As the saying goes, "The summer solstice is as long as three days." As soon as the summer solstice passes, the temperature is getting higher day by day. Although drinking cold drinks can make us feel more comfortable, drinking hot tea actually has a better cooling effect.

As the saying goes, "The summer solstice is three months and several days are down". Once the summer solstice is over, the temperature is getting higher day by day.

Although drinking cold drinks can make us feel more comfortable, drinking hot tea actually has a better cooling effect.

So even in the hot summer, all tea lovers still have tea.

Although drinking tea in summer is good, there are also various knowledge. Today we will take a look at what you need to pay attention to when drinking tea in summer?

What kind of tea is suitable for drinking in summer

Green tea: sun protection and refreshing

Green tea is a non-fermented tea with a refreshing taste and good heat-clearing and fire-reducing effect, so drinking a few cups of green tea every day in summer will naturally be refreshing and refreshing.

In addition, green tea also has a certain antioxidant effect. Drinking green tea can appropriately reduce the irritation and damage of the sun's ultraviolet rays to the skin.

White tea : clearing away heat and relieving heat

White tea is made without frying or kneading, and only requires two processes of withering and drying. Therefore, it better retains the rich content of amino acids , etc., so it has a significant effect on reducing fire and dryness. .

At the same time, the nature of the aged old white tea gradually turns to medium. Modern medical research has proven that white tea at this time has a strong bactericidal effect and can also play a certain role in reducing inflammation and clearing fire.

Moreover, white tea tastes fresh and mellow after brewing. It is very suitable for drinking in summer, whether it is hot or cold brewing!

Pu'er: digestion and gratification

With the high temperature in summer, our appetite will also decrease, but we can't resist the temptation of barbecues and food stalls, so the stomach and intestines always jump between poor appetite and indigestion.

Bacteria can easily breed in summer food and cause various intestinal diseases. At this time, we can choose to drink some Pu'er tea.

Pu'er tea has the effects of promoting digestion, relieving greasiness, and protecting the stomach. Proper drinking can speed up the operation of the digestive system, allowing fat that has not had time to be broken down and absorbed to be discharged directly into the colon.

Black tea: dispels dampness and dispels cold

Why should we dispel cold when it is so hot in summer? In summer, people's bodies tend to be hot outside and cold inside.

This is because in summer we eat a lot of cold drinks or cold fruits and stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, so our bodies are often in a state of heat outside and cold inside. Over time, It will lead to the growth of cold air in the body and damage the spleen and stomach.

As for black tea, as a fully fermented tea, because tea polyphenols are enzymatically oxidized under the action of oxidase , a large part of them are converted into thearubigins, theaflavins, theabrownin, etc., so tea Mild in nature and less irritating, it is very suitable for people with poor gastrointestinal problems and fear of cold.

Of course, the above tea choices cannot be generalized. Tea lovers also need to choose the appropriate tea according to their personal constitution.

How to drink warm tea in summer

Black tea, rock tea, and Pu'er tea, which are highly fermented teas, are generally considered to be relatively hot and are not suitable for drinking in summer.

But some tea drinkers only like to drink them and do not like other teas at all. So what should we do at this time?

Choose old tea

If you drink new tea that has not been completely annealed, in addition to being easy to get angry, there will also be a heavier smell of smoke when brewing. Taking a sip will feel like accidentally inhaling a few puffs of cigarettes. It makes your throat tighten.

So we can choose tea that has been aged for many years. At this time, the anger of the tea has receded. If you drink it in moderation, it doesn't matter even in summer.

Combination brewing

In addition to choosing old tea, when brewing warm tea, we can also add some auxiliary materials to neutralize it.

For example, add some chrysanthemum, lemon, orange peel, and honey appropriately to tea to make chrysanthemum Pu'er, lemon black tea, which is delicious and nutritious!

Don’t just drink tea when hydrating in summer

The human body’s metabolism speeds up in summer, and it is easy to sweat, causing water loss, so hydration is very important at this time.

However, we must not simply rely on drinking tea to replenish water at this time. This is mainly because the caffeine in tea has diuretic function.

Therefore, drinking the same amount of tea (especially strong tea) will cause you to urinate more often than drinking the same amount of water. Drinking tea instead of water for a long time often does not have the effect of replenishing water, but will cause water loss in the body. reduce.

Generally speaking, the appropriate amount of dry tea we consume every day is 10~15g, and brewing it 2 to 3 times a day is enough.

In the hot summer, what kind of tea does everyone like to drink? Welcome to share in the comment area!

Content planning: Shanghai Tea City-Dift

Shanghai Dift International Tea Culture Plaza, China Tea Circulation Association vice president unit, the official designated organizer of Shanghai International Tea Culture and Tourism Expo; located at 585 Zhongshan North Road, Jing'an District No. ( Gonghexin Road 1165), currently the largest tea city in Shanghai.

brings together famous and high-quality tea sets. Best-selling list: Yunnan Pu'er, Fuding White Tea ; it provides "one-stop" purchasing services to tea merchants at home and abroad all year round, and is a platform to promote business cooperation, brand building, and tea culture exchanges among tea industry radiating enterprises! It is also an ideal place for you to discuss business and chat over tea.

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