As early as 2,000 years ago, Confucius said: Stand at thirty, have no doubts at forty, and know the destiny at fifty. When people reach middle age, their impetuousness fades away, and they become more and more clear: even when they are noisy, they still need to cultivate their mo

As early as 2000 years ago, Confucius said: At thirty, you will stand tall; at forty, you will not be confused; at fifty, you will know the destiny.

When people reach middle age, their impetuousness fades away, and they become more and more aware that they still need to cultivate their moral character even when they are noisy.

A saying left by the ancients, "You will have no desire at forty and no emotion at fifty" is a high-level summary of the common people's self-cultivation. There are five classic words behind the sentence

, which contain very profound truths. Unfortunately, many people do not know it.

Forty not many desires

This sentence is to warn us that people over forty should not have too many desires, otherwise it will hurt the body.

In ancient times, the age of forty was called the "year of no confusion".

According to statistics, the average life span of people in the Han Dynasty was 22 years old, the Tang Dynasty 27 years old, the Qing Dynasty 33 years old, and the Republic of China was only about 35 years old. Even a pampered emperor had an average lifespan of only about forty years.

Therefore, for the ancients, the countdown to life began after the age of forty.

The so-called "no desire for forty years" means that when a person reaches the age of forty, he should consider closing his heart and downplaying his desires. Money, power, honor and beauty are attractive, but it's time to let go.

After all, ambition is subjective, and whether the body can bear it is objective.

As the ancients said: "There is joy in indulgence, and there is also worry."

When a person reaches the age of forty, his body begins to decline. If you consider healthcare as a starting point, you should also learn to control your desires.

As a modern person, he has just entered his forties and is the mainstay of the family. There are old people and young people too, please take care of yourself!

fifty not sentimental

This sentence is to warn us that people over the age of fifty must learn to accept their fate, not be too emotional, and let go of what should be put down.

In Chinese medicine theory, there is a saying that "melancholy becomes a disease". That is to say, if suppressed emotions are not dealt with in time, they will lead to illness and even affect life span.

Western medicine theory also believes that if emotions cannot be adjusted in time, it will lead to hormonal imbalance in the human body and induce a series of diseases.

There was an old man who often went to the newsstand near his home to buy newspapers. He always said "thank you" after taking the newspaper, but the newsstand owner was always cold, indifferent and arrogant. look.

The neighbors couldn't tell, so they asked the old gentleman: "Why is he still buying newspapers here when he has such a bad attitude? Why don't you go somewhere else."

The old gentleman smiled and replied: "To be angry with him, run away It would be too much trouble for me to go shopping elsewhere; besides, rudeness is his problem, why should I let myself feel sorry for him? "

Those things that can be solved in one sentence can be solved in one round? Why let yourself be angry all day long when something can be done in the past?

When you encounter a bad little thing, you will turn your head and forget about it. If you persist, you will only increase your own burden.

As Mr. Yang Jiang said: We are so eager for the waves of destiny, but in the end we discover that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually inner peace and calmness.

The so-called "fifty absolute" means that when a person reaches the age of fifty, his body functions are in a state of decline. If trivial life causes mood swings and mental ups and downs, it will also cause great harm to life span.

Many elderly people are in critical condition due to anger, anger and other irritating factors. This is a typical example.

Therefore, when a person reaches the age of fifty, he should learn to look at everything and not let emotional things interfere with his daily life.

Don’t eat too much when you are sixty years old

The last five words are the secret recipe for longevity left to us by our ancestors.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple: when a person lives to the age of sixty, he must not only ensure peace of mind, but also pay special attention to his daily diet.

When a person reaches the age of sixty, the digestive system will experience a series of aging and decline. At this time, if you do not pay attention to dietary restraint, it is likely to cause gastrointestinal system disorders.

If the gastrointestinal system is disordered, it will interfere with and destroy the body's absorption of nutrients. If this situation continues, it will eventually cause huge losses in human life and health.

Therefore, only by actively controlling your diet can you live a healthy and long life.

Therefore, when you reach the age of sixty, you must learn to control your diet. "Money can't buy you old and thin" has a similar meaning. The wisdom of the ancestors of

is really admirable. Some of the experiences and principles summarized are still beneficial to today.

In fact, whether it is "no desire at forty", "no passion at fifty", or "no food at sixty", they are essentially a test of a person's self-control ability.