On social platforms, netizens lamented that "three of the four great talents in Hong Kong have gone", "Huang Zhan, Jin Yong, Ni Kuang, and only Chua Lam is left." In the circle of friends, a veteran in the media circle wrote: It is not the social era without Huang Zhan.

2024/05/1918:38:33 news 1928


"A smile has already passed."

After the news of the death of 87-year-old Ni Kuang spread, his fans wrote the lyrics of Zheng Shaoqiu "to commemorate the situation."

On social platforms, netizens lamented that

On social platforms, netizens lamented that "three of the four great talents in Hong Kong have been eliminated", "Huang Zhan, Jin Yong , Ni Kuang, and only Chua Lam is left."

In the circle of friends, a veteran in the media circle wrote: It is not the social era without pornography. When Jin Daxia passed away, a teacher from the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University said to his students in class: So what reason is there to do homework here and now? Go read Jin Yong! Let’s look back at the world described by Mr. Jin Yong. Today, Ni Kuang passed away. So what reason is there for everyone in the circle of friends to mourn right here and now? Go read wesley ! Feel the strange and strange world in Ni Kuang's mind.

Not only that, he also planned Cai Lam's curtain call in a forward-looking way, "In the future, if Cai Lam is gone, I will have a gluttonous meal in a Cantonese restaurant."

said matter-of-factly, Ni Kuang's I have not read the works. I had no interest in the student days when everyone was obsessed with "Wesley". At that time, my favorites were Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng . It is not entirely true that I have never read Ni Kuang's writings. That is "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" that he once ghostwritten for Jin Yong, and this has also become a legend in Ni Kuang's life. "He has repeatedly written scripts for Zhang Che , and once wrote novels for Jin Yong."

In the midst of mourning for Ni Kuang's death, some netizens also commented on the post, "Veterans burned bridges in Inner Mongolia, forged various documents and fled to Hong Kong." Netizens thought that they were "black Ni Kuang" with ulterior motives. In fact, this It’s not that bad. Ni Kuang’s legendary life did begin with his escape from Inner Mongolia, thus escaping the upheaval in 1957.

What needs to be corrected is that Ni Kuang did not serve as a soldier. The uniform he wore only had the word "public security" from beginning to end. In 1951, Ni Kuang, who was originally from Zhenhai, Ningbo, Zhejiang, dropped out of school and left his family to pursue his ideals. He went north from Shanghai to Suzhou alone, and entered the Fourth Department of East China People's Revolutionary University for training for three months, and then joined the East China Public Security Forces.

On social platforms, netizens lamented that

At this time, Ni Kuang's father Ni Chunzhuang and mother Wang Jingxian had gone to Hong Kong in 1950. Their father worked as a business manager in the insurance department of Holland Haoshi in Hong Kong. Ni Kuang is the fourth among 7 brothers and sisters, 5 boys and 2 girls.

During this period, Ni Kuang participated in the land reform in the southern Jiangsu area and the management of Hongze Lake in northern Jiangsu. The Huaihe River project, specifically the Shuanggou diversion project and the Nanchao River sluice project. After that, he went to Binhai County in northern Jiangsu to reclaim saline-alkali land. Founded a labor camp.

In 1955, 20-year-old Ni Kuang volunteered to open a labor camp on the banks of the Chuoer River in Zalaite Banner, Hulunbuir League, Inner Mongolia to grow rice. From the time he set foot on the land of Inner Mongolia to the time he left, Ni Kuang stayed there for more than 2 years. Here, Ni Kuang's thoughts gradually changed. He began to realize that various unreasonable behaviors were inconsistent with the equal world in the propaganda, which made Ni Kuang, who yearned for freedom, feel dissatisfied and disappointed.

In this stubbornness, the four little wolf dogs raised by Ni Kuang caused trouble first. The leader of the corps went to the Baoan Marsh Labor Correction Detachment and was bitten by the wolf dogs . In anger, he took out his pistol and killed them one by one. Ni Kuang admitted it under severe questioning. He raised the dog, and the matter did not pass easily.

