James admits that he is old, how should the Lakers choose

2021/06/0714:54:07 nba 2890

The first round of the NBA playoffs has all come to an end, and the Lakers have become the most disappointing team, no one. As the championship team last season,

was eliminated in the first round without defending the title. This is definitely another "mileage sadness" in James 's career. This may not have anything to do with other teams, but this is a big failure for James, who has entered the finals nine times in the past 10 years, because he is James, the Uranus superstar who is considered omnipotent.

James admits that he is old, how should the Lakers choose - DayDayNews

But no one can escape the erosion of time. This season, James has missed the most games in his career. After his comeback, it can be seen that James' explosiveness is not as good as before. Without his explosiveness, James' threat in the low post is greatly reduced. Coupled with the retirement of Davis , it is reasonable for the team to be out of the game.

James admits that he is old, how should the Lakers choose - DayDayNews

In a recent interview, James said about his status this season: When you have played against both father and son, you know you are old, and I am at this stage, Gary Trent , Gary Trent Jr. , Kenyon Martin , Kenyon Martin Jr. If I could meet a third-generation player, my God, I could be in Tom Brady's realm . "

Last year, James also said that he was in good shape, and he could easily beat him even if he faced himself a few years ago. It's only been a year, and James has to bow his head to the years. .

James admits that he is old, how should the Lakers choose - DayDayNews

As James ages and Davis is plagued by injuries, perhaps the Lakers need to find their next successor again.Next season's Lakers have few players with contracts, but if they want to achieve results, they need to do a lot, except that James and Davis are not for sale by the Lakers, with tens of millions of contracts Kuzma's and Pop's performances this season are very average, and Caruso's and Tucker's performance this season are also likely to be offered by a team with an annual salary of tens of millions. Once the team chooses to match , then the team's salary space will be completely locked, and the road to reinforcement will end here.

Whether to choose to trade all available assets of the Stud team to find an All-Star like trading Davis, or continue to look forward to Zhan Mei's recovery from minor repairs, there are two paths in front of the Lakers, I don't know. Which choice the Lakers will make.

#James is old#

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