Recently, Tianxin's mother posted a video of Tianxin having fun at the playground on social platforms. Tianxin was wearing sportswear that day and had a great time at the amusement park. After running into the amusement park, she played various projects skillfully. When she encou

Recently, the mother of Tianxin posted a video of Tianxin having fun at the playground on social platforms. Tianxin was wearing sportswear that day and had a great time at the amusement park. After running into the amusement park, she played various projects skillfully. When she encountered a somewhat difficult suspension bridge, she did not panic at all and walked very boldly.

While playing in the playground, Tianxin's "feminine" nature is exposed all the time. When gluing herself to the wall, Tianxin showed no pity for herself and bumped against the wall again and again, making a "bang" sound, which sounded very painful. Even if she fell down, Tianxin stood up immediately without being squeamish at all.

When playing on the super-slope slide, Tianxin was not timid and climbed up the stairs with the cushion. I have to say that it might be difficult for adults to walk on such a steep staircase, coupled with the thick and heavy mats, but Tianxin walked very fast and was really strong. Tianxin smiled happily as she slipped and fell into the mat. Sure enough, the playground can make people forget all their worries.

There was a little sister playing with Tianxin that day. Before entering the playground, Tianxin squatted down and helped the little sister change her socks. While playing on the amusement rides, Tianxin also helped her sister put on her helmet, looking very sensible.

After returning home from playing, Tianxin put on her pajamas and lay comfortably on the bed, shouting that she could no longer walk. But she was really happy, with a satisfied smile on her face as she recalled the whole day's fun.

It is reported that the pajamas Tianxin wears are very affordable, priced at around 60 yuan, which is really down-to-earth.

At the end of the video, Tianxin playfully stretched her feet in front of the kitten’s mouth, looking very naughty.

This scene can't help but remind people of Tianxin's childhood. When she was a child, she loved to chew her feet and also liked to let others smell her feet. Dad Jia Nailiang often smells Tianxin's feet. Tianxin has been really weird since she was a child.

Although Tianxin is still naughty sometimes, she has gradually become more sensible. In her free time, she would prepare some cat food at home and place it in various places downstairs in the community so that stray cats would not starve. It is really valuable for children to have such kindness.

When there were entrepreneurship courses at school, Tianxin would also set up a stall downstairs in the community on her own. He is very polite in dealing with others, so his business is also very prosperous, and he looks like a small boss. After selling the items, Tianxin showed off to her mother, looking very proud.

Looking at Tianxin’s current photos, I really have to sigh that time flies so fast. The funny "tomboy" back then has turned into a well-behaved and sensible little girl, which makes people like her even more.

Although Tianxin did not live with her parents at the same time, she did not lack the love and education she received. She knows how to help children younger than herself, she also knows how to be independent, she is more kind to small animals, and she is growing up very well. May Tianxin grow up healthy and happy and always be a carefree child.