After this incident, Ni Kuang once again offended the leader of the wolf-dog-killing corps when he went to the corps to attend a criticism meeting. When he heard that the surveyor accidentally knocked down the level for driving away gray wolves, he was characterized as "malicious destruction of national property." Later, Ni Kuang laughed loudly, which caused the criticism meeting to suddenly turn into a criticism of him for "laughing in a serious situation". After several arguments, he made the leaders of the corps remember the grudge.

In the winter of 1955, due to heavy snowstorms and coal-burning interruptions, Ni Kuang and a few companions demolished the wooden bridge. It was originally a trivial matter, but when the spring comes, it will be cut down and erected with a few trees. It is said that Later, a tractor fell into a river, and the driver died on the spot. As a result, the leader of the corps characterized it as "disrupting traffic." Criticism meetings, criticism meetings, and criticism meetings escalated layer by layer.

On social platforms, netizens lamented that

After that, Ni Kuang wrote tens of thousands of words of self-criticism, admitting his "potential counter-revolutionary thoughts" and was imprisoned in a small, uninhabited room ten miles away, waiting for a thorough investigation. One day in May of the following year, a friend reported to him that he was going to be tried. He suggested that he run quickly and brought him a horse to go north to the Mongolian village. It is said that Ni Kuang has not forgotten this benefactor for decades, but he can't remember his name.

Ni Kuang's escape journey first took a train from an unknown railway station to Tailai County Railway Station in Heilongjiang. The first stop was to Anshan to look for his brother. At that time, his brother Ni Yifang did not dare to take him in for a long time. More than a month later, he went to Dalian and took a boat to Shanghai, and finally decided to go to Shanghai to join his parents.

It is said that Ni Kuang went through many hardships on his way to escape. He ate rats, ants , and cotton many times to satisfy his hunger. He walked for three months before arriving in Guangzhou. On the way, he also used his seal-carving skills to evade customs. personnel, they successfully fled the mainland, passed through Macau, and successfully smuggled into Hong Kong in July 1957.

It was after arriving in Hong Kong that Ni Kuang got rid of his "counter-revolutionary crimes" and started working as a handyman in a factory. He went to a college at night to study. By virtue of his submission, he was hired by " Zhenbao" and worked as a proofreader and Assistant editor, reporter and political columnist.

With the rise of martial arts films in Hong Kong in the late 1960s, Ni Kuang turned to script creation. In more than ten years, he wrote more than 400 scripts, including 300 movies. His representative work is " One-Armed Sword " directed by Chang Cheh. At his peak, he wrote 20,000 words a day and published them in 12 newspapers.

The Hong Kong movie "Fist of Fury" starring Bruce Lee was released in 1972. Ni Kuang's fictional character Chen Zhen and the classic scenes in the play have become a generation classic. Ni Kuang won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards in April 2012, and the Screenwriters Guild Silver Jubilee Honor Award from the Hong Kong Film Writers Guild in 2018.

On social platforms, netizens lamented that

In 1963, he began to write science fiction novels under the pen name "Wesley", which were serialized in the supplement of "Ming Pao". More than 140 novels in the "Wesley" series have been published. He said that in addition to lyrics and advertising slogans, he has written in all genres, including novels (martial arts, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, romance, erotica), essays, essays, columns, political commentaries, and movie scripts. He claims to be the best Chinese character writer in the world. The person with the most and fastest, because he has been writing for thirty years since he entered the literary world. He wrote seven days a week and wrote tens of thousands of words every day. At the peak of that year, the manuscript fee plus royalties exceeded 2 million Hong Kong dollars a year.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Ni Kuang had not fled Inner Mongolia, he might have been burdened with counter-revolutionary crimes for a long time, and his fate would naturally have been different.

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