Due to rising labor costs, rents and prices, many restaurant owners feel that life is difficult even though the national catering consumption exceeds 3.5 trillion. So, how to increase gross profit as much as possible while ensuring product quality? You can refer to the following

Due to the increase in labor costs, rent and prices, even though the national catering consumption exceeds 3.5 trillion, many restaurant owners feel that life is difficult. So, how to increase gross profit as much as possible while ensuring product quality? You can refer to the following suggestions.

The key points for restaurants to control gross profit are as follows:

01 Increase sales

As sales increase, the gross profit will naturally be higher. This is the so-called small profit but quick turnover.

02 Control material storage

Whether the storage of raw materials is appropriate determines the amount of materials available and the amount of planned materials, which affects the total operating cost.

03 Planned quantity control

The planned quantity affects the inventory quantity. The planned quantity is large, but the actual demand is small, resulting in an increase in the amount of remaining materials, causing abnormal loss of materials, resulting in a decrease in gross profit.

04 Product ingredient control

Adjust the proportion of seasonal vegetable ingredients according to different seasons. For example: in winter, the price of spinach is high and the yield rate of is low. If you continue to use this vegetable as an ingredient, the gross profit for that month will definitely be tight.

05 Acceptance Control

The source of raw material control is the acceptance of incoming raw materials. Fresh raw materials have a high yield rate and good quality, and less raw materials are discarded due to substandard quality. The utilization rate is increased and the waste of raw materials in the first step is reduced.

In addition, there are the following ways to control the gross profit of dishes in the kitchen operation. Let us take a look.

01 One ingredient with multiple uses

That is, uses one raw material as much as possible to develop multiple varieties of dishes . Normally, 100 kinds of main ingredients are used for 100 dishes; after proper development, 100 kinds of dishes use 80 kinds of raw materials, which saves the occupation of raw material varieties and saves costs.

Case: For example, many restaurants now mainly sell single items, such as fish heads, but what about the fish body? When making beef hot pot, what should you do with other parts of beef? Catering managers with ideas and wisdom will think of extending some dishes, such as using fish meat to make fish balls, making fish cakes and so on. The beef can be made into beef offal stew, beef balls , etc. and supplied to other restaurants.

02 Use rough ingredients to make delicious dishes

Use simple ingredients to make extraordinary dishes, increasing profits without increasing the cost of raw materials.

Case: Many restaurants make whole grains with fine workmanship and use exquisite utensils to display them. They look good and the cost of raw materials is very low, but the selling price is not low. For example, common sweet potatoes are made into sweet potato puree or meatballs, which are delicious and beautiful.

03 One ingredient, multiple uses

Replace relatively high-priced main ingredients with other relatively cheap auxiliary ingredients, which not only enriches the nutrition of the dishes, but also reduces costs.

Case: Try to use less whole chickens and whole fish in cooking. You can add fresh vegetables, mushrooms and other low-priced raw materials.


used in Western food uses imported and cultivated Western food cooking raw materials and processes them with Chinese cooking techniques. New cooking techniques have been used to improve the quality of the dishes, increasing the selling price and gross profit.

Case: such as snails, Australian lobster , geoduck, king crab , ostrich meat, macadamia nuts, snow peas , broccoli , parsley and other popular raw materials in the West, cooked Dishes such as pickled pepper snails, boiled lobster, multi-flavored geoduck, three-way king crab, sesame ostrich, Kung Pao summer fruit chicken, creamed broccoli, stir-fried snow peas, etc. are good examples.

05 Western-style medium-flavored

draws on seasonings commonly used in Western food, which can not only enrich the taste of Chinese dishes, but also increase the profits of the dishes.

case: such as the introduction of ketchup, curry, lemon juice, XO sauce, cream, butter, oyster sauce, etc. Dishes cooked include: tomato sauce shrimp cakes, curry roast chicken, lemon juice pan-fried, XO sea crab, butter melon cubes, butter egg rolls, oyster sauce tofu, etc.

06 Western cooking borrows

from Western cooking methods and Western kitchen utensils to make Chinese dishes, improve the quality of the dishes, and increase the selling price and profits .

Case: Using an "iron grill" to make grilled dishes, such as Sichuan-style grilled chicken, beef tenderloin, prawns, etc.; using the "flaky pastry" method combined with the Sichuan fried fried cooking method, innovatively cooked dishes such as crispy Fresh squid, crispy abalone, etc.

07 Medicinal dishes are used

"Medicinal diet" appears in many restaurants, and "diet therapy" has also become very popular. Adding medicinal materials as raw materials to dishes not only gives the dishes medicinal value and caters to customers' health needs, but also provides big returns for a small investment.

Cases: lychee chicken feet soup, Rehmannia glutinosa Guiqi mutton soup, Shouwu parasitic egg soup, Shouwu red date porridge, ginger and cinnamon pork tripe soup, ginseng quail soup, yam and mutton soup, etc. are all typical dishes that use medicinal materials. .

