Today is July 1st. Unknowingly, half a year has passed. After entering July, the most obvious change is of course the high temperature, which remains high at 38 and 39 degrees. Walking outdoors is like "steaming in a sauna". It is a little hot and a big hot. It is approaching. Th

Today is July 1st. Unknowingly, half a year has passed. After entering July, the most obvious change is of course the high temperature, which remains high at 38 and 39 degrees. Walking outdoors is like "steaming in a sauna". The Great Heat is approaching. This is the hottest, humid, and sultry period of the year. Metabolism speeds up, the body consumes a lot of energy, and calcium loss is also serious.

In this case, we should pay special attention to the dietary health of our family members, eat less big fish and meat, and eat more vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and trace elements, especially these vegetables with good calcium supplement effects. Not to be ignored.

Entering July, you should eat more of these 6 calcium-supplementing vegetables. They are fresh and nutritious and seasonal. They are most suitable for the elderly and children.

1. Stir-fried zucchini with tofu

1. Choose fresh and tender zucchini , which do not have many seeds. Clean them well. , remove the head and tail, cut into small cubes and set aside.

2. Cut the tofu into small dices, boil water in a pot, add the tofu and blanch it. This can remove part of the beany smell and can also sterilize and disinfect.

3. Remove the water, put it into a plate, sprinkle with half a spoonful of salt, stir evenly, and marinate for a while.

4. Heat oil in a pot. When the oil is hot, add chopped green onion and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add the zucchini and diced ham and continue to stir-fry for about 1 minute until the zucchini is cooked.

6. According to personal taste, add half a spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of sugar, and an appropriate amount of pepper, and stir evenly.

7. Add half a bowl of boiling water, cover the pot, and bring to a boil over low heat.

8. Pour in half a bowl of water starch to thicken the soup, then add some sesame oil and chicken essence to season. Use high heat to drain the soup, then turn off the heat and take out the pot.

9. Pour the fried sauce directly on the tofu, and a delicious home-cooked dish is ready. It is full of color, aroma and taste. It is very appetizing. It is no problem to have three bowls of rice.

2. Stir-fried rapeseed

1. Prepare 300 grams of green vegetables. There is easy soil residue on the inner bottom. Layer them carefully first, rinse them in clean water, add some salt, and soak them for a while. The correct order of green vegetables is to wash them first and then cut them to avoid nutrients. Drain, drain excess water, cut garlic into slices and set aside.

2. Heat the pot and prepare it. Ladle in a spoonful of vegetable oil and a spoonful of lard. Heat over medium heat. After the oil melts, stir, add garlic slices and saute until fragrant. The aroma will fill the house.

3. Quickly pour the dried vegetables into the pot, adjust the heat to medium-high, and stir-fry quickly. If you have the skill of turning a spoon, that would be the best. Make full use of it to make the vegetable leaves covered with oil. When the oil is bright and smooth, stir-fry for a minute. The vegetable leaves will shrink. Now you can season. Add the steamed fish soy sauce, chicken essence and salt in sequence, stir-fry for another minute or so. After the seasonings melt, take it out of the pot.

4. Don’t worry about undercooking. Keep the stir-frying time within 2-3 minutes. If you stir-fry again, it will be overcooked. The green vegetables fried in this way will be green in color and taste just right, crisp but not raw, cooked but not old. Put it in your mouth in one bite and it tastes very delicious, not inferior to restaurants at all.

3. Spinach in salads

1. Now is the season for eating spinach. Pick a handful of fresh spinach. The spinach now grown in the open is not big, but the leaves are thick and thick, which is very suitable for salad. Let’s have a handful of peanuts.

2. Clean the spinach and put it into a basin. If there is dust on the surface, rinse it several times. Then boil water in a pot and add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil. These two things can make the color of the spinach more green and beautiful. Put the spinach in the pot. The time should not be too long. It can be taken out in 40 seconds.

3. Rinse the spinach with cold water again, which will make the color more beautiful. Then squeeze out the excess water, place it on the chopping board, and cut it as many times as you like. Be careful not to break it too much, as long as it can be easily grasped by chopsticks. .

