I was hiking in the mountains a few days ago, and I was very moved by the back views of these two teammates: they live in Tongzhou, and they set off from Tongzhou at five or six in the morning, riding dozens of kilometers to the west, carrying backpacks weighing more than ten kil

I was hiking in the mountains a few days ago. The back views of these two teammates moved me very much:

They live in Tongzhou, set out from Tongzhou at five or six in the morning, and rode dozens of kilometers to the west, carrying more than a dozen people on their backs. Carrying a heavy backpack, enduring the high temperature of more than 30 degrees, hiking on the mountain road for several hours, and then taking a bus back to Tongzhou...

This kind of life is normal, about two or three times a week.

This kind of energy is the real love for hiking.

It is rare for young people to have such love, let alone the elderly.

is so free, don’t you need to help look after the children?

Answer: The children can watch it by themselves, and occasionally help with the care and transportation.

Do your children have any complaints?

answered, What are your complaints? If you give birth to your own child, you have to take care of it yourself. Besides, we can’t help with homework. The only thing we can do is pick up and drop off the baby, and take care of food and drink.


Picture: Internet

Nowadays, many people have children, who are directly bound to their parents, as if they have given birth to a younger brother and sister, allowing their parents to be parents again...

This matter has nothing to do with right or wrong, only quality. .

For example, can parents help children with their online homework, reading English every day?

For example, do parents have security awareness? Do you know how to wait for the red light when crossing the road? Can you convey the correct safety awareness to your children?


English, most parents definitely cannot tutor it. Other homework depends on the educational level of the parents.

If the parents are educated, they may be able to tutor them until they are in the second or third grade of elementary school. If they are not educated, can they just take care of their food, drink, toilet, and sleep?

The problem is that taking care of eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, etc. may not necessarily be taken care of. The collision of many concepts of child rearing can easily lead to family conflicts.

I have a colleague whose parents-in-law come to take care of the child. They often give the child steamed buns and pickles, but she does not let the child eat pickles, but vegetables...

Such differences in concepts have caused deep conflicts between her and her parents-in-law.

Therefore, when it’s time to loosen up, loosen up, and take care of yourself if you can.

Free parents to do something they like. If you like traveling, go traveling; if you like sports, go exercise...

Don't worry about money. How much money can old men and women spend when they go out, unless they are cheated?

The two old ladies who were hiking together had amazing physical strength. The weather was over 30 degrees Celsius, and they carried backpacks weighing more than ten kilograms. They hardly needed to rest. They kept walking up. The old lady who took the lead was sweating all over her body. My thighs and pants are all wet. The more I sweat, the stronger I get, and the more I climb, the more energetic I get!

You see many elderly people, after the age of fifty or sixty, suffer from hair loss, thyroid nodules , frozen shoulder , breast hyperplasia , kidney stones , hemorrhoids , insomnia, high blood pressure , High blood sugar , high blood fat...

As for them, they are all fleshy, rarely have these worries, can eat and sleep, and have been in nature for a long time, the sky is open, the mood is happy, and they are happy all day long. Cheerful.

Therefore, the old lady is becoming more and more free, which is a good thing.

She suffers less pain, saves people to take care of her, and saves money on medical treatment;

Her focus is outside, not on the old man, not on the children, and many family conflicts are avoided.

People should be like this. Happiness is bound to oneself. You have the ability to live a good life and you have the ability to be happy. These abilities can never be taken away by others. This is very important.

As an aside, don't live with your parents if you have the conditions. Once you live together, your parents will easily worry. When they worry, they will take care of everything, stretching their hands too far, and family conflicts will arise.

When you have a family, you have been separated from your parents. Don’t interfere with each other, and don’t take care of everything. Be polite when you meet. If necessary, help temporarily...

Of course, this depends on: financial resources.

"Poor and humble families are full of resentment" , this sentence will never go out of style.