Tea has a long history in China, and the tea culture of the Song Dynasty was also shown to the audience in the recent hit drama "Menghualu". There is a long record of tea drinking in Chinese history, and it has been passed down to the lives of generations of Chinese people.

Bracket Brand Original Case (ID: logos)

Author: Bracket Brand

Tea has a long history in China. In the recent hit drama " Menghualu ", the Song Dynasty tea culture was also shown to the audience.

There is a long record of tea drinking in Chinese history, and it has been passed down to the lives of generations of Chinese people. Today, I will share with you a complete tea brand design !

Project name



Project background

Chuanyuan is now in its third generation. In the early days, it mainly supplied to public institutions. Currently, there are two physical stores in Chaozhou . Chuanyuan has its own high mountain tea garden, Phoenix Dancong Tea high standards require only picking spring tea, has experienced tea masters, and a mature product production supply chain. It is a integrating tea ecological planting, production and manufacturing, product experience and Sales management for local businesses .

The client came to us to design the whole case, hoping to assist in the cultural and market construction of the Chuanyuan brand through the systematic brand, cultural system and visual system, becoming the number one brand in the Phoenix Dancong tea market.


market analysis

Based on customer needs, Brackets provides comprehensive solutions from market analysis, brand positioning and visual expression, to implementation .

(field investigation)

① Regarding market demand:

As a key global tea consumer market, China ranks first in the world in terms of tea production and sales. With the upgrading of consumption, traditional tea companies have gradually realized the importance of "brand". Tea companies need to establish a good brand image while doing a good job in brand positioning.

② Regarding consumers:

Tea consumers are getting younger, and first- and second-tier consumers are still the main buyers. As consumers become more aware of health and wellness issues, tea consumption is becoming more diversified.

③ Regarding competing products:

In terms of competing products, there are branded enterprises such as Tianchi, Qianting, Songhuang, but they are far from the oligopoly . Therefore, Chuanyuan relies on the core production area of ​​​​Wudao Mountain to inherit the core tea making. Craftsmanship and ingenuity have the opportunity and strength to build a leading brand in this field.

④ What needs to be clarified:

How should Chuanyuan learn from existing brands to create its own exclusive brand positioning, brand culture, and publicity channels?


Research summary

Current problems:

① Single sales channel, low market share;

② In markets other than Chaozhou, relatively mature similar brands have entered consumers first;

③ With the establishment of the Pearl River Delta market strategy , the brand image is not outstanding, the brand core and product selling points are not clear.

brackets Problems that need to be solved by Chuanyuan:

① Face the mid-to-high-end crowd, precise brand positioning, comprehensively improve Chuanyuan brand system, and enhance brand image;

② Improve product structure and clarify product classification;

③ Unified design of brand style;

④ Brand Store image planning and copywriting planning.


Brand positioning

Based on The biggest pain point of Dancong tea is that different geographical locations, charcoal roasting techniques and processes will affect the final taste. Therefore, when consumers choose this category, they are confused about "There are many choices, who should I trust?".

Phoenix Dancong Tea not only has entry-level duck shit and honey orchid fragrances, but also has eight immortals that are rich in aroma and are durable to brew and brew, etc. Dancong tea has many characteristics on the market, including many varieties, confusing brands, and miscellaneous products. Therefore, we put forward in brackets that the most important thing Chuanyuan needs to convey to customers is: No matter which type you choose, all Chuanyuan brand teas are authentic.

To achieve the goal of "choose Chuanyuan, it's the right one!", it is necessary to amplify the brand's own advantages and convince the public. We found that Chuanyuan has high-quality old tea trees , authentic inherited crafts , a thirty-year-old brand , and insists on making only authentic Phoenix Dancong tea. This means that is the category benefit point that enterprises have advantages in the market.

