King Miao said: "No wonder the common people call officials dog officials. They have two bad virtues, one is greed for money and the other is lust. Their lust is like dogs. From morning to night, from dawn to dusk, they Can do it all.”

The benevolent are not rich

The rich are not benevolent

Miao Wangdao: "No wonder the common people call officials dog officials. They have two bad virtues, one is greed for money and the other is lust. Their lust is like that of dogs. From early on He can do it till night, from dawn to dusk."

Bu Dai said: "There is a way. The emperor was afraid that the eunuch would fuck his woman, so he had to fuck her."

King Miao said, "A lustful person can fuck her. , But what about those who are greedy for money? "Mr.

said: "As a result, there will always be corrupt officials and endless wars. What can we do?"

Butai said: "It is said that the king once served as an official in the mortal world. "How do you deal with corruption?"

King Miao said: "My method is that everyone is equal, no one has a private purse, everyone has the same fire, the same food, the same room, equal pay for equal work, so-called. In the world of great harmony, I tell them not to be greedy. If they are greedy, they will not be able to find a hiding place or use it, so naturally no one will be greedy."

Budai said: "It seems that the king's method is better. We should tell the Bodhisattva early. Let me reincarnate as soon as possible and use your method to govern the world."

Wang said: "Private means hiding. As long as there is no hiding place, it will be public. . Without cover, there is no attraction. If there is no attraction, there will be no attraction. Just like the mountains of Our Lady of the Earth, they lose their sense of mystery when placed in broad daylight, so people have no greed for her. That mortal, Xiaojiabiyu, is dressed in red all day long, hiding from others. As a result, it creates a sense of mystery and attracts lustful people. When there are many lustful people, they will fight for each other. Robbery leads to disputes in the world.

Money, like sex, has a gravitational pull on the human body, so how to eliminate this gravitational pull is the basis for fighting corruption.

You see, the sex life of lower-level animals is open, so on the contrary, lower-level animals do not. Fighting and fighting occurs over sexual life. This is not the case with humans. The more civilized human beings are, the more fighting and fighting occurs over sexual intercourse. This is caused by greedy people who hide private things the most, such as powerful people. Not to mention officials, wealthy bosses, and emperors. The least they have are three wives and four concubines, and many more. The emperor has three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines, secretly. Lovers, many women are hidden in the palace and are useless. Instead, they are jealous, and there are fires in the backyard. There is a serious imbalance between men and women in the world, so it is the source of fighting and fighting." Mr.

said: "Look. It seems that only by equalizing the rich and the poor, curing corruption, suppressing lust, and equalizing women is the best way to govern the world.

King Miao said: "Exactly. "

King Miao was talking with Budai about how to combat corruption when he suddenly saw an old man walking staggeringly in the mirror. When King Miao looked carefully, he saw the man:

He was wearing a green cloth blouse with a collar around his waist. Wearing a green ribbon, a melon skin hat, a pair of eight-match hemp shoes, a cloth bag slung over his shoulder, and a bamboo stick in his hand, he is about six feet tall, with a wrinkled face and silver hair. Behind the hood, his eyebrows were still bright, and he seemed to have an air of immortality.

When he got closer, he saw that it was his father-in-law Huang Yuanwai. King Miao did not dare to be impatient and hurried forward to greet him. He said sadly: "I never expected that I would starve to death in a cave of thousands of people even though I was doing good deeds. Alas! What's the use of having tons of wealth? You'll just end up like a hungry ghost.

Budai said: "What's strange about this? There are many hungry ghosts here who were rich in the past. It's just that they all experienced different paths. Some of them became poor due to corruption." Some were raped and impoverished by powerful men. Some are philanthropic and charitable, leading to poverty. Some were reduced to poverty due to disasters. Some become poor due to illness. It is not easy for people to become rich, but it is only possible to become poor overnight. "

King Miao said: "My father-in-law is poor but he is charitable and considers the overall situation. He donated all his property to the poor. He was a truly good man. It can be said that he showered love on the world throughout his life. Later, he donated all his savings to the country of Datong, leaving nothing personal. Later, he was surrounded and suppressed by the Qing army, so he starved to death in a cave with thousands of people. He was a hungry ghost of benevolence and righteousness. "

Budai said: "It turns out that your father was killed by the 'five thieves'."

King Miao asked: "What are the "five thieves?"

Bu Dai said: "The five thieves are: 'benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.' Since ancient times: 'The benevolent are not rich, and the rich are not benevolent.' If these 'five thieves are not eliminated,' people will never be rich."

King Miao said: "Master Bao, if you say this, the world will become a world without benevolence, righteousness, rudeness, wisdom, and faith, and only care about money. , In a world that is completely devoid of moral integrity, what is the use of being rich? In the end, fighting for wealth will lead to disputes. "

Bu Dai said: "Why do you say that benevolent people are not rich? In a restaurant, this one is a relative who eats for free, that one is a friend who eats for free, this one is a classmate who eats for free, and that one is a fellow villager who eats for free. Over time, your restaurant will lose money and cannot afford to open it. If it collapses, you will also He is poor, so this is called the benevolent but not rich.

Another example is: "Your old father-in-law was originally rich, because he was loyal and donated all his money to everyone, but he became poor.

Another example is that neighbors, fellow villagers, relatives and friends are treated to drinks every day. If you don’t give gifts, people will say you are unkind and rude. If you send it to the Zhang family instead of the Li family, people will say that you bully the poor and respect the rich, look down on others, and you are very rude. If every household can get it, your warehouse will be empty and you will have no rice to cook with.

Another example: A person is too rational, looks forward and backward in everything, is timid, and always misses the best opportunities for farming or investment, so there is always no harvest, and such a person cannot get rich.

For another example, a person who is too trustworthy often treats villains with a gentleman's heart, so he is often tricked by villains and defrauded of money, so he cannot get rich. "