Introduction: The shake function of WeChat is particularly popular. Shaking it when you have nothing to do can instantly start a relationship. Of course, shaking has become a way of leisure and entertainment for many people. After all, you can talk almost freely with a stranger.


The shake function of WeChat is particularly popular. Shaking it when nothing happens can instantly start a relationship. Of course, shaking has become a way of leisure and entertainment for many people. After all, you can talk almost freely with a stranger.

As modern people’s lives become more and more stressful, it is actually difficult to find someone to talk to. Of course, WeChat Shake has also become a place for many outlaws to wreak havoc. Many people with ulterior motives use WeChat Shake. Yisha regarded it as a place for her to hunt for beauty. Over time, many so-called experts have appeared on the Internet, but they are actually criminals who commit fraud under the guise of experts.

I met a well-known professor through online chat and asked for medical treatment. Xiaoyou, the protagonist of the text

was deceived. She is such a girl. Xiaoyou, a young girl, often feels uncomfortable in her lower body. Xiaoyou, who is inexperienced, can only get help from Baidu Use only a few words to judge the condition on your own. According to the results Xiaoyou read on the Internet, Xiaoyou thought that she might have some gynecological diseases. Because she was afraid of comments and she didn't have much money, Xiaoyou never dared to go to a big hospital for treatment, and time passed. No matter what, Xiaoyou's condition didn't seem to get worse, so Xiaoyou himself didn't take it too seriously.

However, Xiaoyou, who likes to chat online, came across a doctor when he used WeChat to shake. The netizen's opening remarks revealed his identity - a professor of gynecology at Tongji Hospital . After Xiaoyou got this information, he was ecstatic without doubting that he was there.

Regarding his physical problems, Xiaoyou could only make up things out of thin air, and consulted on his condition in the name of his friend. The professor was always very slow in replying to Xiaoyou's information. When Xiaoyou asked, the most common thing the professor said was that he was very busy. This attitude convinced Xiaoyou that he must have met a real expert.

As the communication deepened, Xiaoyou told the expert all his problems, and the two even made an appointment for private treatment. The expert persuaded the girl that her problem might cost tens of thousands of yuan if she went to a regular hospital. Even if he agreed to help her treat it, he would still have to pay a hard-earned fee of one thousand yuan each time. When the two met for the first time, Xiaoyou noticed that the person in front of him was wearing a lot of instruments. After a few random irradiations, he told Xiaoyou that she had problems such as breast hyperplasia and cervical erosion.

Xiaoyou was panicked when he heard that the situation was so serious. At this time, the man actually suggested that two people could have sex, so that Xiaoyou's problems could be treated faster. This seemed very ridiculous to outsiders, but Xiaoyou had been deceived so much that he couldn't find his answer. After the two of them were done, the man specifically asked Xiaoyou to continue this treatment for about ten times.

The two people even developed into lovers during this period, but although the two people developed into lovers.

After discovering that he had been cheated, he quickly called the police

After the two had been dating for a while, the man made another request to Xiaoyou. The man claimed that his clinic wanted to purchase a batch of advanced instruments to assist treatment, and promised that if Xiaoyou contributed the money, at that time A portion of the profits could be given to Xiaoyou. Xiaoyou wavered again in the face of profit, and collected more than 40,000 yuan from everywhere and handed it over to the man.

After getting the 40,000 yuan, the man completely lost contact. Only then did Xiaoyou realize that he might have been deceived. After calling the police, Xiaoyou discovered that she was not the only woman who had been deceived. This man was already a repeat offender.

This man was actually an escort in a clinic. When he saw many people coming to inquire about gynecological diseases, he naturally thought this was an opportunity. When the two met for the first time, the instrument the man carried was actually an invisible camera. If those people don't do what they ask, they will use these cameras to take indecent photos and threaten women.

Afterwards, the police contacted the man online. As expected, the man immediately took the bait and was naturally caught.The man was punished by the law, but how should the woman who was cheated of her body compensate?

Editor’s point of view

In the final analysis, the existence of hospitals is to help people solve their problems. There is nothing difficult to talk about in a hospital. Problems involving one’s private parts require more treatment in a large hospital. Criminals are actually taking advantage of these people’s shame. Commit crimes with the mentality of speaking out.

Let’s review the process of this man defrauding Xiaoyou. In fact, it is completely impossible to withstand scrutiny. From the instrument to the examination process to the treatment process, it is completely a scammer's routine. It’s really incredible that Xiaoyou still fell for such a funny thing.

Everyone who is chatting online must be more vigilant. Don’t be fooled by the words of someone you chat with online. Everything on the Internet can be faked. To prevent being deceived, you must keep your eyes open. Don’t trust others easily. You must have your own self. of judgment.