 3 minutes", etc., have a high number of views.

Among them, most tea masters will tell the audience to hang the pot high and brew it high.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted the kettle high and let the water flow down from the height.

At this time, you will see that the tea leaves in the tureen begin to flip up and down, spinning in circles.

's ups and downs look beautiful.

But when it came time to actually operate it, I found that it was not as simple as imagined.

If he makes a mistake, he will spill hot water everywhere, making the tea table wet.

If you use a dry tea towel and the tea towel gets wet, it will inevitably leave large areas of water stains, which is a complete "rollover phenomenon".

In a hurry, you may even burn yourself.

could only sigh: Making tea is so difficult!


Some tea masters talk about their techniques very clearly. The effect of the

video is also very good, it looks very professional and intimidating.

There are a lot of things like entering the palace, Guan Gong patrolling the city, Han Xin ordering troops, some and not, which fascinates a lot of novices.

But if you look carefully, you will know that its practicality is extremely low.

In the Kung Fu tea brewing method, the hanging pot high brew is also called "Phoenix Three Nods".

Lift the kettle up and down three times in a row, because this action is like a phoenix nodding, and the number of times is three, hence the name.

can be seen, it is more of a performance nature.

Just imagine, if a new tea maker can’t even hold a tureen firmly, wouldn’t it be too much to ask him to pay attention to appearance and etiquette?

Moreover, the main purpose of brewing is to brew tea deliciously and show its original flavor.

On this basis, extending the details of beauty, etiquette and other aspects is the correct sequence.

Otherwise, if you lose sight of priorities, blindly pursue beauty, and learn various tricks in tea art performances, you will eventually spoil the tea leaves.

Of course, there are also some tea masters who are semi-performers.

means that while being skilled in operation, it is both beautiful and can make delicious tea soup.

is not exaggerated, not flashy, simple and practical.

In fact, compared to the difficult and novel tea making techniques, practical methods are more attractive.

We are all ordinary people who just want to simply drink a cup of tea in our spare time, and fancy tricks are not only time-consuming, but also easy to overturn.

When the time comes, it will only affect your tea-drinking mood, but it will be more than worth the gain if you burn yourself.

So, it’s better to keep it simple and make tea the way you like.


Speaking from experience, hanging pot high punch may not be suitable for everyone.

First of all, our arms need to be strong enough to maintain stability when lifting the kettle high.

The hand must not shake or shift. The water must be accurately poured into the bowl from a high place.

Secondly, if you are brewing tea leaves that are fluffy and dry like white tea Shoumei.

Injecting water from a higher position can easily cause water splashing and the tea table to be wetted by boiling water.

If your body is relatively close, it may splash onto your hands and legs, posing a greater risk of burns.

Thirdly, when the hanging kettle is flushed at high altitude, the water flow is in contact with the air for a long time because the kettle is far away from the tureen. During the

process, the heat slowly dissipates and the water temperature drops. When it reaches the tureen, it may no longer be boiling hot.

If it happens to be winter, the water temperature may drop even more.

The water temperature is not high enough to fully release the inner essence of the tea leaves, hiding the true strength of good tea.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is better to inject water at a low level for .

Put the kettle close to the tureen, let the water flow accurately onto the dry tea, and quickly complete the filling.

is neither time-consuming nor labor-intensive. The key is that it is not easy to spill everywhere, avoids the risk of burns, and is highly efficient.

What we really need to consider is another aspect.

There are two main ways of filling water into a tureen for making white tea, ring wall water filling and fixed point water filling .

Ring wall water injection, as the name suggests, refers to the surrounding water injection along the inner wall of the tureen.

is like using water to draw "の", which helps to evenly wet and soak the dry tea, allowing the tea flavor to be more fully released.

As for fixed-point water injection, it is easier to understand. A fixed position remains unchanged until the water injection is completed.

has different applicable water injection methods under different circumstances.

Below, we will analyze it in detail.


Before the dry tea is fully wetted, it is recommended to use the ring wall to inject water.

This allows the tea leaves to be soaked better and the inner substance to be evenly separated.

Especially for teas like white tea, the surface is covered with dense pekoe, so you cannot give up water injection on the wall.

Otherwise, the pekoe will not be able to get wet and fall off, resulting in a bland soup with a weak aroma.

I have to mention some performers here.

When brewing any tea, always prepare a tall and thin tureen. When filling the water, pour water slowly along the edge of the tureen.

also reminded everyone to try not to come into contact with dry tea.

is euphemistically called, making tea more durable and not damaging the delicate tea leaves.

But in fact, most teas can be brewed directly with boiling water, and there is no problem of scalding or overcooking.

More importantly, tea leaves that have not been brewed are lighter in weight.

If water is only injected at fixed points, a large amount of dry tea will float on the water, and only the part of the tea leaves that are in contact with the water will slowly release substances.

is like a team. There are obviously many people, but only a few people are working hard.

If people are distracted, they will never achieve great things.

Injecting water at specific points in the early stage is destined to fail to brew the best flavor of the tea, and can only end up with "not brewing".

As for pragmatic people, when making tea for the first few times, they must use the ring wall to fill it with water.

From the first flush, water is injected into the surrounding wall to fully analyze the aroma and taste of the tea.

After four or five flushes, make sure that the tea leaves have absorbed enough water, and then change to fixed-point water injection, or complete the ring wall water injection to the end.

I was too lazy to use fixed-point water injection from the beginning. The tea soup I brewed must not taste pure enough, not thick enough, not smooth enough, and not full of the flavor of good tea.

The brewing resistance of good tea is already very impressive, so there is no need to rely on extra tricks to increase it.

There is also the swirling brewing method circulated on the Internet, which makes the tea leaves float and spin in circles. still exists for performance, and it also cannot get good tea flavor.

Looking at it this way, making tea is like a person’s life.

At the stage when young people should work hard, they should try their best to shine, show their talents and work hard.

Once you have achieved success, it is not too late to slow down as you get older.

Of course, there are also some seniors who are still going strong. Although they are older, they are still struggling.

People who have been lying down and drifting with the crowd since they were young are destined to become unknown people and do nothing.


As tea drinkers, we must know what we are pursuing.

If you want to learn tea art performance and become a tea master, it is faster to enroll in a class than to study on your own.

However, don’t expect the soup to be delicious.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, focusing on the performance is destined to lose the aroma and taste of the tea.

And if you are actually tasting tea, then don’t pursue the beauty of the process.

What's more, as a novice, I am always unfamiliar when I first start making tea.

No one can run right from birth, there has to be a process. After

is proficient, it will flow smoothly and it will also look pleasing to the eye. The most important thing about

is that it can really make the tea drinkable and flavorful without missing out on its characteristics.

This is the essence of making tea.

More knowledge about making tea

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Xiao Chen Tea Shi village girl Chen is a columnist and the main writer of the original new media "Xiao Chen Tea Shi" in the tea industry. She has published the white tea monograph "White Tea Tasting Notes" and has written more than 4,000 original articles from 2016 to 2020.