08 New use of old dishes

It is also an innovative method to transform and renovate existing dishes in the past based on today's dietary needs.

Case: For example, the traditional dish twice-cooked pork, many chefs use salted vegetables, pleurotus root, pickled cabbage, fried Guokui, rice cakes, fresh corn cake, dried tofu, etc. as auxiliary ingredients for stir-frying, and some even cut the meat deliberately. Cut into thin slices and stir-fry into twice-cooked pork.

09 Changing decorations

Cleverly borrow some characteristics of other dishes and apply them to new dishes; or use innovative utensils to make the dishes more upscale. Be innovative and win by surprise.

Case: Chefs generally use plates, plates, and bowls to serve dishes. Some chefs use fish boats, shrimp baskets, fruit baskets, chicken baskets, rice baskets, and rice baskets according to the cultural connotation of the dishes. The tiles, leaves on snacks, etc. give people a sense of novelty and make the dishes more culturally tasteful.

10 The same technique of changing ingredients

is to innovate dishes by changing the ingredients. There is a popular lingo of changing ingredients in the Sichuan cooking circle: When you eat chicken, you don’t see the chicken, when you eat the meat, you don’t see the meat..

Case: Among the famous traditional Sichuan dishes, "Chicken Beancurd" is made with chicken breast, egg white and other ingredients, but the finished dish looks like soybean curd in the bowl, making it difficult to distinguish it. true and false. Nowadays, many restaurants in Sichuan are offering "nut and bean curd", "fish bean curd" and "rabbit bean curd". There are only bean patterns in the bowl, but the raw materials are pig, fish and rabbit meat.

11 Changes in flavor and ingredients

It is also a shortcut to use the existing seasoning results in various places and cuisines to select flavors acceptable to local diners to enrich the variety of dishes.

Case: Sichuan chefs newly created egg butter , glutinous rice cake garlic oil , Sichuan pepper ginger oil, scallion ginger oil, seafood black bean sauce oil, garlic oil, etc., which are then cooked and compounded into novel and unique fashionable flavors. type. They have also absorbed many delicious flavors at home and abroad, such as sweet and sour tomato sauce, lychee tomato sauce, salty tomato sauce, juice, curry flavor from Western food, oyster sauce flavor from Cantonese cuisine, mustard flavor, etc.

12 type variations remain unchanged

Dish modeling can adopt a copy-like method to express and shape the chef's theme concept, rather than being limited to "realistic" techniques to mechanically imitate things in nature.

Case: Vegetables, fruits, poultry meat, liver, kidney, heart, tongue, tripe, and other raw materials, as well as raw materials such as flour, rice flour, cream and butter, are all the shaping materials that chefs can use as they wish. Even seasoning ingredients such as onions, garlic sprouts, green peppers, and ginger can also be used as modeling materials.

13 Cuisine interaction

Hunan cuisine made from Sichuan, Sichuan cuisine made from Hunan, Cantonese cuisine made from Lu, and Shandong cuisine made from Guangdong, etc., are all examples of transplanting the cooking advantages of various cuisines and "working for me". At present, the division of cuisines in the catering industry is becoming increasingly blurred, and we are heading towards the era of "great integration".

Case: For example, "Yangzhou Stewed Lion Head", Sichuan chefs transplanted this dish. According to local eating habits, the cooking method was changed from the original stewing method to deep-fried or pan-fried, and then braised or steamed. The shape is The size varies, the big one can be made into one, such as "Big Braised Lion Head", and the small one can be made into four, named "Sixi Yuanzi" or " Braised Lion Head ".

Another example is Cantonese cuisine's "Ginger-Scallion Stir-fried Crab" and "Stir-fried Snail Slices", which basically use the original cooking method after transplantation, except that Sichuan's pickled peppers and pickled ginger are added. Another example is the dish "Fried Crab with Salted Duck Egg Yolk", which was improved by Sichuan chefs and created a series of dishes such as "Bitter Melon with Sand and Aloe Vera", "Cucumber with Sand and Salted Egg Yolk", and "Braised Tofu with Salted Egg Yolk". Customers love it.

14 One material with multiple uses

Art works pay attention to depicting artistic conception through images. Artistic conception is meaning, interest, mood, and realm. It not only talks about "the meaning comes first in the writing", but also talks about "the meaning behind the words", and also talks about "the meaning is profound".

Culinary creation can also use literary and artistic creation methods to reflect taste and meaning. Therefore, we use "meaning" as a method of dish innovation.

Case: How to use the "meaning" method to innovate dishes? There are two aspects to grasp. First, when designing dishes, the idea must be clever and express the poetic and picturesque flavor on the plate; second, the names of the dishes must be elegant and have interesting meanings.

In this regard, our predecessors have left us a rich legacy, with interesting words, such as Yipin, Sanyuan, Sixi, Wufu, Liuhe, Qixing, Babao, Jiujiu Longevity, Perfection, Ruyi, Dragon and Phoenix, and Hydrangea. , mandarin duck, hibiscus, jade, etc., we can borrow them all.

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