4. Rinse the pan and heat the oil. When the oil temperature is 50% hot, pour in the peanuts. Fry over medium-low heat until fried slowly and patiently. When the crackling sound disappears, the peanuts are almost ready. Control the oil and cool. It becomes crispy when cooled.

5. Put the spinach and peanuts into a bowl, add a handful of minced garlic, add salt, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, pepper oil, and light soy sauce according to your own taste, and stir evenly.

6. Peanuts mixed with spinach is finished. The color is emerald green and the taste is delicious. It is very appetizing when you look at it. It can be eaten with both wine and rice. It is especially suitable for this season. It clears the mouth and relieves greasiness. The effect is great. If you have time, you must try it. Remember to try new things.

4. Steamed sweet potato leaves

1. Prepare a handful of sweet potato leaves, pick and wash them, keep only the stems and leaves, clean them, control the water, cut them into small sections, scoop in a spoonful of vegetable oil, wrap the stems and leaves, both It can lock in moisture and easily stick to flour.

2. Prepare half a bowl of flour, stir while pouring, so that the flour is evenly adsorbed on the surface of the sweet potato leaves. The more evenly, the better. It is best to turn the pot, pour out the excess flour, put it in a pot with boiling water, steam for 6 minutes over high heat, and shake quickly. Disperse to prevent adhesion.

3. You can also prepare a sauce in advance, add salt, sesame sesame oil, minced garlic, chili oil, balsamic vinegar and light soy sauce. Stir evenly and pour it on the sweet potato leaves. It is fragrant and delicious. It can be used as a dish or as a vegetable. As a meal, even children love to eat it.

5. Stir-fry amaranth

1. Heat oil in a pan. Pour in minced garlic when the oil is hot. Add the fragrance. Pour in amaranth to control the moisture. Stir-fry over medium-high heat. Stir-fry the young leafy vegetables at a fast speed. Add salt and wait for the soup to seep out, then turn off the heat and put on a plate.

2. After frying the red soup, you can start eating. You don’t need to add other condiments. Just add a small amount of salt and chicken essence. You don’t need to add other condiments. Stir-fry for about a minute.

3. Prepare a bowl of rice, ladle in the red soup, and stir evenly. A bowl of pink rice looks very appetizing. Children will eat it cutely. It is most suitable for picky eaters. It is fragrant and delicious, quick and easy to make.

VI. Chinese cabbage

1. Prepare fresh Chinese cabbage, about 200 grams of pork belly filling, and 300 grams of wheat flour.

2. Clean the Chinese cabbage, cut into pieces, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and marinate for 10 minutes to remove the moisture inside.

3. Choose pork belly that is 7 points leaner and 3 points fatter. It tastes more fragrant. Start seasoning. Add minced onion and ginger, 2 spoons of salt, 1 spoon of thirteen spices, half a spoon of chicken powder, half a spoon of light soy sauce, and half a spoon of oyster sauce. Stir vigorously in one direction.

4. Just stir for about 1 minute. Then put the pickled cabbage in a clean filter cloth, squeeze out the excess water, pour in 1 spoon of sesame sesame oil to enhance the fragrance, stir evenly again, and the filling is ready. .

5. Knead the rested dough into a long strip, divide it into equal-sized pieces, flatten it with the front and back of your palms, and roll it out into a dough that is thick in the middle and thin around the edges.

6. Take out a piece of dough and spread out the filling. The technique is similar to making a bun. Tighten it tightly to prevent the juice from leaking out.

7. After everything is done, gently press it into a sheet, then cover it with a layer of plastic wrap, and let it rise for a second time for 5 minutes to allow the cake to fully shape.

8, electric baking pan or non-stick pan, brush a layer of oil, put the cake embryo in, cook over medium-low heat for 2 minutes and turn over. After 2 minutes, the bottom will be slightly yellow and the fragrance will come out. Flip a few more times so that the cake is evenly heated and fully cooked inside and out. Wait until both sides are golden brown before serving.

9. In this way, cabbage pie is ready. The skin is thin and the filling is large, tender and juicy. It tastes really good when chewed. The more you eat, the more you want to eat. Children can eat 3 pieces at a time without any pressure.

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