丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen "1" Read Jin Yong's "The Swordsman" again. Of course, I am still reading the triplicate edition. The new revised edition has change

2024/05/2702:38:33 news 1825

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi

丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Cha Shi

丨Author: Village girl Chen


Read again Jin Yong old man's " Swordsman ".

Of course, I am still reading the triple edition. The new revised edition has changed so much that sometimes I feel like I am not reading the same book.

can’t remember how many times this has been reread, but the mood is different every time.

When I watched the Battle of Huashan a few years ago, I just thought Airbender was shameless and Jianzong was tragic.

Looking back now, the Sword Sect advocates martial arts, regards the sword as the way, and emphasizes the integration of man and sword.

Airbenders pursue internal strength and do not care about fists and kicks, but focus on defeating the enemy internally.

The two sword sects, due to their different martial arts concepts, have been fighting against each other for decades. How can there be a winner?

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen

In the white tea brewing world, there are also two carriages.

One is to make tea, the other is to make tea.

Those who love making tea can enjoy the aroma changes brought about by each brew and enjoy the calmness and gentleness of the passage of time.

Those who love tea-making prefer the leisurely leisure of one person with a pot, and the simple and primitive way of drinking tea. Both methods of

have their own advocates. Occasionally, when they meet and chat, they will inevitably argue over each other.

In fact, in the opinion of village girl Chen, making tea and boiling tea each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Their differences are just like sword sect and qi sect, with different methods and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen


Difference 1: Making tea is more casual; making tea requires more concentration.

A female friend especially likes to make tea.

In her tea room, there are various teapots, including glass ones, black pottery ones, each with different materials.

occasionally asked her, why don't you use covered bowl to make tea? Why do you prefer pot cooking?

She always said with a smile, because it was comfortable.

In some free time, clean the pot body, fill it with water, heat it, and wait.

can turn a few pages of your favorite book, listen to a few favorite songs, even if you do nothing and just be in a daze, it is still great.

Wait until a series of bubbles pop up in the water, from large to small, from few to many, like surging waves, then add an appropriate amount of dry tea until it boils again and stop heating.

Not long after, the room was filled with the elegant fragrance of tea, as if it enveloped itself.

bathed in the fragrance of tea, doing what he wanted to do, and pouring a cup when he wanted to drink. When you don't want to drink it, the tea will be warm there, as you like.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen

There is another friend who prefers to make tea.

There is always a standard white porcelain tureen on his tea table.

No matter what kind of tea he drinks, he likes to use it, pour boiling water, scald the pot to warm the cup, pour dry tea, pour water to make soup.

rushed one after another, repeating it tirelessly.

He said that every time he makes tea, he always feels very calm, and only the tea and himself are left in the world.

For a few seconds, you need to focus on the small tureen in your hand. The thickness and taste of the tea soup are controlled by every movement and can be controlled by yourself.

After getting along for many years, the bowl and the hand seemed to have merged into one without even realizing it.

Those annoying mundane things are also washed away cleanly between the in and out of the boiling water.

Making tea is a conversation with tea and a communication with oneself.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen


Difference 2: Making tea is more complicated; making tea is more convenient.

To make tea, the standing tea sets are tureens, fair cups and tea cups.

The tureen is responsible for brewing soup, the fair cup is used for holding tea soup and dividing tea, and the tea cup is used for drinking tea. On most tea tables, all three of them will be present.

Of course, the lidded bowl is a little bit more important. The ratio of tea to water and the speed of the soup will all affect the aroma and taste of the tea.

Generally speaking, the amount of white tea in a 110ml standard white porcelain bowl is about 5g, and the aroma and taste will be more graceful.

The process of making tea is more complicated.

Boil a pot of boiling water, and first use the boiling water to wash the bowl, fair cup and tea cup.

Then drain the water, put in the dry tea, open the tureen a small opening, put your nose close and smell the aroma of the dry tea.

Then add boiling water again, close the lid, take out the soup, uncover the lid, bring it close to your nose, and smell the fragrance of the lid.

The last step is to taste tea.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen

To make tea, you often only need a teapot and a cup.

Teapots have a larger capacity. Common ones on the market are 600ml, 800ml, or even 1L or 2L, which are far beyond the capacity of ordinary tureens.

However, the amount of tea added is much less than that of tureen brewing. For every 300-400ml of water, it is usually recommended to add 2-2.5g of dry tea.

This is because when tea is brewed, the tea water often does not separate. The tea leaves are soaked in high-temperature tea water and the inner substance is constantly precipitated.

If the ratio of tea to water in a tureen is followed, the flavor substances will be released excessively, and the tea soup will easily be too strong, resulting in a bitter feeling, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of tea added. The steps of

are also relatively simple.

Boil a pot of water, add dry tea after the water boils, stop heating after the second boil, wait for a while, wait for the water to stop boiling, then pour it into a cup, which is very convenient and quick.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen


Difference 3: The experience of aroma and taste is different.

Making tea is something that village girl Chen is very familiar with.

Almost every day, the small white porcelain tureen is turned over in the hand a dozen times or even more. The reason why

loves it so much is because the aroma and taste it presents are more complete and the layers are more distinct.

After the boiling water is injected, it quickly separates from the buds and leaves after being in contact with them for a few seconds. The brief encounter takes away part of the substance and presents the aroma and taste that only belongs to that rush.

There is still a lot of endoplasm remaining in the leaves, waiting for the next flush of water.

Then the boiling water was poured in again, and the tea reunited and separated again. Some of the contained substances left with the water, showing a different tea aroma and tea flavor on the lid and in the soup.

The aroma and taste are released from shallow to deep. Each time you brew, you can taste different aromas and flavors. It is the richest and most varied style that a cup of tea can display.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen

Make tea and drink a lot of it over the years.

Whenever I want to be lazy, occasionally get together with friends, or occasionally want to recreate the ancient tea-drinking life, I will take out a teapot and make a pot of fragrant tea.

It is completely different from the aroma and taste of tea.

Dry tea is put into the water after boiling, and it is always soaked in the boiling water, and the nutrients are continuously released. The aroma emitted by

is a combination of various aromatic substances with different boiling points.

The soup also contains flavor substances from superficial to deep levels, like a pot of Buddha jumping over the wall , bringing together a large number of various flavors.

It is difficult for you to distinguish various aromas and tea flavors.

The aroma is strong, and the taste is also thick. The aroma and taste are chaotic, not as layered as making tea.

丨This article was originally written by Xiao Chen Cha Shi丨It was first published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Shi丨Author: Village Girl Chen


Whether making tea or making tea, it is a wonderful way to drink tea. No matter which one

is, it is good. No matter which one you like, it is correct.

Of course, brewing in a tureen is more versatile.

No matter what year or category, you can use it to brew.

If you want to make tea, be aware that not all types of tea are suitable.

The endoplasm of new white tea is in a relatively active state. Boiling it in boiling water can easily lead to a bitter taste. This method is not recommended.

And old white tea , after time precipitation, the content of irritating substances is reduced, transforming into a milder and softer taste, which is more suitable for pot cooking.

When drinking tea every day, just choose the appropriate brewing method according to the year and category of tea.

Drinking tea is not a multiple-choice question. There is no either/or, so why bother competing.

More knowledge about making tea

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html It’s hot in 17 days. Which is the best way to drink white tea, “cold brewing tea” or “boiling water brewing tea”?

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Xiao Chen Tea Shi village girl Chen is a columnist and the main writer of the original new media "Xiao Chen Tea Shi" in the tea industry. She has published the white tea monograph "White Tea Tasting Notes" and has written more than 4,000 original articles from 2016 to 2020.

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