I was born in the early 1960s. Because my father was sent to the production team, I grew up in the countryside. I am relatively familiar with things in the countryside in the 1960s and 1970s.

"Huang Xian in Memory"

Author: Writing is my hobby



I was born in the early 1960s. Because my father was decentralized to the production team, I grew up in the countryside and know more about it. Those things in the countryside in the 1960s and 1970s.

In the production team where our family works, there is a person named Huang Xiantai (sound), we call him Huang Xian. This Huang Xian is an "activist" of the production team.

In my memory, I just entered elementary school and was still a child.

I remember it was during the autumn harvest season. Behind my house, there was a field of mature soybeans. The members of the production team collectively harvested soybeans. The members cut the soybean straws with sickles and tied them into bundles with straw ropes. They then loaded them into horse-drawn carriages and oxcarts and transported them back to the production team's yard. They waited for the soybeans to be completely dry before harvesting them. .

During the harvesting process of soybeans, there will always be some spillage. At this time, it is also the time for our children to improve their lives. At that time, there was a tofu room in the production team, and soybeans could be exchanged for tofu. At that time, eating tofu was a delicacy that improved life. We children would follow the horse-drawn carriage or ox-cart to pick up soybean grains and soybean pods scattered in the bean fields. In the eyes of our children, they are just pieces of big tofu!

However, this yellow fairy appeared when our children had achieved certain results. He held a sickle in his hand and confiscated the fruits of our children's labor in a ferocious manner, making our dreams and plans come to nothing and our hopes dashed.

I still don’t understand. We children pick them up one by one, one pod one pod. Even if we don’t pick them up, they will rot in the ground. Why did Huang Xian confiscate them?

There is another case that I personally experienced. When members of the production team build a house, they will be allocated a housing base, and a vegetable garden of several meters will be left around the house. Each vegetable garden will be fenced with sticks (fences). There is half a cage (just not enough for one cage) sitting idle outside the pole in my backyard. I planted sunflowers on this half cage. When the sunflowers were blooming, the yellow fairy appeared again. Still holding a sickle in his hand, he was still as ferocious as ever, knocking down all the sunflowers that were already blooming and my favorite. Huang Xian's theory is that this is taking advantage of the public and "cutting off the tail."

Huang Xian has passed away, and these old events have become memories
