Evening breeze Cao Yibo The sun finally sets. The heat during the day also received a hint of coolness under the blowing of the evening breeze. This summer feels particularly hot. I said go for a walk, and my wife said yes. We took our two little cuties to the country road. Kouko

2024/06/1903:35:32 news 1463

Evening breeze Cao Yibo The sun finally sets. The heat during the day also received a hint of coolness under the blowing of the evening breeze. This summer feels particularly hot. I said go for a walk, and my wife said yes. We took our two little cuties to the country road. Kouko - DayDayNews

Evening Breeze

Cao Yibo

The sun finally sets. The heat during the day also received a hint of coolness under the blowing of the evening breeze. This summer feels particularly hot.

I said go for a walk, and my wife said yes. We took our two little cuties to the country road. Koukou is a sheep, and he is over 7 years old this year. He is as happy as a little goat taking off its reins, running far ahead, and then jumping up to chase the flying butterflies. Niu Niu is less than one and a half years old and has already started to walk. When I go out for a walk, I think he always needs someone to hold him and put him in the stroller. I see my brother running to the front and running to the back. He is dancing and babbling. I don't know how happy I am. The evening breeze blew by, bringing with it a hint of coolness and the refreshing fragrance of wild flowers on the roadside. Looking at my naughty son, I suddenly felt a sense of comfort. I told my wife that our family hadn't taken a walk like this for a long time. My wife said angrily, "Do you remember?"

Indeed, I haven’t taken a walk with my family like this for a long time. A few months ago, KouKou made a fuss about wanting to eat my barbecued meat. I told KouKou confidently that day that we could barbecue at home when I was not on duty on weekends. I was very happy and went to the food store with my wife to buy the required ingredients. However, I was faced with the task of returning to work on the weekend. I could see Koukou's disappointment, so I could only comfort him and say wait for the next time, but this next time was another one that was far away. As Kouko grows up, even though he can be naughty sometimes, he can understand the special work of my father, a policeman.

The evening breeze was blowing coolly on my body. At this moment, I put aside the trivial work, and my family walked on the country road, and my mood seemed to be much more relaxed. Niu Niu watched his brother running around catching butterflies flying on the roadside, sometimes pointing here and there with his little finger, sometimes babbling, wondering what he wanted to express to the adults. Butuo didn't catch the butterfly, so he picked a "single flower" from the roadside, tore off the flower and put a petal on Niu Niu's forehead, and put a petal on himself, pretending to be a big rooster. The wild flowers on the roadside were "shaking their heads" in the evening breeze. I took this opportunity to popularize science. This is called "Cnidium monnieri" because it is said that snakes like to crawl on this grass; this is called Malanthus , this is called... ..., my son listened with great interest, sometimes asking about this and sometimes that. My wife smiled and said that these common grasses on the roadside in the countryside have such beautiful names. How did you know? I pretended to be mysterious and said that I have loved studying "Compendium of Materia Medica" since I was a child.

The sky in the west has been dyed red by the colorful clouds. Farmers with hoeing are sitting on the stones by the roadside, smoking cigarettes or drinking water. When they see strangers passing by, they look at them briefly and then quickly look away. More and more people are taking advantage of the cool air to exercise on the road, chatting about this year’s weather, or about certain people or things that have become popular on the Internet recently. I don't know when I picked a lot of wild flowers on the roadside. I knelt down on one knee in front of my wife, handed the flowers to my wife and muttered "Marry me", which made passers-by laugh.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the country roads, on the farmers, on every flower and grass, and the earth is suddenly surrounded by a layer of gold. The evening breeze blew, and my wife seemed to be wearing a golden wedding dress, dancing with the wind. What a pleasant evening breeze, I can't help but sigh, when will I be able to stop caring about work and go to the fields every day to hoe the fields and plant flowers at home. The wife smiled and said, come back to reality, your two sons still need to be raised by you.

Evening breeze Cao Yibo The sun finally sets. The heat during the day also received a hint of coolness under the blowing of the evening breeze. This summer feels particularly hot. I said go for a walk, and my wife said yes. We took our two little cuties to the country road. Kouko - DayDayNews

Cao Yibo, male, from Lantian, Shaanxi

Cao Yibo, male, from Lantian, Shaanxi, once served in a unit in Jiayuguan, Gansu Province. He developed a tough character as a soldier. After retiring, he has been working in his hometown of Lantian . He is not good at words but loves words. , is not sociable but likes friends. In his spare time, he occasionally expresses his feelings through chatting.

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