Xiaoshu is coming soon, and the hottest dog days of the year are not far away. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the body loses water very quickly. In addition to taking measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down, it is also necessary to eat more seasonal fruits. It

Xiaoshu is coming soon, and the hottest days of the year are not far away. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the body loses water very quickly. In addition to taking measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down, we must also eat more seasonal fruits. It is very necessary, it is fresh and nutritious, can replenish the lost water, and is more conducive to relieving the heat. So what kind of fruits are suitable to eat during the Xiaoshu season? I recommend 6 kinds of fruits suitable for eating during the Xiaoshu season. They are high in nutrition and can relieve summer heat and quench thirst, helping you to spend the dog days easily.

1. Peaches

Peaches are known as " longevity peach " and "fairy peach", and are also known as "the best fruit in the world". A large number of peaches are on the market in July, which is the golden season for eating peaches. Friends who love peaches are in for a treat. There are many types of it, including flat peach , honey peach, nectarine, etc. They all taste very crisp and sweet, and the flesh is very tender and juicy.

Peaches are rich in pectin and moderate fiber, which can nourish the body, improve skin elasticity, make the skin rosy, accelerate metabolism, and promote gastrointestinal motility.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is very suitable to eat during the mild summer heat. It is sweet and juicy, has a crisp taste, and contains a large amount of glucose , malic acid , fructose , trace elements and multiple vitamins. During the mild summer heat, watermelon is very suitable for eating. The weather is hot. Eating watermelon can not only relieve heat and thirst, but also supplement some nutrients needed by our body. It has a good effect in preventing and treating heat stroke .

Note: Watermelon is inherently cooling. It is recommended not to eat too much if it is chilled, especially for people with cold bodies and gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. Grapes

The grape ripening period is generally from July to October. Grapes are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins, glucose, amino acids , etc. The large amounts of fruit acids in grapes are helpful for digestion. Eat more grapes to satisfy your needs. The content of vitamins required by the body can strengthen the spleen and stomach and improve human health. Due to the high nutritional value of grapes, it can be made into grape juice , raisins and wine, which is unmatched by any fruit and beverage!

4. Mangosteen

Mangosteen is also one of the famous tropical fruits, enjoying the reputation of "Queen of Fruits". The flesh is tender, soft and sour, and rich in protein, folic acid, sugar and vitamins. At the same time, its pulp has reducing It has dryness, cooling and antipyretic effects. It is easy to get angry in summer. Eating a few mangosteens can reduce the heat and moisturize the skin.

When buying mangosteen, it is recommended to choose mangosteens with dark purple fruits, green leaves, and soft and elastic shells. Such mangosteens have better freshness, higher pulp content, and sweet taste.

5. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit is also called kiwi fruit . Eating kiwi fruit during the Xiaoshu season also has a very good effect of clearing away heat, relieving heat, appetizing and digesting. In addition, kiwi fruit is rich in high-quality dietary fiber, multiple vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients, which makes our skin supple and white. Moreover, kiwi fruit also has the effect of moisturizing the intestines, laxative, and improving metabolism, which is especially suitable for our women. Friends eat it.

6. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is also a seasonal fruit during Xiaoshu. Its bright red color, sweet and sour taste, and cool entrance will make people appetite in the hot summer. Not only can it clear away heat, but for those who want to lose weight, the most suitable fruit in summer is dragon fruit! Because it has very low calories and ultra-low sugar content, it is an ideal fruit for weight loss and beauty with low fat, low calories, and high fiber. It is also very effective in preventing and treating constipation.