"The Men of the Boss of the Bathhouse" Continued 144: Grandparents sighed in Changbai Mountain

Reading tips:

"The Men of the Bathhouse Boss" did not make a sequel .

The bathhouse family continued writing series by @dada tea party original, welcome to pay attention.

Changbai Mountain

The grandparents stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, looking at the peaks to the east, looking and looking.

"I really want to climb this mountain and go home to see it."

"Yeah, I don't know if the big rock at the door is still there."

"It's better not to, every time I go to your house They all tripped over that stone."

Grandma laughed when she heard Grandpa's words, and it was very beautiful with the wind on the top of the mountain.

Soo Hyuk stood a little far behind his grandparents, watching the two old people quietly, not to disturb the precious time.

This is the time when grandparents and grandparents have been closest to home for decades, and it is also the moment when their homesickness pours out. I only hope that this short time can pass a little slower, and then a little slower.

"I really want to put this mountain and lake in my eyes. No matter how I look at it, I can't see enough. I can't see it when I go back." Grandma sighed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you watch it, it will stay in the memory forever, and the memory is eternal."

Grandma stared at the beauty in front of her and nodded lightly.

"Let's go," Grandpa said, "I have seen everything that should be seen, and I am satisfied."

"Let me watch it for a while, maybe my mother and brother are watching me too."

Grandpa stopped, Stayed with grandma for a while.

"Changbai Mountain's flowers are blooming so well."

"The flowers at home used to bloom as well as here."

"Should the flowers bloom at home now?"

"Well, it's time to bloom."

Grandpa bent down and picked a pink wildflower and handed it to Grandma, "For you. "

Grandma took it and said a little embarrassedly, "What flowers are you sending? "

" is nothing, I haven't sent you flowers for so many years, and I want to send you one today. "

" just give one? "

" will send one flower first, and will send more often in the future, and will make up for you all that fell before. "

Grandma smiled and sniffed the little flower, "It's quite fragrant. "

" because it is the taste of home. "

Xiangkui's company

Enjing had a discussion with Xiangkui, talking about the new trade model in the future, and talking about work. After the haze was swept away, Eunjing's heart lit up.

About this new prospect, Eun Kyung feels that although he does not understand technology, if he can integrate all resources, he may be able to do it.

There is a trading company from Xiangkui in terms of supply, and maybe he can contact his brother-in-law Haojun in terms of technology.

En Jing talked to Xiangkui about the various considerations in his heart, and Xiangkui also felt that it was feasible, he looked at Enjing with relief, "I'm really glad to see such a dynamic Miss Enjing. "

" Xiang Kui-jun is still afraid that I will be depressed? "

" To be honest, I did have such concerns. "

" what about now? "

" is gone now. Miss Eunkyung is more enthusiastic about her work than me. "Sang Kui said jokingly.

Eun Kyung smiled lightly, "I am really interested in this matter, and I also want to try my best to arrange the work before the child is born, after all, there may be a period of time when I can't come. work."

" Miss Eun Kyung, do you think this is good? "Xiangkui thought for a moment, "I'll send someone to your house in a few days to install the network, so you can work from home at any time, but," Xiangkui paused,

"May require a separate phone line , because of dial-up Internet access. "(early 'surfing the web' [see] mode, remember?)

" Well, I have a separate phone line in my room. "

" Then there is no problem. In the future, Miss Enjing can work at any time, but don't say that I am a cruel boss. "

Both of them laughed.

On the first floor

Yingzi was watching TV when the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Sister-in-law!" Sister-in-law! Open the door, it's me! "

" sister-in-law is back! "Yingzi quickly opened the door.

"Oh, so tired! Sister-in-law, help me pick up the gymnasts. "Fuji entered the door and handed the athlete to Yingzi.

Athlete stomped on his calf, "Ah, ah". , why did you buy so many things? Yingzi asked in surprise, looking at the shopping bags all over the floor. "

Yingzi said with a smile, "My sister-in-law seems to be suffocated. "

Fu Ji took out a handbag from the bag and handed it to Yingzi, "Sister-in-law, this is a gift for you, take it. "

" is this for me? "Yingzi is very pleasantly surprised.

" For you, I'm not like some people who pretend that they don't wear well, so I won't buy some good ones. "

" still remember those. "Yingzi said with a smile, "Then I will accept it."

" accept it, although it is not a special brand, but the style is very good. "

" Thank you, sister-in-law, it's really pretty.

Dr. Lian said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, can we eat here?" "

" Yes, no problem, I'm almost ready. "

Youngja was arranging the things she bought with Fook Ji in her arms, when Ji Hwan came back.

As soon as they entered the house, Youngja and Fook Ji could smell the barbecue on Ji Hwan's body.

Thank you for your likes and following @Dada Tea Party

The latest content has been updated to 146 episodes, and there are ways to find it at the end of the 111 episodes.