Today’s briefing is about the latest news on July 1st. It’s Friday. Good luck and joy in life!

Today’s Briefing

July 1st Briefing News, Friday, good luck and joy in life!

1, Hengchi 5 will start pre-sale in July, with the price expected to be about 200,000;

2, Wugong Mountain has been selected as a UNESCO Global Geopark candidate;

3, the adjustment of the National Medical Insurance Catalog will be launched in 2022, and non-exclusive drug bidding rules There have been changes;

4, the installed capacity of SPIC has doubled compared to when it was reorganized, and clean energy accounted for more than 62%;

5, air tickets fuel surcharge hit a record high, with long-distance flights rising to 200 yuan;

6, my country's first The desktop operating system developer platform "open Kylin" (openKylin) was officially released;

7, "2022 Popular and livable cities TOP20" was released, Changsha ranked TOP1;

8, Shanghai: the " Shanghai Mobile" announced on December 22, 2011 was abolished Population and Family Planning Work Regulations 》;

9, Nintendo and Tencent will join forces to promote game consoles;

10, cross the " Sea of ​​Death "! Xinjiang's third highway through the Taklimakan Desert is open to traffic, with the entire length of the road open to traffic. About 334 kilometers;

[Miscellaneous] Life is always a dilemma. No matter how stubborn you are, no matter how unwilling you are, you have to learn to accept things that are no longer pure. From crying and complaining, to treating them with a smile, in the end. A happy ending