Chuanyuan itself has the cultural genes of inheritance and private tea gardens, so good tea is passed down from generation to generation, so we position Chuanyuan as

Chaozhou Phoenix Dancong Tea-making family

Then the single-cong tea fragrance type is There are hundreds of varieties, and it is impossible for non-experienced tea drinkers to distinguish them one by one. In addition, the confusion of single-cong tea after the popularity of duck shit on the Internet has caused consumers to be unable to know which taste is authentic, so we put out the advertising slogan :

Dancong has a variety of flavors, and the authentic one is Chuanyuan

After preliminary research and clear brand positioning, we need to create a visual image for Chuanyuan that can convey the brand's cultural value, starting from the core visual elements of LOGO and Consistency enhancement propagation on .


Brand visual design

① LOGO design

As a tea company that has been passed down for three generations, Chuanyuan has a solid foundation in product quality. This temperament needs to be visually strengthened, so the keywords we extracted from the design style are: natural, simple, oriental charm , etc.

The font logo design has the characteristics of being easy to identify and easy to spread . In addition, Chinese characters themselves contain a rich sense of culture, which is very consistent with the brand tone of Chuanyuan. For the

font, we learned from the Tang Dynasty regular script master Liu Zhenqing and created the Yanti book, which is known as "Yanti" in the world. Its font has the characteristics of using the pen evenly but hiding the sharp edge, being strong inside but gentle outside, showing the bones and muscles in the perfection, the writing force is vigorous, and the turning points are round and powerful, which is highly consistent with the Chuanyuan brand character. The font logo

extracts the strokes and combines them with the mutual dependence of tea and water. Therefore, in the design, makes the vigorous regular script strokes more rounded and soft.

In addition, the element of the word "chuan" in the first font of the brand name is extracted and created into a symbol shaped like a seal, which presents the beauty of traditional Chinese culture and is more conducive to secondary communication. The standard combination form of

LOGO is as follows, horizontal version combination :

vertical version combination

② Color design

is matched with vigorous and oriental classics Elegant colors to enhance the brand tone.

Brand auxiliary color

③ Graphic element development

④Packaging design

Based on the early planning, Chuanyuan series products are divided into Chuanyun, Chuanjian, Chuandao, Chuanshi, Chuanxian and Gift , and according to different product styles Make a design.

Chuanyun packaging

is the basic model of the brand, with simple and exquisite design, highlighting the basic information of the brand. Enable consumers to identify the brand at a glance. Reduced brand communication.

Chuanjian packaging

Chuanjian Chuanzhao series is a mid-level product planning, combining in style. Chaozhou local cultural architecture uses abstract and minimalist lines to tell the "authentic" ancient charm of Chuanyuan. concise new Chinese style

preaching packaging

handed down packaging

Choose mountains as the totem and visual symbol of the product series. The continuous mountains will be used to present the artistic conception of tea mountains and explain the brand's new Chinese style. National style visual language .

Chuanxian package installation

Chuanyuan brand originates from Fenghuang Dancong, Fenghuang Mountain, Fenghuang Town, the best The visual language is the "King of Birds" - Phoenix. Use the phoenix to manifest the "immortal" cultural gene.

single cluster small can model

returns to the brand color, conveying joy, beauty and dynasty. The image of anger.

⑤VI extension design

⑥Physical store effect


Project Summary

For this full-case design of Chuanyuan Brand, from the preliminary research to the implementation of the visual presentation, Bracket Brand went deep into the enterprise to conduct an overall sorting and analysis. From the inside out, Chuanyuan has created a brand image with cultural heritage and oriental beauty. From LOGO, symbolic elements to packaging design, a high degree of visual unity has been achieved.

Throughout the whole process, the customer and our ideas were highly consistent, and they cooperated very well in the later implementation. It was a very pleasant and smooth cooperation. I believe that excellent companies like Chuanyuan will surely become leaders in the tea field in the future.

Bracket brand original works

are welcome to share. Anonymous reprinting and use are prohibited. Counterfeiting will be punished!

Project team participants: Bracket Brand Lao He, Wang Ling

Zhanyu, Haohang, Axian